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Influential Educator

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!


Gavin McCormack is a trained Montessori teacher, children's author, teacher trainer, philanthropist and school principal.

While working in the teaching profession for over twenty years, he has used his experience and training to understand what it means to truly educate with true intention.

Current Work:

Initially trained as a mainstream primary school teacher, Gavin re-trained as a Montessori teacher where he found the understanding and experience that has inspired him to build several schools and teacher training centres in the Himalayan regions of Nepal.

Gavin has trained teachers, parents and educational leaders across the world. His passion for educational reform, with a strong emphasis on Montessori within the home, has driven him to attempt to put these thoughts into words. He believes that for a child to reach their full potential, the school and home environment must work in harmony.

Talking Points

Educational Change

The leaders of tomorrow lay dormant in the children of today. Academic excellence is important, but essential skills such as love, empathy, resilience and acceptance cannot be overlooked. In this heartfelt talk, Gavin McCormack adjusts our perspective of what the word education' truly means. Gavin McCormack is a trained Montessori teacher, children's author, teacher trainer, philanthropist and school principal. While working in the teaching profession for over twenty years, he has used his experience and training to understand what it means to truly educate with true intention.


Leadership in today's worls seems to be about guiding others through the path of risk and turbulence as we move towards the shining light of success. But leadership is not about leading, but more about guiding others through actions and demonstration of the essential skills for life. Collective responsibility and engaging the community are what makes a true leader. Leadership involves, honesty, dirty hands and a whole lot of mistakes.

Becoming the Person of your Dreams

We all have visions of what we would like to become, Images of what we will be and what we could become of we had more time, more money or more freedom. In this talk, I will explain how becoming the person of your dreams is just around the corner, you have no idea how quickly it can become a reality until you get one foot in the door. Getting started is the hardest part and its as easy as riding a bike.
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