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Feedback & Culture Expert


Georgia Murch puts passion on a podium and makes sure there’s no gloom on zoom.

An incredible communicator in her own right she inspires leaders and people from around the world with her witty, straight-talking, experienced-based keynotes.

You may have heard of an ‘unconference’ that replaces the conventional structured program of events with free-flowing ideas and conversations. Georgia likes to do the same with her keynotes. While she can do pre-prepared content which inspires and delights, she finds audiences love being in the driver’s seat. This is where they get to decide what they want to hear and learn. Georgia sets the scene about why it’s important and then lets the audience decide what they want to know. It’s fun, interactive and meets people where they are at.

She has led teams and organisations, works with boards and understands the vast complexities of the workplace.

Georgia Murch is a best-selling author with four books in the feedback, culture and personal development space. She is also the Founder of Can We Talk a business that creates workplaces where people love being at work.

Georgia has been in the dance of building better cultures and growing better humans for

over 25 years now.

She appears on The Morning Show, Sky News, The Today Show, ABC radio and writes for Huffington Post, AFR, The Australian,, Business Chicks, CEO World, Australian HR Institute and Modern Business.

Talking Points

Feedback that doesn’t suck! Good feedback makes great cultures.

When we learn how to deliver and receive feedback well, business gets better. It grows teams, creates high-performance workplaces and helps us grow as humans. Despite this, feedback can be difficult. We actively avoid it. We don’t like it. Because we don’t know how to do it well.

We assume telling is feedback. We hide the key points behind well-meaning words. Or rip the band-aid off with such force the emotional wake creates more issues than the feedback set out to address.

In this funny and motivating talk, Georgia helps you understand what stops people from stepping into feedback moments. How people can embrace a different perspective. Seeing those moments as growth moments. For everyone involved.

Throughout the talk, Georgia guides the audience past the obstacles that get in the way of great feedback. Exposing the irrational and unfounded fears that hold people back from having useful conversations. Helping you recognise the pitfalls. And see feedback as a gift.

- Understand the fears that get in the way of having the conversations that matter
- Rewrite some of the beliefs we have about feedback and its value
- Build some pragmatic tools to have those conversations in the moment
- Be a little less serious about feedback and life in general

What triggers you off? When we work with others, how we react matters.

How often have you been in a meeting, or opened an email, or heard something, and just wanted to explode? To bite back? Or run away?

When we are aggressive we make life uncomfortable for everyone around us. When we are too passive and we bottle it all up we take on the stress and discomfort ourselves. How we respond to tension and conflict can be a game changer.

Throughout this insightful and interactive talk, Georgia helps us understand our conflict style. And what type of things trigger us when we are in these moments.

Once we’re aware of what we’re triggered by, and why, it changes how we communicate – with ourselves and those around us. Understanding our conflict response transforms how we make decisions. And helps us build stronger relationships. Filled with insights and helpful techniques, you’ll walk away with greater self-awareness and be able to respond better in these moments.

•Understand why responding to feedback isbecoming more challenging
•Become aware of the six key triggers that occurin most workplaces
•Develop techniques so we can respond better inthe moment
•Be a little more self aware and a little lessserious about how we respond
Georgia’s keynote at our global roadshow left a lasting impression. Her dynamic and energetic style truly captivated our people. She provided valuable tools for feedback and did so in a fun and engaging manner that had everyone involved. Her cheeky sense of humour added an enjoyable dimension to the learning experience. We are already seeing the benefits as our teams begin to implement the strategies. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to work with Georgia again in the future. Adairs

Georgia worked closely with us to tailor a session for our 2023 National Christmas Roadshow that was just right for our managers. She got our team’s attention and made the session very interactive, and entertaining with her personal stories and got them up and moving. Every single participant said Georgia was the highlight of the conference. Thank you, Georgia, it was the best thing we could have done for our teams, and we would love to have her back again with us.

Global Retail Brands

Georgia was the opening keynote speaker at our Forum in Canberra. She was totally amazing. She really listened to our brief and created a session that was tailored to our unique group and she nailed it. She had the audience up, participating and laughing. Georgia is engaging, energetic and vivacious. We asked our attendees to rate their top 5 speakers (out of 42) and Georgia was in every response. I truly hope I get the chance to work with Georgia again in the future as I know my event will be a success, starting with such a buzz.

Association Solutions

If you want to bring energy into a room, call Georgia. At our national conference, she challenged us to all embrace feedback as the way to improve individual performance. With a lot of laughs on the way.


Our leaders rated Georgia as the top speaker at the conference. We engaged Georgia to speak at our annual leadership conference. Georgia was fantastic! She delivered an entertaining and pragmatic keynote that left our leaders feeling inspired and confident. Everyone left the keynote with the tools and motivation to grow themselves and their teams through feedback that doesn’t suck! I’d highly recommend Georgia and can’t wait to partner with her.

Fantastic Furniture
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