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Elliott Green

TWICE SHOT in the line of duty, an incredible story of bravery, courage, and resilience


In the early hours of 1 May 2000, Constable Daryl Elliott Green was on a routine job in a suburban neighbourhood when he was ambushed and TWICE SHOT in the face and shoulder. In the heat of the moment, despite critical injuries, Daryl instinctively drew his firearm and started searching for the gunman while protecting injured colleagues and residents.

For his actions that night, Daryl received the highest police award for bravery and a citation from Australia's Governor General. Yet Daryl's real story – one so harrowing it will keep your audience on the edge of their seats – was only just beginning.

Even though some of his darkest days lay ahead, Daryl was actually on a remarkable journey of healing and introspection which would ultimately teach him some of life's greatest lessons. Daryl returned to the police and over the next 20 years was promoted three times and he also challenged himself to overcome his greatest fear – guns!

Daryl's journey will captivate you

With an intuitive gift for professional speaking, Daryl retells his incredible saga with energy, humour and optimism. His authenticity connects with people from all walks of life and his story demonstrates that when pushed to our limits, the capabilities of the human spirit – bravery, courage and resilience – reside in us all.

TWICE SHOT talks are designed to make your teams and leaders bulletproof!

Daryl achieves this by showing how to develop individual and organisational resilience, foster two-way open communication between leaders and the led, build a strong leadership skillset, and most importantly, make brave decisions under pressure.

Delivered face to face or virtually, each talk is customised to suit your audience. They include audio of the shooting, 2D schematics of the incident, crime scene photos, the offender's profile and 3D computer modelling of Daryl's facial reconstruction.

Watch Daryl as he re-enacts the night he was shot and his extraordinary bravery as the terrifying events unfold. Be transfixed as he recounts his journey of recovery, his multiple surgeries, his psychological battles, his return to policing, and amazingly how he overcame his fear of guns by becoming a firearms instructor. Plus, many more twists in his remarkable journey of turning gunshot trauma into a life of triumph.

In 2018, Daryl was honoured as a Lifeline Ambassador and has received multiple accolades from Professional Speakers Australia for his powerful keynote speaking.

Daryl's inspiring story is one your audience will not forget…

It was easily one of the best (keynotes) I've seen – moving, informative and very entertaining… If you have an opportunity to see his presentation live don't miss it.'

Ian Chappell, Australian Cricket Captain 1971-1975

Talking Points

RESILIENCE Survive, rise and thrive in difficult situations

Events can occur that we have no control over bringing uncertainty, disruption, and even chaos, and devastation. In these times, the smart way forward is firstly to get through and survive the crisis. Next, accept what has happened. Then take positive, proactive steps, one day at a time, adapting to any setbacks along the way, to lead to a better and brighter future. In dramatic fashion, Daryl demonstrates how even the most challenging changes can make us stronger, wiser and more resilient, and can drive people, teams and organisations to great success.

Key learnings:
- Develop and grow resilience
- Ask for and accept help
- Accept and adjust to change
- Capitalise on the advantages change brings

COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS Say the right thing and follow up

We've all experienced anxiety and stress before a difficult conversation either personally or professionally. The easy road is to not have them! The smarter road is to summon the courage to hold the conversation, but not before preparation, planning, understanding the range of possible consequences and setting the desired outcomes. Daryl explains how to have courageous conversations, say the right thing and importantly, have a follow-up conversation. He showcases the amazing benefits courageous conversations' can bring to individuals, teams and organisations.

Key learnings:
- Prepare for a difficult conversation
- Know why, how and when to step up and start a difficult conversation
- Ask questions that stimulate agile thinking and explore new possibilities
- Discern the most important thing after a difficult conversation

LEADERSHIP Lead others through a firestorm

Leading others is a learned skill and few people are natural born leaders'. Great leadership, even for the natural, is hard work. It requires being a stellar example, building trust, earning and showing respect, putting the led before the leader and always going the extra mile to inspire others to higher performance while demonstrating genuine care for them. This style of leadership can realise incredible tangible and intangible benefits. Getting the most out of people and teams is important at any time, but as Daryl shows, it's critical in high-pressure situations where clear and strong leadership can dramatically alter outcomes in your favour.

Key learnings:
- Prioritise under pressure
- Navigate people through and out of difficult times
- Build rock-solid trust
- Motivate people for maximum achievement during and after challenging events

BRAVE DECISIONS Evaluate tough choices and make decisions you and others can live with

Each of us will eventually find ourselves confronted with a challenging decision in our personal lives, at work, or even on the sporting field. Sometimes there's only a split second to react but the decisions we make can have life-altering consequences. A simple, robust process to subvert panic, fear and procrastination can enable you to make smart decisions, stick by them and feel good about your actions afterward. This is a skill you can acquire and hone. Daryl demonstrates how to make brave decisions while remaining calm, prioritising and evaluating options, acting decisively and staying the course under the most extreme circumstances.

Key learnings:
- Evaluate choices while following your gut instinct to make brave decisions
- Avoid panicking about tough decisions
- Analyse and make committed decisions
- Stay on course and sleep easy at night
I had the pleasure of witnessing Daryl's presentation in 2015. It was easily one of the best I've seen “ moving, informative and very entertaining. The first thing that struck me was the courage required to re-live that horrific event in order to try and help others who had suffered similarly. Then there was the mental strength needed to go from a depressed state to standing up in front of an audience and not only telling a demanding story, but doing it in such an entertaining and informative way. Daryl deserves our thanks and our congratulations on what he's doing for the community. If you have an opportunity to see his presentation live don't miss it. IAN CHAPPELL Australian Cricket Captain 1971-1975

I felt I was right there by Daryl's side through the whole journey “ from the shooting, to his hospital bed and through his recovery. His presentation grips the audience as we listen to the live police tapes and see the x-rays of his injuries. It is a unique experience.

Lifeline Australia

Our leadership team's workshop with Daryl was very powerful and delivered a number of key messages that have truly resonated with all that were there. Daryl's personal insights into what has been an incredibly challenging period of his life has opened up a range of conversations and created an opportunity for people to reflect on the importance of people and teams.... I recommend Daryl's workshop unreservedly “ a true investment of time which exceeded my expectations.

Sinclair Knight Merz

On behalf of QFES I would like to thank you for taking the time to prepare such an insightful and moving presentation. Your story is unique and compelling; the feedback from staff who attended has been tremendous. Stories like yours have helped inspire our staff not only to accept and embrace change but also to champion it when the need is recognised. Your contribution in achieving this is sincerely appreciated.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

To say you are inspiring would be an understatement. I listened to your presentation Friday and took the content home and spent the afternoon and weekend telling and re-telling my wife your story and sharing your resilience tips. We both came to agreement on one thing and although you may have heard it before I still had to share this with you, both my wife and I believe if a hero had to be chosen out of this circumstances it is you. Your actions on that day were heroic. Your journey since that day, despite some very low points for you, is inspiring. Your ability and willingness to come out and so honestly share your entire experience to benefit others is truly heroic. I am a true believer of many of the points you bring up during your presentation when it comes to management of staff and how you treat people, communicate and lead. I can tell you that after listening to you speak I have made several promises to myself as a leader “ about how I communicate, how I give back what the QPS family has given to me over the years, and how I can contribute in trying to change culture.

Queensland Police Service

I would firstly like to restate that you are one of the most dynamic speakers I have ever had the privilege of hearing. Your presentation profoundly touched both my heart and my mind.

National Service Infantry Soldier Vietnam 1966-67

The response to your resilience presentation has been overwhelming, so much so we have had you return three times over the past nine months. Feedback from each of the sessions has been exceptional, including: I felt humbled and privileged to have had the opportunity to hear Daryl speak. It was a powerful and moving three hour presentation from a truly courageous and resilient man, interspersed with good humour and audience interaction. I hope Daryl never tires of imparting his experiences and learnings. I came away with a great perspective on how sweating the small stuff is truly such a waste of time.'.

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