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Ideas into Action

Leadership is sharing control so we can all go somewhere new.


Eyal is an entrepreneur, activist and executive leadership coach. Eyal has built a number of businesses which sit at the intersection of business, government and technology. He has worked with entrepreneurs across the US, UK, Australia and SE Asia to take their businesses from startup through to investment. His startup journey began as founder and Director of OurSay, an international, award-winning smart city application which works with cities across Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom to engage citizens in neighbourhood and city-wide decisions.

Eyal has been an engagement and communications consultant for executives of major corporations including BHP Billiton, NAB and AGL. Eyal is an advisor to the Swinburne University of Technology Social Innovation Research Centre and a Board Member of Code for Australia. He has been recognised by the World Economic Forum as a Global Shaper and is a fellow of both the Unreasonable Institute and the Center for Sustainability Leadership. Eyal is also a founding faculty member of the School of Life where he works with startup and corporate teams on developing emotionally intelligent workforces.

Talking Points

Thinking like an Entrepreneur

Eyal shares his real-life trials and tribulations as an entrepreneur and guides participants through thought experiments and exercises to bring them on the journey of how to turn their ideas into action.

Authentic Leadership

What every aspiring, new or seasoned leader needs to know about discovering their authentic leadership voice.

The Art of Risk Communication

How to communicate risk and deal with angry people. Eyal shares a simple formula for thinking about corporate risk and 12 factors to diagnose why people are not happy.
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