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Dr Colm

Founder of Hiroco, AI & Robotics Specialist

AI is here to help, not to replace.


Dr Colm Flanagan is a leading expert in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. He is a passionate advocate for the inclusion of AI in the future workforce, and his unique background in cognitive robotics gives him a valuable perspective on how humans and machines can work together effectively.

His expertise lie in understanding the intersection of psychology and automation. He believes that AI has the potential to revolutionise the way we work, but believes it is important to ensure that this technology is used in a way that benefits everyone, not just a select few.

Dr Flanagan is the founder of Hiroco, an AI company that specialises in technologies that enable seamless human-machine collaboration.

Prior to founding Hiroco, his studies to him to AI research labs across the world from Dublin to Tehran to Sydney and led multiple robotics teams to international competitions.

Talking Points

Beyond the Notes: The Importance of the Person in the Age of AI

In this talk, Dr. Flanagan, a classically trained pianist turned AI expert, addresses the common concern of AI displacing jobs by highlighting the irreplaceable human attributes of creativity, empathy, and moral judgment. He asserts that while AI can process data and perform tasks, it lacks the human capacity to infuse work with meaning and innovation. Using music as a metaphor, the talk emphasises the value of human ingenuity in all sectors, advocating for the use of AI as a complementary tool to elevate our unique human potential and achieve greater fulfillment.

Artificial Intelligence through demonstration

Join Colm as he explores how Artificial Intelligence will enrich your life. Through interactive demonstrations, he'll showcase AI's potential to save what's most valuable to us: time. Discover how AI can streamline daily tasks, enhancing efficiency and freeing up moments to focus on what truly matters.

Embracing Robots in the Workforce

This talk aims to dispel the myths surrounding robots in the workplace. I'll discuss how robots are set to complement rather than replace human workers. You'll learn practical ways to integrate automation into your business operations in a cost-effective, efficient manner, preparing you for a future where humans and robots work harmoniously.

AI: A Positive Force in Global Progress

In this session, we'll draw parallels between the AI revolution and historical technological advancements. Tracing back through history, we'll examine the consistent patterns of initial skepticism and fear, followed by significant societal benefits. I'll demonstrate how, much like past innovations, the AI revolution promises to bring prosperity, elevate living standards, and spawn entirely new industries. This talk will illustrate why AI is not just a technological leap, but a positive force for global humanity.

Redefine what’s possible – Embracing AI and Robotics

In this presentation, we will break down the barriers of misunderstanding surrounding robotics and AI through an engaging, hands-on demonstration of their capabilities. Audience members will gain a deep understanding of how these advanced machines perceive, interpret, and interact with the world around them. Our interactive exhibits will provide a unique opportunity to witness firsthand how robots 'see' and 'hear,' as well as how they process information and execute tasks.

We will explore the inner workings of sophisticated reasoning systems and demonstrate through a gamified experience, practical ways to harness these groundbreaking technologies to significantly enhance performance. Attendees will learn the importance of adapting to and adopting AI in order to stay competitive in an era of rapid technological advancement.

The core of our presentation is an interactive experience featuring live robots accomplishing everyday tasks and activities from playing soccer to helping around the house, making the power of AI tangible and relatable. We will also broaden the discussion to encompass the wider applications of AI, offering insights into its versatile uses.
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