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Social entrepreneur and founder of YGAP and the Polished Man campaign

We are told change takes time. We don’t have time. Our planet is crying out for radical action.


Elliot Costello is cofounder and CEO of Phantm, Australia’s leading plastic reduction platform.

For the past three years, Elliot has studied the complexity of our problem of plastics. His deep understanding has enabled him to develop Phantm’s market-leading technology that supports Australian brands in their transition away from fossil plastics to authentic natural materials.

Prior to Phantm, Elliot cofounded ygap - a nonprofit that finds and backs local impact entrepreneurs in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. Under Elliot’s leadership as founding CEO, ygap backed and funded over 550 early-stage impact

ventures that significantly and measurably Improved the lives of 1.1 million people living in poverty. The organisation successfully fundraised over $20M AUD.

As a father, Elliot's passion is for work that invests in future generations. He is also the founder of three other successful social enterprise businesses in different industries and two international fundraising campaigns, including the Polished Man Campaign, which has raised millions of dollars while engaging hundreds of thousands of men around the world to take an active stand against

gender-based violence.

Talking Points

Building and leading purpose-driven company

All businesses in today’s economy face mounting ethical and sustainability pressure from customers, shareholders, and stakeholders. Most companies are expected to understand and measure their environmental impact but many don’t know how to deliver it. Building a purpose into the DNA of a business is challenging. This presentation will teach the audience how to build and run a business governed and driven by a compelling purpose that is built in, not bolted on.

Designing solutions to address social and environmental problems

We face an endless array of social and environmental challenges in today’s world.

But, we have the solutions and know-how to solve many, if not all, of the problems. They’re just not widely distributed or available yet.

This topic will take a deep dive into how to identify the opportunities a business or individual should focus on to deliver social and environmental impact in a meaningful way.

Is a plastic-free planet possible?

Our modern world has become a plastics soup. 98%+ of Australian businesses have plastic in their supply chain and/or operations. While every family fridge and pantry is full of plastics they are not only ruining our beloved environment and wildlife, they are impacting human health.

However, there is a reason to be hopeful. There is an emerging array of alternative, natural materials that can be drop-in replacements for plastics - materials that are made from nature, and go back to nature. Find out how these materials could help usher in a truly circular economy, and our next big leap towards a plastic-free planet.

Leading high-performing teams motivated by purpose

Managing teams is a challenge for all leaders. Building a high-performing team, fuelled by a carefully crafted culture that is aligned to a clear mission, is foundational for success. This session will explore how all leaders and managers can align their team to be motivated by an ambitious, meaningful purpose.

How to raise purpose-driven capital

Raising funds/capital today is hard work. It tests the drive and patience of every entrepreneur and organisational leader. And the challenges are even more significant for people raising funds for purpose-driven work. This topic will explore how to best plan, prepare, and secure purpose-driven capital in the for-purpose/not-for-profit sector.
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