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Award-Winning Speaker, Author, & Multicultural Youth Advocate


Jahin Tanvir is the CEO of the Australian School of Entrepreneurship, 3-time TEDx speaker, board director, and social commentator.

As an award-winning advocate for young people, and diversity and inclusion, Jahin was named the 2022 Young Australian of the Year finalist whilst also receiving the 2021 Young Canberra Citizen of the Year in Individual Community Service. Jahin is a Board Director at the Adolescent Health Association of Australia, a UNICEF Young Ambassador and Movember Ambassador.

In 2022 Jahin was named on the list of 40 under 40 Most Influentual Asian-Australians by the Asian-Australian Leadership Summit for his work in empowering people from diverse backgrounds.

Current Work:

Jahin is the Founder of Breathe., an EdTech social enterprise providing public speaking education and coaching to young people, and marginalised communities around Australia. Breathe. has impacted over 16,000 individuals from diverse communities since its inception in 2022 and has now been acquired by the ASE Group. The ASE has impacted 180,000 people, making education, entrepreneurship and employment accessible for all.

Jahin is a regular media commentator and has appeared on ABC News, ABC's The Drum, Channel 10, and Channel 9.

Jahin is an advisor for the Australian Department of Health in which he informs healthcare communications as well as being a regular consultant for leading anti-racism and health research organisations.

Jahin received the Zest Awards Outstanding Youth Leader of the year for 2021 for his work in assisting multicultural communities in Western Sydney, and has represented Australia on the global stage in Rome and Milan at United Nations and WHO conferences in 2021, speaking at events with the likes of Barack Obama, Malcolm Turnbull, and the Governor-General.

In the academic field, Jahin has been invited as a Guest Lecturer at the University of Melbourne for young people on mental health and was recently published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, a peer-reviewed medical journal that covers adolescent health and medicine. He was a founding member of the COVID-19 Youth Reference Group at the Department of Health, and an active research commissioner at the Centre of Research Excellence in Adolescent Health and Murdoch Institute of Children's Research.

As a first-generation migrant, Jahin's vision is to empower people from diverse backgrounds in decision-making and conversations in Australia, representing the multiculturalism of Australia.

Talking Points

The importance of Diversity, Inclusivity and Cultural Awareness

Diversity delivers results.

Did you know that a study by global consulting giant McKinsey of 957 people showed that teams, departments and projects with both gender and ethnic diversity produced increased outcomes? Unfortunately, diversity, inclusion, and cultural awareness (and appreciation) are not at the front of all group agendas with the same study showing that 2 in 3 organisations have not made meaningful progress by increasing diversity.

Can that change now? Can that change start with you?

To help you learn how to open the doors to diversity in your teams, your projects, your events and your marketing, join us for this event on 'Inclusivity and Cultural Awareness' presented by 2022 Young Australian of the Year Finalist, 2 x TEDx Speaker, UNICEF Young Ambassador Jahin Tanvir.

- Apply the I.N.C.L.U.D.E. model when approaching and working with cultural diversity (Inclusion, Nurturing, Community, Learning, Diversifying, Empathy)
- Describe how you can work with individuals from diverse backgrounds, identify considerations unique to these individuals and create effective working relationships
- Create a personal action plan based on 4 practical steps and habits that better allow you to raise awareness for diversity and inclusion
- Plan for diversity and inclusion in your 2022 events, programs, marketing and team and beyond

Young people are the leaders of today and tomorrow

The last 2 years have been difficult for many, and our understanding of leadership has changed because of that. In this talk, the audience will learn about 4-leadership archetypes based on the Visionary, Pacesetter, Coach, and Relationship Builder, and how these leadership roles can be effectively translated into the world we live in right now. Adaptive leadership is a minute-by-minute choice, and after this workshop, the audience will feel inspired about how they want to lead in their life and how to thrive as a leader in this new leadership climate of 2022.

- Derive the principles of strong leadership from personal experience
- Describe the 4 leadership archetypes and becoming an adaptive leader'
- Assess your areas of strength and development across the archetypes
- Apply the 4 leadership archetypes to situations you may face in your role as a leader and how that has changed over the years
- Applying adaptive leadership into your personal/academic goals in 2022

Youth entrepreneurship and the rise of adaptive leadership

This talk will cover Jahin's experiences as a young entrepreneur and founder, and the benefits and struggles that a young person in this field has encountered.

This will be inspiring and energetic and will showcase his journey of how he uses modern-day platforms such as Tik Tok to build a company that is sustainably growing, as well as being ethical.

This is a talk on adaptive leadership, and utilising modern-day techniques in the world of business and innovation.
Jahin speaks directly to the potential for greatness that lives within every audience member. His combination of personal story, wisdom beyond his years and actionable advice makes him the ideal keynote speaker, panellist or media spokesperson. Our audience loved him and yours will too! Campus Consultancy

Jahin is excellent to work with. Jahin was an MC for a session at the National Youth Homelessness Conference in June 2021. In an MC role, he ensures that all speakers in his session are comfortable and feel supported to participate. He works well with event staff and is committed to preparing to contribute to an event. He is enthusiastic and passionate about youth engagement and we look forward to continuing working with him in the future.

National Youth Commission Australia

Thank you so much for speaking to the Commission today and for highlighting the UN Day of the elimination of racism. I meant what I said about hoping to keep in touch and also watching you as your develop your career, I have no doubt you will change the world for the better. Keep at it, even on the hard days, I hope you can take comfort in knowing that what you are doing matters.

National Mental Health Commission
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