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Dr Dean

Marine scientist, Adventurer, & Wildlife Documentary Maker


There are no Barriers too Great when it comes to saving our Reefs!


Dr Dean Miller is a scientist, multimedia professional, international television presenter, Australian Geographic sponsored explorer, creator and lead scientist of the world's only Living Coral Biobank Project, and a highly respected voice and conservationist for all things Great Barrier Reef.

30% of all Dr Miller's Speaking Fees are donated to the "Living Coral Biobank Project.

With a PhD in coral reef management, tourism, and resource allocation and a wealth of scientific experience in the field from Antarctica to the Arctic and everywhere in between, Dean's scientific research career has been rich and diverse. Having been involved in over 300 ocean expeditions on ships all over the globe, much of Dean's life has been at sea in some of the most challenging environments known, from extreme storms with 18m seas in the Antarctic to deep ocean ROV missions down to 2500m, and exploring every inch of our beautiful Great Barrier Reef.

Dean was sent to the remote sub-Antarctic research station on Macquarie Island with the Australian Antarctic Division for 12 months to study fur seals, has guided expeditions in the Antarctic on five occasions, worked with Polar Bears in the northern Russian Arctic for two months, explored north-eastern Greenland for three, and has spent the last 20 years working on the Great Barrier Reef tagging and researching everything from dwarf minke whales, tiger sharks and turtles.

Current Work:

Dean has worked tirelessly to position himself at the very top of the multimedia production field. A self-taught and accomplished filmmaker, he has shot, produced and presented more than 50 documentaries all over the planet for every significant broadcaster, including the BBC, ABC, National Geographic, Disney Nature, Foxtel, Red Bull TV and the Discovery Channel. On many occasions, Dean's work has been narrated by the legendary Sir David Attenborough and has been acclaimed for its breathtaking natural history and cinematic qualities.

Dean also spends time in front of the camera, and is a presenter for the multi-award-winning "Coast Australia" BBC and Foxtel series with Neil Oliver, Australian Geographic Explores on Channel 9, and was a regular guest presenter with Channel 7's Sunday Night Program. Dean was also a key underwater presenter for the ABC live broadcast for the annual Great Barrier Reef spawning event in 2020 call Reef Live. Dean literally spoke underwater to Australia and the world about this significant biological event phenomenon.

Dr Dean is the Managing Director and co-founder of the Great Barrier Reef Legacy, a non-profit organisation that crews and operates the only independent research vessels on the Great Barrier Reef to provide FREE and essential access for the best scientific minds and innovators, the most effective communicators and multimedia specialists, and build a platform for research, education and change. Essentially it's science for solutions to save the Great Barrier Reef. But it's the Living Coral Biobank Project that is getting all the attention lately. Dean is on a mission to collect and conserve all 400 species of corals from the Great Barrier Reef and keep them alive in land-based facilities to protect the entire biodiversity of corals and aid in research and restoration efforts. This kind of project is usually reserved for entire countries and government agencies. Still, Dean and the Great Barrier Reef Legacy team are leading the charge. Currently, they have 85 species representing nearly 22% of Great Barrier Reef corals already secured in a project that is quickly becoming the most extensive conservation effort for coral reefs worldwide. The Living Coral Biobank facility will be the most advanced and environmentally sustainable building of its kind anywhere on the planet if funded, has been endorsed by multiple international organisations, and is a finalist in the World Architecture Awards.

Talking Points

Building a Biobank - one collection to save them all!

The Living Coral Biobank Project will collect and conserve all 400 living species of Great Barrier Reef corals in land-based facilities for their ultimate conservation, and to aid in reef research and restoration efforts. But how do you build a Biobank with a limited budget, no government support, and a sense of urgency that only a rapidly changing climate can induce? Come on a journey we all must go on if we are to protect the biodiversity of Great Barrier Reef corals forever!

Extreme expeditions- from pole to pole and everywhere in-between

Dr Dean Miller has specialised in traveling to the most remote, inhospitable, and hard to get to places on earth to document and research wildlife for their protection. From filming whales for Sir David Attenborough to living with fur seals on an Australian Antarctic Research Station, to catching tiger sharks by the tail to track their movements from space, chasing polar bears in the arctic, Dean will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Come on a journey of incredible imagery, tales, and moments that will leave you wanting to pack your backpack and run out into the wilderness!

Ever wanted to be a marine biologist? Ever wanted to make Attenborough documentaries? Me too!

Dr Dean Miller is a scientist, adventurer, and filmmaker who started out in the western suburbs of Melbourne, and ended up filming for Sir David Attenborough and dedicating his life to save the Great Barrier Reef. Follow one of the most adventurous and passionate stories of success that started with the film Jaws and resulted in a life of global adventure, research, and passion that only gets more interesting as time goes on. Discover how to get your break and leave inspired to take on the world in your own way!
Dr Dean Miller is a gifted communicator both in words and in person. He has acted as joint presenter on the Australian Geographic travel documentary series AG Explores, including for episodes on Samoa, Kenya, and Timor Leste. He has also featured as the subject of an AG Talking Australia podcast. He is a passionate advocate for the preservation of the Great Barrier Reef and uses his communication skills to great effect in his work for Reef Legacy. Australian Geographic

Dean recounted his tales of adventure and showed a real passion for protecting the environment. Dean was able to keep our audience engaged and found a real connection with our city's senior leaders. Dean was professional to deal with and a real highlight for our members. I would have no hesitation in recommending Dean and wish him all the very best in making a difference by preserving our environment for future generations.

Geelong Business Club
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