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Dr Dambisa

Global Economist & Author.


Dr. Dambisa Moyo is a pre-eminent thinker, who in?uences key decision-makers in strategic investment and public policy. She is respected for her unique perspectives, her balance of contrarian thinking with measured judgment, and her ability to turn economic insight into investible ideas.

Current Work:

Dambisa has earned a strong reputation as a top-tier opinion former and trusted advisor on Macroeconomics, Geopolitics, Technology and Millennial themes. She is a Board member of The 3M Company, Chevron and Conde Nast.

She holds a Doctorate in Economics from Oxford, a Masters from Harvard, and is recognized for fresh and innovative ideas as the Author of four (4) New York Times Bestselling Books:

- Edge of Chaos: Why Democracy is Failing to Deliver Economic Growth and How to Fix It (2018)

- Winner Take All: China's race for Resources and What it Means for the World (2012)

- How the West Was Lost: Fifty Years of Economic Folly and the Stark Choices Ahead (2011)

- Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How There is a Better Way for Africa (2009)

Dambisa is an honorary fellow of the Foreign Policy Association and member of the Bretton Woods Committee.

Dambisa was named to the list of Time Magazine's 100 Most In?uential People in the World; has published in the Financial Times, WSJ, Barrons, Harvard Business Review and has travelled to over 65 countries. In her spare time, she runs marathons and practices Pilates.

Talking Points

Five things that will define the post-pandemic world economy

Even before the 2020 global pandemic hit the world in earnest, the global economy was in a precarious place. Many of the largest developed and developing countries were already experiencing low, slow and even no growth. In this sense, COVID is catalytic and has accelerated the threats to the global economy.

Moreover, a number of headwinds are making a bad situation, worse. Technology and the risk of a jobless underclass; weakening demographics - in terms of the quantity of the population and the quality of the workforce; worsening income inequality; scarcity of natural resources and climate change concerns; unsustainable debts and declining productivity.

Dr. Dambisa Moyo outlines five things that will define the post-pandemic world economy.

Secret of My Success - An Unconventional Path to the Corporate Board Room

For over 10 years Dambisa Moyo has served on the board of directors of large, complex, global corporations. In over a decade as a corporate board member, she has helped confront numerous strategic, succession, and cultural shift challenges that continue to define the business landscape. Given her background, academic and work experiences, she has forged an unconventional path to the board room, navigating successes and failures along the way.
She received the strongest feedback of any Speaker at Summit; several comments on her compelling delivery and insightful messages. Many attendees left delighted to read her book. NACD Event

Dambisa did a fabulous job during our annual meeting, and she is a lovely individual. I was fortunate enough to meet her partner and her dog prior to the presentation. So very sweet.

American Chemistry Council Event

Dr. Moyo's session was in the Top 5 highest ranking sessions of the conference. Here's some of the feedback: - Dambisa was excellent, great selection for the event. - Clear delivery from Dambisa, providing relevant specific factors.

AdExchangers Event
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