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Dr Genevieve

CEO of KTF (Kokoda Track Foundation)


Dr Genevieve Nelson is the Chief Executive Officer of KTF (Kokoda Track Foundation).

She is one of the founding directors of KTF and has been the CEO since January 2009. Genevieve holds a doctorate in cross-cultural and educational psychology from Western Sydney University and is an expert in education in Papua New Guinea. She also has a Bachelor Degree in Psychology (Honours). Genevieve is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer with the University of Queensland and an Adjunct Fellow with Western Sydney University. She has published extensively and presented at national and international conferences about her experience in PNG. Genevieve is also director of the Balimo College, a pre-service Teachers College in Western province.

Genevieve has walked the Kokoda Track 22 times and shares her time between Australia and PNG.

Genevieve was the winner of Western Sydney University's Inaugural Chancellor's Alumni Leadership Award in 2016. Genevieve was also a finalist in the 2013 Australian of the Year Awards and the 2012 Telstra Business Women's Awards. She won the 2013 Gold Stevie Award for Female Entrepreneur of the Year and was named one of the Westpac and Australian Financial Review's top 100 Women of Influence in 2013.

KTF is an international development NGO working solely in Papua New Guinea. We run sustainable, community-owned programs across Papua New Guinea and a nationwide leadership program. Communities in rural areas often have little to no access to basic services. Education, healthcare, energy and safe drinking water are our priority. We provide communities with access to quality education, health services, and livelihood opportunities, and we aim to build the next generation of Papua New Guinean leaders via our leadership program.

Talking Points

International Aid & Development

Leading Through Adaptive Challenges

Papua and Australia

Nearest neighbours with shared history - yet the greatest disparity of poverty and wealth

How to create change in challenging environments

Charity governance, risk and safeguarding

Establishing a charity in your 20s

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