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From Survivor to Activist: Transforming Trauma into Action


Survivors are not just victims; we are the architects of change.


Harrison James is a survivor, award-winning activist, and Co-Founder of the 'Your Reference Ain't Relevant' campaign.

After being sexually abused by his stepmother from the ages of 13 to 16, Harrison has become driven by his personal experiences and is dedicated to reforming Australia's legal system for survivors. For years he carried the weight of this secret in silence but now, at 23 years old, his tireless activism fuels legislative reform and spotlights survivor-led initiatives, showcasing resilience and determination in pursuit of justice and healing.

His extraordinary journey has been a beacon of hope for countless individuals and his unwavering commitment inspires a safer world for all.

Talking Points

From Survivor to Activist: Transforming Trauma into Action.

Harrison James, a survivor and activist, shares his journey from a tumultuous childhood marked by abuse to becoming an advocate for change. Reflecting on his experiences, Harrison emphasises the transformative power of survivor-led initiatives, particularly through the 'Your Reference Ain't Relevant' campaign. He calls for legislative reform to remove provisions allowing good character references for child sexual abusers during sentencing, aiming to prioritise survivor safety. Harrison's compelling story underscores the ongoing journey of survivorship, highlighting the strength found in healing and the potential for positive change.

Who This is For: Universities, Schools (Senior Year Levels), Conferences and Survivor-Focused Events, Workplaces (HR and Managment Departments, how to handle potential disclosures), Social Events, Political Engagements, NFP Organisations, AGM’s.

Key Takeaways:

1. Heightened Awareness of Child Sexual Abuse Impact:
- Gain a deeper understanding of the profound impact of child sexual abuse, unveiling the pervasive nature of this issue in society.
- Increased awareness, empowering individuals to contribute to a culture of prevention and support for survivors.

2. Advocacy for Legislative Change:
- Discover the importance of legislative reform in addressing the complexities of child sexual abuse cases.
- Understanding the urgency behind removing outdated provisions reinforces the audience's role in advocating for systemic change to protect survivors.

3. Inspiration for Empowered Action:
- Be inspired by the transformative power of survivor-led initiatives and personal resilience.
- Gain insights into how individual actions, fueled by empathy and understanding, can collectively contribute to creating a safer environment for survivors and fostering positive societal change.
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