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A Trusted Authority on the Power of Women


Deep within all women lies their unique and often untapped power.


Bron Williams is a powerful woman dedicated to helping other women reconnect with their own power. Despite her achievements - including an honours degree, serving as a school principal, being an ordained minister and working with asylum seekers - she once struggled to tap into her full potential because of the expectations of family and society.

Bron is a trained educator and is currently undertaking PhD research exploring the intersection of bias and shame. She has worked with corporates such as Unilever, non-profits like The Salvation Army, peak sporting bodies (Tennis Australia), member organisations such as Women in Gaming and Hospitality, government departments (local, state and federal) as well as small businesses and a range of individual clients. Bron has written for publications such as HRM and The Graduate Union and published two books and is a gifted storyteller with the ability to take complex ideas and present them to her audiences as readily understandable concepts.

Bron challenges societal norms about what ageing looks like and has reformed and reshaped her career not once but twice. She knows it takes courage to let go of long-held beliefs that hold us back, to lead from behind when leadership is not recognised, and to have the courageous conversations that facilitate growth and change. By guiding women to understand their own drivers, needs and values, Bron helps women reconnect with their power so they can confidently negotiate their salaries and pursue leadership positions, unapologetically celebrating their achievements along the way.

Talking Points

Superheroes in Disguise

What I want you to understand is this: women have been fed two lies. One, that all they can be is princesses, with no power, waiting to be awakened by a kiss or rescued from a tower. Two, that they cannot use their power because when they do they turn into evil queens, cruelly manipulating people to get their own way.
There is however a third way and in the short while we have together I will share with you my personal strategy which I’ve codified for women who seek to rediscover and reconnect with their true power.
Because when women understand the powerful truth that there is truly more to them than meets the eye then together we can create the worlds they have been dreaming of. They realise that they are Superheroes in Disguise.

The Pyramid of Authentic Leadership

The Pyramid of Authentic Leadership is a codified system women can use to tap into their unique and innate power. I've observed that women know deep in their souls that there is another way to lead. As women understand, the powerful truth that what has been deemed weakness is actually powerful strength then together we can create the world’s we’ve been dreaming of.

What's Your Water?

An old Chinese proverb that says, “A fish is the last one to know what water is.” So often bias is viewed solely as a negative aspect of how we think. And it’s fairly easy to find examples of how bias impacts negatively in the workplace. However, we can view bias as a data point that brings to light information that had previously been hidden and which can lead to change and growth.
We had the pleasure of Bron presenting at "SheLeadsTech Melbourne" personal development session on "Unconscious Bias - What's your Water?' She shared the 'why and how' Bias in a parallel world of logic and rational thought, and how making ourselves conscious on our biases help us manage them in a relatable way with each other. This brought great insights in the session, how we can become better leaders and individuals by being aware and better at managing our biases. This is such a great topic and an area where everyone should look deeper inside to find how we all can change and remove biases, and Bron is best in articulating this to any forum/group. Thank you Bron for sharing this with SheLeadsTech members. Highly recommended to anyone that wants to engage with Bron. ISACA

Through sharing her own experiences and stories, Bron’s presentation was both authentic and relatable to the audience. The concept of being aware of your biases and making them conscious, not asking people to eliminate them, was well received by our members and feedback was overwhelmingly positive.


Bron is a specialist and an industry speaker always willing to check her own privileges before any conversation. She gave a presentation to my organization and there was nothing but praises and amazement. Bron left the group wanting for more with her talk on “What’s your water?


We all live with bias in every single aspect of our life even when we don't recognise it. Bron is absolutely phenomenal at helping you to understand where your cultural and corporate biases are that are holding you back from achieving that next level of success, employee engagement and so much more. Whether it's paying her to speak at your events, one on one programs, consulting programs or her courses, Bron is an absolute must and a go to person for any business truly looking to achieve that next level of success. I highly recommend her services.

Billionaires in Boxers

I spoke with Bron after her presentation to Football Victoria’s Lunch Her Way event about one of the points she raised in her presentation - the importance of self-reflection. All too often, women get busy and don't stop to think about why they do things – or they choose busyness over taking the time to reflect. Self-reflection is an important tool for women as they get to know themselves.

Football Victoria

What stood out for me from Bron’s presentation at Football Victoria’s Lunch Her Way event was the power of the process. Bron outlined a clear process by which women can rediscover their own power. And, as MC, she made my job easier as all the questions I was going to put to her during Q&A she answered in her presentation!

RED Training and Consulting

So much of what she said made me sit up and think. My purpose is, explore, discover and write your own story. With a focus on doing that for me and for others. My development plan is made up out of ‘chapters’ and ‘characters’ and a lot of what you said made me smile and reaffirmed I was thinking in the right way. Her story was wonderful!

Bunnings Group
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