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Laughs all round.


James O'Loghlin is one of Australia's most respected and recognisable media personalities with a passion for Practical Innovation.

An experienced corporate speaker, master facilitator, corporate comedian and media personality, James is perhaps best known as the host of over 300 episodes of “The New inventors” on ABC-TV, and for his witty and entertaining programs on ABC Local Radio.

He has been delighting corporate audiences with his unique brand of corporate comedy for over a decade and is equally at home giving keynote speeches on innovation, acting as MC for awards nights and conferences and facilitating panel discussions.

From criminal lawyer, to comedian to media personality and presenter James has a wealth of experience. It was his role as the host of the New Inventors that fuelled James' interest in innovation, a subject upon which he now regularly gives keynote speeches. He explores practical things we can all do every day to become more innovative, and about the ways in which companies can create a culture that encourages innovation. After many years of work in Australia he is a favourite with Australian audiences and event planners, James is a true industry professional with hundreds of successful live events to his credit.

Talking Points

Innovation is a State of Mind

Everyone knows innovation is important. The pace of change has never been faster. Today’s cutting edge best practice quickly becomes tomorrow’s fax machine. No matter how well your business is doing today, to stay relevant and successful, you have to keep innovating

Former host of ABC-TV’s ‘The New Inventors’, author of ‘Innovation is a State of Mind’ and innovation expert James O’Loghlin will discuss:

How to identify opportunities for innovation and generate new ideas
3 things everyone can do to be more innovative
A process everyone can use to create innovation
How to build a workplace culture that encourages innovation

Note – a practical workshop can follow the keynote, where participants apply the innovation process to their own business, identify opportunities for innovation, and come up with new ideas.

Overcoming the Barriers to InnovationOvercoming the Barriers to Innovation

Many of us want to focus more on innovation and improving our business but find it just doesn’t happen. What goes wrong? What stops us from being innovative? How can we overcome those barriers? In this informative and entertaining keynote, former host of ABC-TV’s ‘The New Inventors’, author of Innovation is a State of Mind’ and innovation expert James O’Loghlin will outline the 6 big barriers to innovation, and share practical strategies to overcome each one, to enable people to ensure that making their business better becomes a part of their work every day.

Session takeaways:

An understanding of the factors that prevent us from being more innovative
Easy to implement strategies to become more innovative every day
Strategies to identify opportunities for innovation and take advantage of them
How to create an innovative workplace culture

Note – a practical workshop can follow the keynote, where participants apply the innovation process to their own business, identify opportunities for innovation, and come up with new ideas.

Minding your Mind

There are things we can all do to maintain and improve our mental health. In this engaging and informative keynote James O’Loghlin, co-host of the mental health podcast, ‘Minding Your Mind’, downloaded over a quarter of a million times, and co-author of the book ‘Minding Your Mind’ will share practical, usable strategies that empower people to maintain and improve their mental health.

Session takeaways:

How to notice, and deal with, the early signs of burnout
7 evidence-based strategies to improve mental health and live happier, more productive lives
The importance of being socially connected for good mental health
How do deal with large, unsettling changes

Note – a practical workshop can follow the keynote

Persuasion and Influence

How do you persuade people? When you have an idea, how do you get others on board to help you turn it into something real? Lots of good ideas never get anywhere. How can you make sure that yours do?

Being able to persuade is an essential skill. You might have an idea at work, something you want to pitch in a meeting, or a proposal you want to excite clients and customers about. You might want to get your team fired up, persuade your boss, or even harder, one of your kids. To do it, you need to know how to persuade, and how to influence. In this compelling and informative keynote, James O’Loghlin will share practical strategies to enable people to be more persuasive and influential.

Session takeaways:

How to boil a complex argument down to its essence and present a short, sharp and compelling pitch
How to identify and get to decision-makers
How to work out what a decision maker wants, what they need and how your proposal can solve a problem for them
How to focus on solutions
How to find and enlist influential supporters

Note – a practical workshop can follow the keynote, where participants apply the innovation process to their own business

Master of Ceremonies & Facilitator

James is an accomplished and highly experienced MC, able to draw laughs from whatever is happening whilst running events efficiently. You get the professionalism of an experienced radio and television host who is utterly at home on stage, combined with the humour of one of Australia’s best corporate comedians. James is an experienced and able panel facilitator who always ensures that the discussion is informative and entertaining.
Very easy to work with, enthusiastic and genuinely interested in the program and topics - and this came across in his presentation on stage. Australian Chamber Alliance

James was a pleasure to work with, nothing was an issue and this made the overall organisation on the night a breeze.

Reed Business Information

James was so easy to work with in a challenging area that he was unfamiliar with. He was so relaxed, charming and clear. He used his humor well and engaged the audience well and coped with the little hiccups on the way. Was so happy to have him.

Deaf Society of NSW

James was an excellent after dinner speaker “ entertaining, light hearted and great fun.

Lake Macquarie Private Hospital

James was succinct, chose his audience well, provided great entertainment, was eager to please and gave a polished performance . I would definitely use James again!

Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia

I thought that James' performance was articulate, clean, funny and insightful. He managed, in a very shot time, to understand the importance of the night by acknowledging the efforts of LWA's people in doing something uniquely Australian and meaningful to life. James managed to reinforce the importance of the night through fun and laughter a Canberra boy and by no means a Hollowman.

Land & Water Australia

Extremely professional, funny and very well prepared for what he was involved throughout the day.

NSW Minerals Council

James was very entertaining and engaging with the audience.


Brilliant speaker that related well to the guests and the industry.

David Grant Special Events

James was excellent - a big hit with the audience. He connected very well with them, was thoroughly professional and really gave the attendees a motivational boost. His humour was spot on and supported his topic well. A very engaging guy who mingled with the audience members before and after the event. James was a major feature of the event and a lot of the attendees wanted to meet with him and share ideas. I also thought that James was very gracious when people came up to him with a bit of idol worship. Seriously - on at least two occasions that I witnessed - people would come up to James and tell him that he was their hero and that they never miss his show etc. James was very pleasant and respectful at all times. We would definately ask to have James speak again - he knows his stuff and knows how to reach an audience and is therefore good value.

Dept of Innovation, Industry & Regional Dvlpmnt
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