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The Art and Science of Storytelling


Gabrielle Dolan is a highly sought-after international keynote speaker and educator on strategic storytelling and real communication. Her clients include the Obama Foundation, Telstra, EY, Accenture VISA, Australia Post, National Australia Bank, Amazon and Vodafone.

Gabrielle is the best-selling author of six books including Real Communication: How to be you and lead true, a finalist in the Australian Business Leadership Book Awards 2019. Her other titles consist of Magnetic Stories (2021), Stories for Work (2017), Storytelling for Job Interviews (2016), Ignite (2015) and Hooked (2013). Her latest title, Magnetic Stories: Connect with customers and engage employees with brand storytelling was published by Wiley in March 2021.

Bringing humanity to the way business people communicate isn’t just a career, it’s a calling. Her dedication to the industry was recognised when Gabrielle was awarded the 2020 Communicator of the Year by the International Association of Business Communicators Asia Pacific region.

Talking Points

The Art and Science of Storytelling

Over the last decade business storytelling has emerged as a powerful communication skill and
leadership competency. In this high impact keynote, Gabrielle will provide compelling
reasons and insights for why leaders need to embrace storytelling to connect, engage and

The audience will experience first hand the power of sharing personal stories to communicate
business messages. In addition they will gain valuable insights on what makes a story a story
and how to avoid the most common mistakes when sharing stories in business.

In a World of Fake why we Need to be Real

This keynote explores how fake news is e?ecting our levels of trust and how the battle for truth means that leaders need to respond with real communication.

This compelling keynote will fundamentally challenge the audience's perception on authentic leadership. By providing real life examples the audience will be motivated to embrace authentic leadership and to communicate in a way that is more genuine. Gabrielle will discuss the aspects that hinder our ability to communicate in a genuine way, including what helps us to be real as leaders and communicators.

From Jargon to Genuine

In this highly entertaining keynote, Gabrielle will highlight the absurdity of corporate jargon and our excessive use of acronyms. Showcasing to the audience the serious issues this causes for e?ective communication in business.

Gabrielle will challenge the audience to move away from the default language of jargon with all its hidden consequences and to speak in a way that is more genuine truly connect and engage with your audience.ÂÂ
Gabrielle Dolan is an inspirational speaker who draws from her experience as a global thought leader on authentic leadership and business storytelling to connect with and wow audiences across the globe. We had the great fortune to engage Gabrielle as the opening keynote speaker for our IABC World Conference in Washington, D.C. In front of our international group of more than 1,000 people, she demonstrated an exceptional ability to capture and challenge our audience while delivering some great tips about becoming better leaders and communicators using the art of storytelling. I highly recommend Gabrielle as a keynote speaker for your next event. City of New Orleans

I could not recommend Gabrielle more highly: this is a tough subject topic - senior leaders can be very suspicious of the bene?t of storytelling - but Gabrielle drives home the message elegantly. She has a great connection with the audience whether they be CEO's of businesses or front line team leaders - she passes on years of learning into a very easy to understand chapters. She is very 'low maintenance", needs little or no introduction; the event organisers all commented that it was a pleasure to work with her. Gabrielle is highly entertaining - but her message hits the target and resonates. Not surprisingly she received the highest rating from all 700 delegates - the star of the event.

Spark New Zealand

Gabrielle Dolan has presented at a number of major conferences for Gartner over the years, including our Emerging Leaders in Multinationals, Women in Multinationals and HR Teams events. Gabrielle brings great warmth, humour and empathy to every presentation and always leaves delegates with a set of tools they feel con?dent in using straight away. We see hundreds of presentations each year in our forums and Gabrielle is among the very best “ an engaging speaker backed by compelling detail. I would have no hesitation in recommending Gabrielle for a major conference, on-site workshop or anything else in between!"

Gartner Technology Industries
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