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Unlock Your Leadership Superpowers

Better leaders make life better for everyone.


"I left my wife and 2 children in a refugee camp before getting on this boat, then that train and being here with you tonight. I just need to get to Germany, learn the language, get a job, save my money and THEN I can bring my family out of the war zone to safety. That's all I want in life."

These were the words Josh Farr heard while volunteering in a UN Refugee camp in 2015. These words, spoken by a very brave man fighting for the safety of his family, changed Josh's life. They forced him to ask the question, "If all it takes for the perseverance of evil is for good people to do nothing," if I am a 'good person' what am I doing to help this problem that I see right in front of me?

Do I have to choose between doing well for myself (in my career and my life) and helping others thrive?

Josh's answer to this question is a passionate "NO!"

His philosophy of business, life and impact is that "Leadership is Service".

Josh believes the best way to help yourself, is to help others.

The best way to develop in your career and business is to do more for others than anyone else.

The best way to feel alive, fulfilled and passionate is to find a cause that you can dedicate your time, skills and energy to.

Since changing his life from a focus on himself to a focus on what he can do for others, Josh has worked with more than 50,000 leaders, donated more than 20,000 meals through OZHarvest, helped provide clean drinking water for life to more than 300 people through charity:water and put more than 100 girls through K-12 school in developing countries through Oaktree.

Josh will show you how the secret to living is giving and that by giving more than anyone else in your category - giving intelligently - you can be incredibly successful yourself.

Talking Points

7 Steps To G.R.O.W.I.N.G. Success In Your Work & Life

In life and business, there are steps to success that if you follow, results rise, but if you ignore, progress plummets! Once you learn these steps, you will walk away from this session with complete clarity on what you want and why you want it, what's stopped you in the past or is stopping you now (fears, beliefs, skills, mindsets), what to do to overcome these challenges and exactly how to move forward with impactful and sustainable habits for success.

- Identify the challenges to making changes in life and business
- Describe the 7 steps to G.R.O.W.I.N.G. in your life and business/career
- Apply the 7 steps to any goal/challenge you're facing in the Essential 8 areas of life and Significant 7 areas of Business
- Select your own metrics of success to determine the ROI of your progress in your focus areas of life and business
- Create your own Success System for daily, weekly and monthly reflection and management of your newly found focus for future you!

Master Leadership in 4 Styles to Create Impact

Who is someone who had a powerful and positive influence on your life? How did they do it? What if I shared with you that their secret is that they learned how to use one of the four styles of leadership in the right way, at the right time? Once you learn the four styles, how to not overuse or underuse them, how you've tapped into these in the past without even knowing and now moving forward how to use these four as your personal superpowers, you will see yourself and your leadership in a whole new light with clarity on exactly what to do to move the needle in the areas you care about most.

- Identify the four styles of leadership.
- Describe how to use each style to achieve personal and professional success.
- Discover and refine your leadership capabilities, pinpointing strengths and opportunities for growth.
- Enhance interpersonal skills for clear and impactful communication.
- Navigate and resolve conflicts using each of the styles of leadership.
- Recognize and adapt to various leadership preferences and styles to cultivate trust within diverse teams.
- Apply the four leadership styles in the Z-Pattern for practical and actionable use of the framework to achieve personal and professional success.

Stand Out With Confidence and Build Your Brand on LinkedIn

What if you could have your message (for your brand, your career, your mission) heard by more than 1,000,000 every year? If you want to stand out and reach a whole new audience for no cost, in less than 1 hour per week, this is for you. Josh will show you how to use his 5 step strategy (Optimize-Connect-Engage-Create-FollowUp), to optimize your brand message, reach the right people, build strong relationships, engage publicly and privately for increased relationship capital and (if you're feeling brave) to step into the world of content creation.

- Develop your understanding of LinkedIn and its role in the 2024 workforce
- Optimize your LinkedIn profile and brand message in 10 areas
- Find and connect with the right people to expand your networks
- Build meaningful and high-quality relationships
- Create engaging content in 8 unique styles for a coherent and exciting brand message
This session today was amazing! The room was full of positive energy. Thanks Josh Farr for delivering such an engaging and practical session on leadership. University of Canberra

You were inspiring, empowering and engaging!

Federation University

Big thank you for coming along today and giving an INCREDIBLE session... Safe to say your keynote dominated in the "which session did you find most valuable" question, which is great... Looking forward to working together in the future.

University of Sydney

I attended Josh Farr’s workshop on Sponsorship and Partnerships... [We have] been able to host TWO iftaar community dinners and feed over 1,500 people. In order to do this we had to raise over $10,000.... Josh, thank you!

Monash University

We implemented a free 2 week period at the start of this semester and we’ve got 400 members this semester, which is more than we usually get in a year. So it’s been a massive success. Thanks so much for the great idea!

University of Melbourne
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