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Award-Winning Broadcaster & International Affairs Correspondent


Hamish Macdonald is an award-winning broadcaster and international affairs correspondent.

He began his media career in regional radio and television before embarking on an international broadcasting career, first with UK's Channel 4 News, then Al-Jazeera English, before joining America's ABC as International Affairs Correspondent.

Current Work:

Hamish is the host of The Project on Friday nights, and The Sunday Project on Network Ten. He previously hosted Q+A on ABC TV from 2020 to 2021. Hamish regularly hosts RN Breakfast for the ABC, and reports for Foreign Correspondent.

Hamish has received a prestigious Walkley Award for Journalism and a Human Rights Australia Award for Journalism. Britain's Royal Television Society named him Young Journalist of the Year in 2008 and GQ Magazine named Hamish Media Man of the Year in 2012. In 2016 he was awarded a Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University; he now sits on the Walkley's Judging Board.

Previous Experience:

Hamish has covered conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Ukraine, the nuclear disaster in Japan, uprisings in Hong Kong and Egypt, the London bombings, the rise of ISIS and reported from the field during Australia's 2020 bushfire crisis. He most recently hosted the ABC's Reef Live event and the live broadcast of the Australian of the Year announcement.

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