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Irish Storyteller, Director of Story at Mission Critical Team Institute.


Stories are simply the most beautiful way to affect change and inspire wonder.


Since 2006, Clare Murphy has told stories and given keynotes and training around the world. She has seen firsthand the transformational effects of a well-told story.

As a Keynote Speaker, Clare has delivered to all kinds of teams worldwide, from Google to the All Blacks, from Emergency Medical Teams to Olympic Sports Coaches. She has performed stories for the President of Ireland, Mary Robinson, the Globe Theatre, and the general public at the National Theatre in London.

She has worked with limbless veterans using true stories to teach resilience to teenagers, with hospital staff during the pandemic to build better team culture, with school children to increase literacy and oracy.

Clare has been using stories to re-humanize humans for nearly 20 years.

She effortlessly serves the needs of each client, drawing from her huge repertoire of stories and experiences to connect the audience with wonder and awe.

Talking Points

How to Stop Telling Boring Stories

Delivered in one-hour, this is a hilarious interactive keynote.

Everyone knows what boring speaking looks like, and everyone is terrified it'll be them. It comes down to the belief that we're either natural both storytellers or we're not.

The truth is that yes some people are born with a skill for story, but the rest learn it. It's a muscle and it can be improved with practice.

That practice is delivered playfully by Clare. Your fears will dissolve in laughter as you understand how the skills of storytelling can easily be applied.
She delivers straightforward tools to help anyone tell a great story. These skills make team meetings more bearable, speeches enjoyable and let's face it, life worth living.

The fear of public speaking is quite high in the list of fears, often placed above the fear of death, but never above the fear of spiders. Clares work will dismantle those fears and put passion and communication at the heart of your delivery.

You won't realize until later how much you've learned along the way.

Who is this for:
Teams, CEO's, Middle Management, Nurses, Doctors, Soldiers, Presenters. Science Communicators, Climate Activists, Organisations, Institutions, Teachers, Librarians, Parents, humans.

Key Takeaways:
Increased confidence in delivery.
Embodied practice of telling a story.
Tools to manage your fear/nerves of public speaking.
The building blocks to tell a good story.

The Power of Narrative

What if the Power of Narrative was in your hands?
What if you could turn on the cinema of the mind of your audiences?

In this keynote Clare takes you on a journey exploring the power that stories have always had throughout human history. She delves into the immense capacity story has to change the world for the better (or blow it up).
Understanding the Power of Narrative is fundamental on a human, organizational and world level. Stories have been a part of human culture and communication for 100,000 years. Our brains have evolved to make meaning out of the world through story.

Clare explores the transformational journeys that stories take us on. She unpacks the role empathy plays in creating loyalty, trust, connection and community. When people care, they invest when they invest, they remember when they remember they carry your story forward.

This keynote will illuminate how story is a force for transformational good in the world; from inspiring people with Alzheimers to speak, to supporting internationally displaced people to find strength and encouraging veterans who've lost limbs to empower a new generation with their resilience and integrity.

Story is the vehicle that carries meaning from one generation to the next.
When we understand that, we can change the world.

Who is this for:
CEOs, managers, teams, away days, teams in need of a tonic, teams experiencing burnout, people lacking in inspiration, health care teams, educators, leaders of all sorts.

Key Takeaways:
Strategies for using story at work.
Belief in the power of narrative.
A greater personal relationship to narrative.
Inspiration to use story in work and life.

How Story builds Powerful Team Culture

In this keynote Clare highlights how attending to the story of your organisation will make you a stronger team. Whether it is in a one-to-one, a group or as a leader, using story will create a healthier team culture. A notable example is a team from Quantico, who've started to bring in fireside telling as part of their leadership training course for military police.

When you have a culture where you can't tell the stories of what has happened or is happening, you can choke out the team's capacity for growth, belonging and connection. Story-work allows for exploration of the whole team and the whole human. Clare explains that the trick is to take away the idea that storytelling is this longwinded Kumbaya kind of thing and shows how to start using stories with intentionality. This will increase empathy, appreciation, understanding and reflection within your team.

When we attend to the Story of our organization that means we understand our origins. We understand where we've come from and where we want to go.
If you don't know who you are as an organization then someone else will tell your story better than you do. It's time to take the Power of Story into your team and into your culture.

Who is this for:
Anyone who leads a team, Business Leaders, Medical teams, Military, Educational Institutions, Community Leaders, Climate Change Leaders.

Key Takeaways:
Strategies for micro changes in your team culture
Learn how to create small moments that lead to significant change
Harness the power of all the different stories of your team
Activate the use of story today to increase team cohesion, connection and success.

Belonging, Community & Story; how we belong to each other.

There is a huge lack of community in the world at the moment and it's time to create the change together. Clare weaves her magic in this keynote that focuses on what it means to affirm and reaffirm community wherever we find it with storytelling as the key.

We have to design culture that creates belonging.

True community is about Connection, Belonging and Becoming (Sacred Design Lab). Acting as a guide, Clare unpacks how community comes from the connections we make and reaffirming them regularly. One of the most effective ways to create these connections is through Story.

Join Clare as she shares stories of some of the greatest teams in the world who know and do this. Even in time-poor high-stress environments these teams prioritize Story to reinforce a healthy culture.

Significant change happens when stories are told in a community that cares to listen. Bonding, healing and transformation take place.

'Every time I tell my story I release something from inside of me that's been killing me.'
Limbless Veteran, Blesma: Limbless Veterans Project.

Who is this for:
Community Leaders, Business Leaders, Social Entrepreneurs,
everyone who wants to feel better and get connected to something beyond themselves and to other people, humans.

Key Takeaways:
Deep understanding how a simple story can make a mighty difference to the people around you.
Knowledge that the elite teams in the world are doing it as best practice.
Stories as transformation tools for the entire community.
Clare is one of the best-received speakers we've ever welcomed to Leaders. She is engaging, authentic, and uses the art of storytelling to explain why it remains humankind's most effective medium of communication, education and learning. Her stage presence affords her gravitas and at the Leaders Sport Performance Summit at Twickenham Stadium she effortlessly commanded the attention of a room full of head coaches, general managers and directors of performance from some of the biggest names in world sport including England Football, New Zealand Rugby, Toronto Maple Leafs and non-sporting organisations such as the Royal Air Force and Google. Leaders Performance Institute

To say the team was inspired was an understatement... there was a total transformation in belief that THEY too could tell great stories and capture the hearts and minds of an audience.


Clare is a fantastically engaging speaker, her ability to empower and generate emotion to action via story is phenomenal. Not only is Clare able to capture audiences with her story telling she also unpacks how to tell stories, leaving her audiences equipped with the skills and confidence to tell their own stories for impact. I have had the pleasure of experiencing Clare's work both in high performance sport (UK Sport) and Health Care (NHS Lothian). If you want to engage and motivate your teams I would recommend speaking with Clare.

National Health Service (NHS)

Clare Murphy has undeniably transformed the High-Performance Resuscitation Teams Conference. Her expertise and insights significantly enrich the learning environment. Clare provides us with tools to share our lived experiences, creating a powerful sense of shared humanity. Her engaging storytelling and practical applications empower physicians and high-performance team members to own their stories.

Stanford EM Wellness Fellowship
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