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Labelled the "definition of an entrepreneur" by Sir Richard Branson.

Innovation is not for the select few. Innovation is for every employee.


Creel Price had launched ten businesses before finishing high school and a further two at university. At age of twenty-five, he co-founded Blueprint Management Group with $5,000 dollars and grew it to over a thousand employees - exiting a decade later for a $109 million.

Since then Creel has dedicated his time fostering entrepreneurship on a global scale – a new era he calls the Entreprenaissance. You might consider Creel a 21st century version of a Renaissance Man – not only an inspirational speaker on innovation and entrepreneurship, his career (so far) having spanned a diverse mix of achievements from entrepreneur to social entrepreneur and thought leader to tech investor.

Previous Experience:

Entrepreneur: Creel founded ten businesses before leaving high school and two at university and at 25 started Blueprint Management Group with $5,000 building it to 1,000 staff and selling it for $109 million a decade later. Creel's latest business Investible is one of Asia Pacifics' most active and successful seed investors with offices in Sydney and Singapore and programs in 10 cities. Creel was described by in his book Screw Business As Usual as “the living, breathing definition of an entrepreneur”.

Social Entrepreneur: Creel co-founded Kidpreneur Challenge an initiative that has helped launch 20,000 micro businesses in 800 schools across Australia. He also created the curriculum for the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship in South Africa (and runs an annual bootcamp for graduates). He has also launched NSW's first indigenous business accelerator program and has created a micro-business program in PNG in partnership with Ausaid and The Kokoda Track Foundation.

Thought leader: Creel is one of just 6 Australians included in the 500 global Linkedin Influencers (a list that includes Bill Gates and Barrack Obama). He is the author of best-selling business book The One Thing To Win At The Game of Business (Wiley) and kids book Curtis The Kidpreneur (now in second print edition)

Tech Investor: Creel is one of Australia's most active and successful Angel Investors with investments in over 80 companies across three continents including 'unicorns' Canva, Ipsy and Brandless. He was voted Business Insider magazine's 17th coolest person in Australian tech and is the host of the Nine Group's new Your Money show, a six-part TV series called Investibility that documents the quest of 12 startup founders vying for $250,000 investment at the Investible Games (a global competition he created now in 4 cities across the Asia Pacific.)

Other Accomplishments: A high octane adventurer Creel has climbed some the worlds highest mountains, represented Australia at the UN Global Accelerator Program in New York, recently awarded the Australian National University Alumni of the Year (Innovation) and he's been named Australian Captain of the World Elephant Polo Championships (yes, really!)

If you are seeking an authentic speaker at the coalface of innovation, doing it not just talking about it, then a Creel Price keynote will amuse, surprise and inspire your audience – leaving them with tangible actions to future proof their organisation.

Talking Points

THRIVE DON'T SURVIVE - Strategies to future proof your organisation

Disruption and the Future Proof Organisation.

Large organisations and market leaders are exposed to disruption like never before.

In this provocative keynote by one of Australia's most prolific entrepreneurs you will discover strategies to protect your company from the founder in the garage with nothing to lose, the low cost offshoring proposition or the aggressive global entrant.

As a key influencer in Australia's innovation economy Creel provides fresh insights into evolving customer expectations and preferences, innovation trends and the workforce of the future. With a strong belief that change equals opportunity and drawing from the myriad of initiatives he has founded and invested in, Creel will share tangible lessons to help your company thrive (not just survive) in an increasingly networked world.

UNLEASH THE INTRAPRENEURS WITHIN How to harness an innovation culture

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Identify and empower the intrapreneurs' within your organisation to capitalise on the most exciting time to be alive in a century.

Drawing on his experience founding Club Kidpreneur and Investible's Lab program and his work with the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship Creel will share what it takes to be an entrepreneur or intrapreneur. Creel will share how to foster a culture of innovation by identifying and empowering the innovators within your organisation.

INVESTIBILITY How to back winning angel investments

Is your business Investible? Are your team investible? How do you identify the most investible ideas?

Gain an insight into the emerging world of angel investment from one of Australia's most successful early stage investors and innovators. Creel together with business partner Trevor Folsom have invested in over 66 companies and annually screen 1,500 startup opportunities.

Using their ground breaking sixteen point investibility index they have created a portfolio that boasts a 6 x return with only four failures. Using the scaffold of picking winning race horses become an angel investor for a day as Creel takes the audience through this fascinating methodology.

Learn how you can use this same due diligence methodology to back the most investible people and ideas in your business.

PHILANTHROPY 2.0 the rise of the social enterprise

Reimagine a new world order where profit and purpose come together. For ten years Creel Price has been helping forge a new model that merges commerce and charity. Drawing on his work with Sir Richard Branson on the future of philanthropy, through his own foundation and social enterprises and the work of the B-Team and B-Corp's around the world Creel will share his thoughts on how to get more out of your team by using purpose as a pillar for recruitment, motivation and retention. How can you leverage your resources to make a bigger impact and how do you avoid the pitfalls of giving back.
Thank you again for the presentation you gave to IAG's Corporate Office on the 'Seven Deadly Sins of Innovation'. Your presentation was thoroughly entertaining, insightful and thought provoking and the feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive. We particularly appreciated your willingness to make yourself available for numerous briefings ahead of the event, and the seamless way in which you were able to tailor the content of your presentation to maximise its relevance in an IAG context. We can't imagine a better way to have relaunched our innovation programme! IAG Innovation Team

Thank you on behalf of CPM for your participation and excellent contribution to what was undoubtedly one of our most successful conferences. The response to your presentation has been quite fantastic. I don't know anyone who was not totally engaged, entertained, stimulated and, appropriately, positively influenced by your story. We couldn't have asked for a more fitting and lively kick off to the conference.

CPM Asia Pacific

None of us knew what to expect as we had not heard Creel speak before. What a revelation! His keynote presentation was totally engaging, stimulating and thought provoking - a perfect start to our annual conference. He has a great story to tell - and he does it in a lively, entertaining and memorable way.

CPM Australia

Thank you for the knowledge, enthusiasm and insight you shared last week at our event. The feedback from the audience was fantastic. You completely nailed the event in terms of connection with the audience and a compelling message. It was a real pleasure to work with you.

HP Software & Solutions

Creel, you have been able to synthesise the business journey in a way that I have never seen before. It is fresh, intelligent, honest, and immediately provided me with a path.

Planet Cake
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