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The Viral Video Guy


Jonathan is TEDx speaker, award winning investigative journalist, highly respected brand storyteller and Guerrilla marketer.

Jonathan has influenced and inspired key people from major global brands (2XU, Sigma, HTV), as well as professional sporting codes and leading education-based institutions. (AFL, Netball Australia, RMIT)

After turning his attention to the dissection, research and creation of viral videos, he developed his recognised “VIRABLE ™" formula.

With an understanding that brands are the broadcasters of the future, Jonathan sought out the holy grail of social media - How to trigger and control the most powerful validation an audience can bestow on a business or brand - clicking “SHARE”.

“Cracking the code” - the art and the science behind why some stories and videos spread' became Jonathan's passion and obsession.

With decades of storytelling and attention-grabbing experience on prime-time television, as well as 5 years in advertising and digital marketing and armed with an appetite for finding answers, Jonathan couldn't resist the quest to unravel the modern mystery behind the force that drives mass consumption content.

The result, a formula, full of viable marketing strategies extracted from researching more than 1200 viral success stories. And the best part…anyone can apply them.

Jonathan's presentations empower the audience with a real world advantage as he reverse-engineers the elements in the “VIRABLE ™" formula so that entrepreneurs, brands and influencers can apply their newfound knowledge to the new media world and immediately enjoy real results.

Jonathan's interactive presentations and workshops are high energy, packed with passion and delivered by an entertaining professional.

Talking Points

The Virable Formula

Viral videos aren't luck - their success is based on brain science.

The Virable â„¢ formula is a high energy Keynote presentation that extracts the Viable marketing lessons from Viral success stories. How businesses, brands and even individuals can command greater attention, response and exposure by understanding how to make the types of videos that WILL work for their business, Drawing on real life examples of videos that have captured the attention of the world your audience gets to not only see how Viral videos are engineered differently but gets to feel the difference first hand. Attendees leave with not only incredible insights but also actionable steps to take for immediate impact. (Most popular keynote - High level overview packed with actionable insights)

The Art of Hijacking Attention & the Science to making Viewers take Action.

Nothing happens by chance - not on the internet anyway.

What we see in our Social media feeds, the ads we are served and the friends we are suggested the content that appears is all based on science and data.

The reason some videos spread across the internet like wild fire while others sit idle is controlled by the same scientifically tuned algorithm and a measured human response.

Take a deep dive into understanding how the big social platforms handle content.
How to play the game to your advantage.

Master the art of hijacking attention and using science to instinctively trigger viewers to take action. The result? Claim a disproportionate share of the world's attention.

The Hollywood Secret to spreading your Message - and Busting Misleading Social Media myths along the way.

How long should a video be?

Landscape or portrait?

When is the best time to post?

These are the most commonly asked questions around social media content ¦and the answers that follow are usually very, very wrong.

How do you get people to watch your videos to the end?
Share it with their friends?

Or encourage them to take action?

Jonathan explores the answers including some incredible insights from Hollywood heavyweight Director James Cameron they changed everything.
Jonathan was a presenter at our inaugural Where Neuron's Connect Conference. We hired Jonathan due to his vast knowledge of storytelling and connection and to keep our audience engaged and entertained. The feedback we received from his presentation was outstanding as Jonathan kept energy levels in the venue high, delivering positive outcomes for audience members in the process. I would recommend Jonathan highly, in fact his performance was so good we had to re-book him for one of just 8 spots on our TedX Docklands 2019 line up. If you're after an engaging professional speaker to have an impact on your audiences, this guy is the best emerging speaker talent I've witnessed in years. TedX Docklands

When you think of iconic stadiums like the MCG and Royal Randwick racecourse, your mind rightly considers how revered these significant locations are held in our history. Yet in these two historical venues, Jonathan Creek shared two empowering Keynote presentations around the future of media highlighting the power of using video as a way to brand anyone and anything with his time-tested' VIRABLE system. From GEN X to GEN next Jonathan's strategies are simple in their application and powerful in their performance. Jonathan can take the complex challenges of the digital world and make them simple to understand for analogue people like me. You can be assured that I will use him again in the future given he is so easy to work with and attendees can take action on his teachings instantly.

Global Speakers Federation
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