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The Power of Intuition.


As a keynote speaker, author, researcher, leadership trainer, Jane has established herself as a respected authority globally in the field of intuition and its application in business and life.

Jane's expertise lies in researching, writing, and speaking about the pivotal role intuition plays in decision-making processes across various domains, including business leadership, artistic endeavours, emergency response, and entrepreneurship. Her ground-breaking book, "Intuition on Demand – Activate your intuitive intelligence for business success," stands as the only comprehensive exploration of intuition's influence on decision-making among diverse professionals. Recognized by AFR Boss magazine as one of the Top 50 Management books for 2006, Jane's work has earned her acclaim for its clarity and practicality.

In her second book, "Think like an Entrepreneur – the Mindset of Success," published in 2017, Jane shares a methodology for deliberately cultivating entrepreneurial success. Drawing on her extensive study of personal and organisational change, as well as her experience in senior management and marketing roles, Jane integrates health and well-being practices into her coaching approach.

Jane's deep understanding of intuitive intelligence has allowed her to develop advanced techniques for training individuals in accessing and harnessing their intuition. She has created unique strategies to empower clients in making more informed decisions, enhancing resilience in stress management, and fostering entrepreneurial thinking. With her strong business acumen as a management consultant, Jane is adept at contextualising intuitive intelligence within real-world scenarios.

Jane's executive coaching services have attracted clients from a diverse range of sectors, including education, media, arts and communications, professional services, FMCG, financial services, health and infrastructure, government, not-for-profit organizations, and professional services. Her ability to engage and connect with her clients sets her apart as a keynote speaker, trainer, facilitator, and coach.

As a global researcher and international expert, Jane remains at the forefront of emerging trends and scientific knowledge in her field. She possesses a unique talent for disseminating complex concepts into practical applications, ensuring that her clients can readily apply newfound insights to their professional and personal lives.

Jane's dynamic presence and effective communication skills make her a sought-after keynote speaker, capable of engaging audiences ranging from intimate one-on-one sessions to large-scale conferences. With her breadth of knowledge and extensive experience, Jane has established herself as a trusted advisor and catalyst for transformative change in the lives and careers of those she works with.

Talking Points

Finding your Superpower in the Age of AI

In today’s competitive, noisy environments where most products and services are the same – it is tough to differentiate what it is that you offer.

As a leader in your business, differentiation is what sets you apart from the competition. Take for example, Nike….a brand that has mastered the art of standing apart from the competition for many decades.

How do you find that … piece of gold –your Super power… that paves the way to continuing success?

Can you rely on AI to set you apart from your competitors? Not according to the experience of two people in Darwin who were very lost after following Google Maps!

In a world where too much information from AI and online is freely available, the answer is to look within.

There, you will discover an evidence-based source of guidance that we’ve always had and have forgotten how to access. And that guidance is rarely wrong…. this is your ‘inner’ knowing, that is true and right for you.

We are limited in our capacity to develop accurate solutions to the complex problems we face every day. Our human brain filters information based on what we already know….. and so does Al - which is always based on past information.

When we focus on what we already know that exists with AI, our brain will ignore other potentials that we think are impossible – ‘in the box’ thinking rules!

Uncertain and complex situations require different competencies, e.g. intuition, resilience, and emotional self-management.

This keynote provides a positive outlook on the future of AI and Intuition and how you may apply it to find your super-power!

What you will learn:

• When to rely on Ai and when not to!
• How to access your super - power of insights
• Accelerate your ability to make decisions under pressure
• Increase your personal effectiveness and productivity
• Develop visionary ideas and apply them to your business

The Heart of Innovation & Entrepreneurship

What makes an entrepreneur successful? What do entrepreneurs do to perform at the highest level?

Entrepreneurial thinking can be easily developed by everyone and is far more than creative thinking, idea generation or brain-storming techniques.

What makes serial entrepreneurs successful is their personal mindset. They have an internal process that develops their mindset to perform at the highest level. And it is much more than their ability to tolerate high risk or failure. The entrepreneur develops their personal mindset from an inner perspective, they trust that clarity will emerge from intuition to inform the initial idea or vision for a business.

What you will learn:

• The ability to generate breakthrough ideas – fast!
• Cognitive fitness – retrain your brain to excel!
• Develop resilience and lower stress
• Certainty of and flexibility in decision-making
• Greater personal effectiveness

The Power of the Aha moment – how you can have insights, on demand

Did you know that 95% of insights arise beyond conscious mind – we are aware of 5% only! Insight, the ability to see clearly about a complex situation or issue is a critical skill for today's managers and leaders. At the heart of every insight is intuition – the Aha moment that leads to a breakthrough bringing clarity and wisdom for you.

Complexity, ambiguity, disruption require deep insights to navigate through uncertainty. We are rewiring our brains by constantly being reliant on historical data and resisting change. True visionaries have an ability to have insights, on demand.
Insight, the ability to see clearly about a complex situation or issue is a critical skill for today's managers and leaders.

What you will learn:

• Discover the science behind having an Aha moment
• Learn why your best ideas are not when you are at your desk
• Balance logical and analytical thinking
• Bring solutions to complex situations
• Learn how to have insights on demand
• Rewire your brain for mental clarity and flexibility
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