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Pascarl OAM HOSM

Passion, commitment and faith rewarded.



Jacqueline Pascarl OAM is an experienced CEO & Board Director in the NGO/NFP sector & the Defence Force of Australia.

She consults widely in the sphere of Defence/Military, Government, Healthcare, Media Relations, Advocacy & Leadership; in addition, she has worked in radio, television, and documentaries— her productions include the international award-winning documentary ‘Empty Arms – Broken Hearts’,’ Fear or Favour’, and three internationally best -selling books. The productions Jacqueline has produced garnered Peabody & Logie awards and a Walkley nomination in addition to her work as a columnist for the Times (UK,) major publications & broadcasters around the world.

In the mid-1990s, Jacqueline established a child literacy initiative, ‘Operation Book Power’ in Kenya, building schools throughout wider East Africa; and in South Africa, she was a special advisor to President Nelson Mandela on his READ Educational Trust. In 1998, she was appointed Special Ambassador for CARE International (later Patron) and worked as an emergency aid worker in the war & disaster zones of Bosnia, Kosovo, Turkey and East Timor, overseeing global operations.

She is recognised internationally as an expert on the Hague Convention and International Parental Child Abduction and has lectured at the US State Department and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the European Union, the United Kingdom and the International Congress on Family Law and the Rights of Children. The Governing Board of International Social Services headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, invited Jacqueline to take up the role of Independent Governor in April 2023, as the globally recognised organisation which operates in the field of child protection and family reunification in 120 nations, approaches its centenary.

Awarded the UN Special Commendation for the International Year of the Family, and two recognition awards from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, USA, Jacqueline has been a high-profile lobbyist on human rights, women’s rights and refugee issues. Her best-selling books are published in 28 languages.

She conceived Operation Angel in 1997 to champion the needs of women and children in war and disaster zones and continues this relief work in Australia and regionally during times of natural disaster and emergency. Jacqueline continues to function as CEO and the main donor interface.

Nominated six times for Australian of the Year, she was awarded the Humanitarian Overseas Service Medal in 2012 by the Governor General of Australia for her work in conflict zones – the first female recipient (Balkans and East Timor) and latterly, additional clasps for her work in Indian Ocean Tsunami, Christchurch Earthquake and Japan, post Tsunami. 2011 saw her named as an Ambassador to His Holiness, The Dalai Lama.

Appointed by the Australian Government as National Vice Chair of the Australian Defence Force Reserves (making her the first woman on the Executive) Jacqueline also served as Chair of Clinical Research Fundraising, Endocrinology (Research) at the Royal Children’s Hospital, along with several other hospital & medical boards including the Alfred Hospital Prostate Cancer. She was asked by the Chief of Australia’s Defence Forces to advise him on mental health & welfare for partners and spouses of all 90,000 Defence Members across the Army, Air Force and Navy.

July 2020, saw Jacqueline appointed to the Board of Project Rozana (the only woman on the board of directors) – a groundbreaking health and medical initiative to promote peace and understanding between Israel and the Palestinian territories and to provide medical treatments for children and women, training for Health professionals and more recently, respiratory ventilators valued at USD $350K to better combat the COVID19 scourge in Hebron and the West Bank. In addition, she is now advising on an innovative Medical Research project involving Hadassah Hospital in Israel and Monash University which aims to extend the Nephrogenesis development and kidney health in premature babies and achieve better health outcomes for people with chronic kidney disease. Jacqueline has a special interest in the area of SDB, OSA & correlation between perimenopause and the onset of snoring.

Although Australian-born, her background is British, French, Irish, Jewish & Chinese, (she grew up on a dairy farm in Gippsland) Jacqueline speaks 8 languages, has a Master in Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Action, studied People Management in Humanitarian Settings, & Fundamental Principles – International Law, and undertook Observer Protocols Accreditation with the OSCE, and a World Health Organisation Certification in Public Health – Refugee & Camp Planning. In March 2023, Jacqueline was appointed to the Governing Board of the RSL Australia, the pre-eminent National charity and advocacy organisation supporting military veterans, serving Defence Force members and their families.

Additionally, she is a member of the Order of Australia Association. Jacqueline was awarded an Order of Australia in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in June 2022, for her services to Global Humanity and the Community, by HM Queen Elizabeth II & the Governor General of Australia.

Jacqueline was formerly known as HRH Princess Yasmin of Malaysia but made a conscious decision to move out of Royal life and work in the humanitarian space. She is a qualified Emergency Medic. She based herself back home in Australia where her two eldest children, Prince Iddin and Princess Shahirah, were kidnapped from her legal custody, by their father in 1992. She was separated from her children for almost two decades and afforded no form of contact with them. She is a mother of four adult children and a stepmother of four as well. She resides in Melbourne, Australia with her husband, a surgeon.

Talking Points

It Only Takes One Person

A single spark of an idea and a tenacious woman is all it takes to change the world and make a difference. Jacqueline Pascal turned the personal tragedy of her children's abduction into the catalyst to become a human rights advocate and humanitarian aid worker, and over the past 20 years has raised $38 million dollars in humanitarian aid and relief, along the way establishing a child literacy project in Kenya and assisting Nelson Mandela to do the same in South Africa. She has worked in war zones around the globe caring for the vulnerable and is an award winning documentary producer and author. Appointed as an ambassador to His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Jacqueline is the recipient of the Humanitarian Overseas Service Medal and has been nominated for Australian of the Year three times. She reactivated Operation Angel in 2009 in response to the devastating Black Saturday Bushfires, driving truck convoys across the state to deliver relief and assistance, and in 2011 responded to the Queensland Floods and Cyclone with 96 semi-trailers converging on devastated areas packed with donated humanitarian supplies valued at $9 million. A mother of four, she has three rules to live by: always live in hope, never give up, and don't take no for an answer.
An excellent address provided by a very warm and approachable speaker. We were also very pleased with Jacqueline's continued attendance post official proceedings. Jacqueline took the time to speak with a number of the young people in attendance, which was very special and inspirational for these young people. Therefore via both Jacqueline's address and continued attendance she helped to achieve the objectives of the event: 'Inspiring Futures'. Manningham City Council

Jacqueline Pascarl kept the audience riveted with her story. Her down to earth yet fiercely engaging personality grabs at your heart while her story brings tears to your eyes. Inspiring, uplifting and an extraordinary person. Jac is a true example of the triumph of the human spirit.

Jewish Communal Appeal

The leadership story you gave was generous, informative, highly engaging and presented a wonderful example of the difference one person can make. Participants were very impressed with your commitment to core values and you inspired many to make a difference within their own communities. With inspiring people like you the future looks much brighter! I have included some feedback from participants who can say it much better than I can! - "Her story sent me on an emotional rollercoaster. Brilliant." - "It's a shame that there was not a response category higher than 'very satisfied'. - "A very engaging speaker who provided a fantastic leadership story along with some personal insight in to the situations that she had found herself in. Some very practical leadership advice." - "Profound and inspiring - a fantastic presenter and truly inspiring story. Made me think that I am not really busy at all!" - "Jacqueline could have spoken for another hour and I still would have been captivated."

Tasmanian Leaders Inc.

On behalf of the members of the Black & White committee, thank you very much for contributing so positively to the absolute success of the Women of Achievement Luncheon by giving your time so generously. It was an inspiring and thought provoking talk and generated a feeling of optimism and good humour, which will be remembered for many years. The guests were encouraged by your successes and achievements and your presence positively helped us in our fundraising efforts for The Children's Services Development Fund of Vision Australia, raising a wonderful amount of over $75,000 for the event. Thank you once again for your participation and outstanding contribution.

Vision Australia

On behalf of the staff and volunteers of Make-A-Wish Australia, I would like to sincerely thank you for being the keynote speaker at our AGM and National Volunteers Conference. Hearing about your life, work and voluntary experiences really was truly amazing. Your life story is inspiring and you touched the hearts of so many people in attendance. We are greatly appreciative that you took the time out to share your story with us. All indications are that the conference was a huge success and I contribute this to the inspiring speakers who were in attendance. We wish you all the best for your future endeavours and hope that we can continue to work together in the future.

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