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From child solider in Africa to successful business woman in Australia.

The simple act of changing your mind can change your life.


From the moment the whirlwind that is Fiori Giovanni hits the stage, she has her audience enraptured. At times laughing out loud, other times in tears and often deep in thoughtful silence as they travel an exciting and emotional journey that will change their lives.

Sure, Fiori's extraordinary story is a route probably only a few other women in the world have travelled, but she tells it in a way that leaves her audience with the keys, tools, and attitudes that shape courage, resilience, real leadership and a shift in mindset.

Courage to tackle the changes they've dreamt about but for which they fear failure, Resilience to overcome challenges, Leadership to envision and define their goals and Mindset to shift from a victim to a victor. In a nutshell, Fiori shares a potent formula that empowers others to overcome problems, both big and small.

All the above traits are something that Fiori has needed in massive amounts being born in a war-torn African and overcoming the challenge of a pubescent arranged marriage, and as a teenager being mandatorily subscripted into the army and clinging to life in a leaking boat loaded with refugees. She had the courage to survive and learn from these experiences to become a serial entrepreneur, a #1 best-selling author, media commentator, human rights activist, proud mother, and sought-after Keynote speaker.

While she'd experienced pain and loss on a devastating scale already, the worst was yet to come. In 2020, the unimaginable happened. She lost her beloved seven-month and half old daughter, Illen. Fiori's journey of grief led to her certification in Self-Directed Healing practitioner and Hypnotherapy Certificates.

Throughout her colourful career, she has built up a bank of knowledge, information, life experiences and strategies and this wasn't any different for her. Fiori is the perfect example of how life is not about what happens in your life, rather, how you manage it. And, how a mastered mind can be harnessed, during the good times and bad.

Current Work:

Fiori Giovanni's message of hope, resilience, courage, and leadership has inspired audiences around Australia, including tech companies such as Pyrios, Asta, Corporations such as, Honda Australia, PF Olsen Australia, John Holland, Vic-Road Australia, The Government of Australia, CPA Australia, Ramey Care Australia, FTA (Finical and Treasury of Australia, Chambers of ecommerce, Community Cubs Victoria, Business chicks, Plan International, Animal Justice just to mention a few.

She has been in featured in several mainstream Australian media outlets such as The age, The Herald Sun, Studio 10, F Magazine (a publication celebrating female success), She Defined, Women of Style & Substance, Sunraysia Daily, and countless other publications and news. news outlets.

Fiori is also the owner and CEO of My Mind Valley, an online product hub for those seeking fulfilment, confidence and clarity through affirmations. Fiori believes affirmations are one of the most profound and effective ways to implement personal change. She owes her very survival to their potency. My Mind Valley houses over 30 affirmation topics, which are available in audio, video and eBook formats.

In addition to her best-selling memoir, Defy your Destiny, Fiori's writing has been published in a book titled Letter to my 21-year-old self which will raise money for Sydney's only daytime women's refuge, Lou's Place. Her letter will feature alongside letters by Oprah Winfrey, Collette Dinnigan, Lisa Forrest, Claudia Karvan, and more.

Fiori's work has been published as an example of what is possible in a book called “It Is All Possible” by former world champion yachtsman Rob Hartnett.

Talking Points


Albert Einstein once said:

Everybody is genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it's stupid.

Everyone can achieve outstanding results. Everyone has the potential to achieve remarkable things but for a lot of people that potential is cut short by a lack of the right knowledge and the right strategies at the right time to overcome their challenges.

And the great thing about resilience is that it's a skill that could be learned just like anything else.

Key Takeaways:
- How to overcome the inevitable challenges of life and use the worst experiences of your life to build resilience
- How to examine your thinking patterns and change the interpretation of the situation, thereby reducing negative feelings between team members and improving team dynamics
- How to cope with adverse and complex work situations, such as negative feedback or conflict
- How to navigate the murky waters of change that is inevitable in this fast-paced modern business and society.
- How to find opportunity and growth in every adversity you face and overcome setbacks without stress and anxiety
- How to tap into self-knowledge to effortlessly free yourself from all destructive patterns and limiting beliefs to ultimately become invisible


For most people the source of many problems is with their mindset. When their mindset changes, their whole life changes in the space of seconds, days, weeks, months.

Key Takeaways:
- Learn what controls every move you make and why haven't you got the result you want so far?
- Learn how to rewire your mind to success, inner fulfilment and peace
- Learn simple practices that will change the behaviour of your brain and ultimately change the outcomes of your life.
- Learn how mindset is all you ever need to change latterly anything in your life

Cracking the Code How to reach for the stars, no matter what life throws at us

Growing up in war-torn Eritrea, Life has continually presented Fiori with obstacles, barriers and sometimes great tragedy. But despite it all, she has cracked the code of how to reach for the stars, no matter what life throws at her.

During this presentation, delegates will:
- Be inspired by the remarkable story of Fiori Giovanni, who went from being a child soldier in Africa to a successful businesswoman, Author and philanthropist in Australia.
- Learn the three steps that will help everyone crack the code� that unlocks their ability to reach for the stars and live the boldest, bravest, most authentic life possible.
- Be inspired by the incredible stories of other trailblazing women who cracked the code including an Aboriginal woman of STEM who beat all the odds to become an astrophysicist.

Workshop: Mind Mastery

A Step-by-Step formula for Maximising your Teams' Productivity, Motivation, Creativity and Inner-Happiness at Work.

Workshop Structure
Preliminary Phase:
The early sections of this workshop will be delivered through online videos, each accompanied by a pdf
workbook and quiz, to embed and track participants' understanding of the course content.

The video content provided allows participants to learn and implement the new tools and concepts in their
own time and at their own pace. They can continue to revisit lessons, which will also be cemented with live
demonstrations from Fiori, as well as their own participation in the live events.

Live Sessions:
Once all online videos and quizzes have been completed, Fiori will meet with participants in group sessions to:
- Reinforce the content covered so far
- Run self-directed healing program sessions, and teach them how to do the same at home
- Run group hypnotherapy sessions, and teach them how to self-hypnotise
- Practise the different meditation sessions
- Give participants a live Q and A session on all of the workshop concepts

To enhance retention of new content, participants will be asked to immediately practise new methods under
guidance, then teach them back to the group in a practical and effective manner. Studies show that this increases the retention of information after a presentation or lecture from 5% to a staggering 90%.
At the end of each workshop session, Fiori will provide a meditation that will take participants to an alpha state, allowing them to return home in a relaxed and calm state, where they'll get a good night's sleep. Insomnia and disruptive sleep are experienced by millions of people, and for some participants, this will be the first good sleep they've had in a while!The majority of each workshop session is hands-on, and is accompanied by a printed handout that can be read at a later time to further consolidate all learnings.

Courage in Leadership

Displaying courage is often one of life's most difficult challenges most people face but yet the most crucial virtue that's required daily.

To say No to distractions, to ask for what you want, to have difficult conversations, to deal with difficult people, to let something go, to believe in yourself, and to inspire great leadership.

Key Takeaways:
- How to get the courage to tap into your inner greatness and self-power
- How to inspire your team to have courage to thrives in times of disruption and take their efforts to new hights.
- How to foster the courage you need to challenge the status quo and travel the path less travelled
Fiori is one of the most dynamic and engaging speakers that I have seen in a long time. There is really nothing she can't do and when you're with her you feel the same. Plan International

Fiori was the keynote speaker at our recent team offsite event. We focused on building a resilient mindset during adversity, with Fiori’s session kicking off our day. The team were incredibly moved by her story and inspired by the strength, determination and will she’s demonstrated throughout her life. Which is exactly what we were looking for in planning this event. Her unique ability to combine story-telling, audience engagement and tailored strategies for our MYOB team members to take on, made her session both memorable and impactful. Fiori is extremely professional, going over and above to deliver on our initial brief. She was wonderful to work with in the lead-up to the event, offering to come in prior to the event to run through the tech, as there were some complexities due to it being a mix of in-person and virtual. She arrived an hour early on the day to ensure everything was ready and was flexible, even starting 30mins early when we decided to swap some sessions around. Would highly recommend Fiori for any type of event and look forward to working with her again.


Fiori had previously presented at a CPA discussion, and had received so many accolades that she was asked to return. Prior to seeing her speak, we were told that Fiori delivered an unforgettable, empowering and educative session, and that she kept her audience on the edge of their seat the entire time. When I finally attended her event, I understood what all the fuss was about! Her seminar was indeed inspiring, riveting and fun. She kept us engaged by asking powerful, thought-provoking questions. She also maintained our energy throughout the session with unique physical activities. Fiori is the perfect balance between being con dent and unassuming. She commands attention in any room with her poise, warmth and assuredness. I would love to listen to her speak again.

Lewers Research

Fiori is a dynamic and engaging speaker. Myself and the rest of the audience were mesmerised from start to finish. We were also motivated by her energy, inspired by her story and enthused by her sense of humour. Fiori is a genuine, authentic speaker who provides realistic and practical tips. Anyone who implements her strategies and tips will improve their performance in life. It's rare to see a speaker make such a lasting impression, but Fiori has done just that!

AMES Australia

Fiori's powerful personal message inspires everyone to believe they can overcome any obstacles in order to achieve what they want. No matter what the topic, Fiori can be relied upon to deliver an engaging, entertaining and thought-provoking presentation.


Fiori is a pleasure to work with and she really takes the time to understand the needs of her audience. I invited her back to speak for us without hesitation. As well as being dynamic and powerful, Fiori has a strong presence and connects and interacts powerfully with her audience. Her message is both relevant and inspirational. Her presentation inspired me to reflect on my own life, after which I felt motivated and energised to make important changes. Fiori's keynote will open your mind to unlimited possibilities. It's an empowering experience. thanks Fiori

CPA Australia
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