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International expert in school, workplace bullying and social resilience


Evelyn M Field OAM, FAPS is a practising psychologist, Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society, best-selling author and media spokesperson.

She is an international expert in dealing with school and workplace bullying and social survival skills.

In 2014 she was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for her anti-school and workplace bullying initiatives.

Although Evelyn speaks mainly to professional audiences, following her recent success as a cruise enrichment speaker, Evelyn believes that most audiences want presentations with facts, some statistics, and lots of skills, strategies and options!

Evelyn trains participants to understand, manage or help those affected by school and workplace bullying. Her social survival skills model is a simple recipe for children and adults which improves their social and emotional resilience. Everyone can leave with simple, practical ideas that they can implement immediately!

Current Work:

Evelyn is or has been involved with many professional groups including the Australian Association of Workplace Bullying Professionals, Australian Psychological Society, past Convenor, Therapist Special Interest Group, International Association for Workplace Bullying and Harassment (IAWBH) previously on the Advisory Council of the National Centre Against Bullying (NCAB) Mental Health Foundation of Australia, School Counsellors' associations, National Speakers Association of Australia and the Victims of Crime Assistance League.

Talking Points

The impact of Covid 19 on people

We are living in very challenging times with lots of change and danger. Nothing is the same and, we won't return to the old normal.
This presentation will look at how we need to embrace living with pandemics as our new normal and learn how to manage the emotional and social stresses this places on ourselves and our relationships.

What Kids Need - A Guide for Parents

There are so many challenges for parents today. Although basic parenting principles haven't changed greatly, parents need to understand the current challenges for their digitally connected offspring and learn how to update their parenting styles to accommodate the needs of this generation.

This keynote will cover the key factors in becoming effective parents. These include the need for connection, boundaries, social skills and managing challenging people, (including bullies) and healthy living. It will include simple clues to implement an up-to-date parenting system.

Bully Blocking for Kids

Although schools try to reduce school bullying, the rates of school bullying have not decreased over the past decade.

However it's very simple to teach kids how to block bullies themselves. Based upon our basic survival instinct, this simple, successful recipe has been taught to thousands of children over three decades. Once kids stop making their bully happy, they can find the power and skills to block them and gain respect from their peers! Then they can develop the emotional and social resilience they require to enjoy school.

Build Your Mental Health Balance At Work

Without our survival instinct to push us to study, work and manage daily challenges, we'd all behave like sloths! However continued stress over a long period of time can become a burden, leaving us sick, stuck and paralyzed. Research shows that chronic stress is bad for our brain, body and heart. It interferes with our family and social life. Thus good mental health is a challenge for overworked employees who are on call 24/7! No wonder holidays become so special.

Learn the four practical options to manage your stresses. These will empower you to manage your personal and work life more effectively and balance those stresses and strains that interfere with your life everyday!

Reinvent Retirement!

Times have changed since the formal retirement function followed by little else! Besides sometimes employees are forced to retire long before their use-by date whilst others find part time work or focus on other activities.

The fact is that if you don't use it you will lose it!' Those who lead a passive lifestyle tend to age more quickly than those who lead an active one!

Learn how to plan and live an enjoyable, enriched, rewarding lifestyle after full-time employment ends. This means focusing on your physical and emotional health, practical arrangements, social life and meaningful activities. It includes simple tools to make retirement planning easier.

Treating Targets of School Bullying (Attendance and pre-reading qualify for professional development training)

Many children are bullied at school, and although most schools try to do more, most encounter major limitations. No wonder Google News constantly reports sad and tragic stories from around the world.

Evelyn M Field OAM, FAPS is known as an expert in treating bullying and has developed a simple method for empowering children to block bullies themselves. This workshop is based upon the latest research into neuropsychology, survival instinct, and building social and emotional resilience. This updated workshop has been presented on behalf of the Australian Psychological Society for over a decade.

Treating Targets and Victims of Workplace Bullying (Attendance and pre-reading qualify for professional development training)

Understanding the diagnostic and treatment options for targets and victims of workplace bullying is a new area of research and practice. The International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment (IAWBH) sponsor the Therapist Special Interest Group, which has conducted full day training around the world.

This one-day workshop is based upon the full day workshops she has provided for the Australian Psychological Society for over a decade, the IAWBH conferences and published frameworks, as well as upon Evelyn M Field's unique experience as a specialist in Workplace Bullying Trauma, (WBT).

Social Being - For Kids or Adult

"People who need people are the luckiest people in the world!" No wonder neuroscience is proving that we are social beings as well as human beings. Therefore we need to use our social brain effectively, to become socially and emotionally resilient!

Find out what your brain needs to survive and thrive, then develop your social brain by empowering yourself and selecting the best ways to connect with all types of people.

Communication Strategies

Many decades ago, when we lived in villages, we learnt how to communicate with all sorts of people. We used respect and compassion to connect and we knew how to utilize all forms of verbal and non-verbal feedback to get on with people. The breakdown in family networks, together with the increase in digital technology, has slowly eroded these skills.

Following the loss of a child, many years ago, Evelyn developed a simple, six step communication skills recipe, it has become the core of her books and her professional work. Find out more about the Model of Relating� and the six secrets which can improve all your relationships.

Balancing Life's Ups and Downs

Most people have experienced some stress, trauma, depression, loss or grief in their lives. Nobody has a magic wand to eliminate painful memories or a zapper to erase painful experiences.

Learn how to manage bad thoughts and feelings, then you can make the most of what you do have.

Keys to a Healthier Lifestyle

Remember when butter was good, then bad and then OK? Do you need a slow walk or intensive workout? Do you need an app to relax or something else? Should you socialize constantly or spend time alone?

Find out some of the truths and fads around your brain and body to understand the essentials of living a healthier life. Then you can maintain a sensible balance between your physical and neurological requirements.

Crocodiles, Snakes & Peacocks - find better ways to manage challenging people at home or work

Did you parents tell you to be nice to people so they will be nice to you?

By now you have discovered that it doesn't matter how nice you are, some people can't or won't be nice in return! Nor will they respect you while they walk all over you ! Don't get used or abused'!

You can learn how to obtain respect from more people and build better, sustainable relationships.

Find out more about the different types of challenging people. Learn how to manage them by using the best available options to block, tackle or disarm.

Build Your Mental and Social Resilience

Evelyn Field OAM delivered a fantastic and insightful presentation on the signs and symptoms of, and strategies to combat, bullying and harassment in the workplace, at the 2019 AHGE National Governance and Management Congress. Over 300 attendees from the registered club industry, from all across Australia, we're educated as to the negative impacts that both overt and covert bullying can create in the workplace. Many of the audience had an Ah ha moment when reflecting on their own situations, past and present, as the behaviours Evelyn identified were recognised by many, evidencing that they themselves may have been bullied, may have inadvertently bullied someone else or, at the very least, witnessed bullying and not taken action. An intense and complex topic handled professionally and providing great tips to take back to the workplace and review the situation of all those who attended. Clubs Australia

Evelyn Field's presentation 'Social and Emotional Resilience at Work' to the staff of the Academy of Mary Immaculate proved to be relevant, informative and entertaining. In a gentle and non-confrontational style Evelyn guided staff to reflect upon aspects of their life which hinder or harm their capacity to cope and to refocus on their strengths and positive strategies for change. Evelyn's presentation examined aspects of resilience from various angles including workplace bullying and associated behaviours and more importantly she provided people with manageable strategies for change. Evelyn's style generated a relaxed atmosphere which allowed for a forum to openly discuss problem areas and ways in which to improve the work environment. We would wholeheartedly recommend this PD.

Academy of Mary Immaculate

I am writing to thank you for your participation in the National Safe Schools Week Launch. We were extremely pleased with the event and believe it was in large part due to your ability to connect with the audience and to relate safe schools messages in such an appealing, warm and engaging manner.

Department of Education, Science and Training

Evelyn's workshop was energetic and dynamic. She has a thorough knowledge of the subject and delivered practical strategies to deal with bullying in the organisation. This workshop gave me an understanding of the real life issues of bullying and how to control it. My previous effort with an online course was a waste of time and money. The day with Evelyn made me believe the organisation really is listening and working to heal the damage done by an ingrained bullying culture. A refreshingly different and realistic perspective on bullying. New, challenging, yet affirming that this endemic problem can be successfully dealt with.

Performance Improvement Seminars

Evelyn's workshop is entertaining, informative and hard hitting. She brings together years of practical experience, the latest in theory and an extremely practical set of approaches. She incorporates proactive and preventive strategies in her very comprehensive program. Evelyn is at the cutting edge in both research and practice. She brings both passion and compassion to her work, which will be widely read. This is a most important development in this area.

William Glasser Institute

Many thanks for the wonderful workshop you provided for us... I have spoken with a number of the people who attended “ both psychologists and people who work in HR / management roles, and they all agreed that they came away with useful tools to employ in their work settings.

School of Psychology and Psychiatry, Monash University
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