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Dr Kate

Multi-award-winning creator, researcher, innovation columnist & Certified Facilitator of LEGO® Serious Play®

When constant change is the new normal, curiosity becomes our superpower for navigating the future.


Dr Kate Raynes-Goldie helps organisations supercharge their most powerful resource - the humans who work for them.

She a multi-award-winning creator, researcher, innovation columnist and Certified Facilitator of LEGO® Serious Play®, a methodology developed by LEGO for strategy and innovation which used by global megabrands such as IKEA, Virgin and Samsung.

Curiosity has sparked the biggest breakthroughs in history. So, when you foster it in the workplace, it connects people back to each other and empowers teams to unlock new approaches, create out-of-the-box solutions, and overcome longstanding roadblocks.

Current Work:

Kate works with organisations like Commonwealth Bank of Australia, RSM, Deakin University, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Microsoft, Mozilla Foundation, the Australian Computer Society, the RAC (WA) and the Department of Finance (WA) to unleash their curiosity and empower their people. Her work has been featured on MTV, at the Toronto International Film Festival and the National Theatre in London and the new WA Museum.

As a globally recognised industry leader, Kate has been the recipient of numerous international awards, including the Toronto Design Exchange's Digifest New Voice Award, the Australian Computer Society's Digital Disruptor ICT Professional of the Year, and one of WA's 40 under 40. Kate has spoken at conferences around the globe, including SXSW (Austin), NXNE (Toronto), REMIX Academy, Pecha Kucha, PAX AUS and TEDxPerth. She has also been a judge, coach or mentor for a variety of incubators, accelerators and hackathons, including the NASA Space Apps Challenge.

As a speaker, Kate's energy is playful and infectious, and her content is in-depth and grounded in research. She takes audiences on a curious journey to unlock their thinking, inspires their creativity and empowers their next bold move.

Kate's workshops use her SUPERCONNECT™ method, which combines curious, intentional questions with LEGO® Serious Play®, to create a supercharged environment where meaningful understanding and big ideas thrive. SUPERCONNECT gets people hands-on and minds-on to unlock their thinking while building deeper connections back to themselves and each other. These purposefully playful environments rapidly build rapport, trust and clarity between teams, friends or strangers. With SUPERCONNECT, everyone moves forward with confidence, clarity and a smile on their face.

Kate believes that curious minds are primed to adapt to change. Curious humans lean into uncertainty and pivot quickly. They create new possibilities, pathways and connections with others, and with ideas.

Curiosity is part of our evolutionary purpose, our ability to question and adapt is what's kept us alive as a species. Now, as we stand on the threshold of an uncertain future, it's time to muscle up our curiosity and fast.

Are you ready to get curious?

Talking Points

Building Creativity: The Better-Than-a-Keynote Keynote

Good keynotes get people thinking. Creative Confidence gets everyone¦ introverts and extroverts¦ thinking, talking, listening, laughing, questioning and problem-solving. Together.

Part keynote. Part play-based breakout. 100% grounded in proven science. Building Creativity is based on Dr Kate's work at the leading edge of research into play-based innovation and her SUPERCONNECT® Method, which enables leaders to tap into the intelligence, experience and creativity in any room.

All of it.

All in one funforgettable hour. All tailored to target the area of performance that matters to you, from human connection to collaborative creativity to innovation. All beautifully branded, with heaps of value-adds, including event photos, videos and SUPERCONNECT® Spark kits.

Building Creativity is built on the foundations of LEGO® Serious Play® the tool used by brands like Virgin, IKEA and Samsung combining Lego and Dr Kate's carefully researched questions to bring people together and new ideas, possibilities and solutions to the fore.

The payoffs of getting your play on:
- Involve EVERYONE. Tap into everybody's experience, insights, knowledge and creativity.
- Build rapport and trust. The foundations for a connected, collaborative, creative culture.
- Inspire curiosity. About each other. About new ideas, opportunities and possibilities.
- Find smarter solutions, faster. Get more done in less time with less procrastination.
- Improve wellbeing and happiness. Boost employee engagement, satisfaction and morale.

The SUPERCONNECT® Spark Kit (keynote add on)

Spark fun one-on-one conversations. Build deeper understanding and connections. Create stronger rapport and relationships, one LEGO brick and creation at a time.

The SUPERCONNECT® Spark Kit packs Dr Kate's SUPERCONNECT® Method and 15+ years of rigorous academic research into one pocket-sized kit you can take and use anywhere.

At work with colleagues, old and new. At home with family and friends, young and old. From creating a connection on a first date to discovering more to love about your life partner, the Spark Kit's carefully curated LEGO pieces and curiosity questions make even the most challenging conversations fun and easy.

Available exclusively through Dr Kate's keynote experiences and the SUPERCONNECT® Social Club, the Spark Kit is a memorable and impactful gift for your people that will continue to boost their creativity and connection long past your event.
Kate is a remarkably capable, inspiring and thoughtful person. Her influence on the WA game developer community speaks for itself, but I was particularly impressed with her abilities as a coach. I was presumably not the easiest speaker to work with, carrying a mixture of nervousness and fixed ideas to the event, and can attest to Kate's patience and consideration. There is no question that she is one of our best and brightest. Scott Ludlam, Former Senator for Western Australia

It was my pleasure to invite Kate to join me with three other VR/visualisation experts on a panel on 3D Graphics in the World Wide Web' at this year's International World Wide Web conference, held in Perth in April. Kate provided thoughtful insight and clear strategic thinking that provided enormous benefit to a room of researchers and practitioners. I would recommend Kate to as someone both qualified to talk to professionals around these emerging topics in a clear, articulate and engaging way.

Mark Pesce, Futurist & Inventor of VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language)

Dr. Kate is one of the smartest and most interesting people I know. I am not at all insecure about my own talents, but being around her makes me want to try harder, to think deeper, to step up and be the best I can be. Everything she says comes across as really thought provoking and considered. She has a depth and breadth that really changes the game.


Kate is a top class thinker, leader and facilitator. She ran agames/XR workshop for me at Deakin a while back which gotrave reviews from colleagues. She is hands on and effective, not a lecturer but a leader to new ideas.

Deakin University

We recently invited Kate to be our opening speaker on the second day of our annual flagship event, the Women in Focus Conference, Big Thinkers and Change Makers. To say she was outstanding is an understatement. Knowledgeable, professional, engaging, on point, and captivating. Her keynote was exactly what we were looking for, completely fitted our brief, and theme, the audience was enthralled. I would highly recommend Kate for pretty much anything.

Commonwealth Bank

Dr. Kate Raynes-Goldie lives in the intersection of creative curiosity and credible contribution. As a speaker and business influencer, Kate lives on the edge of the future, translating the vast, expansive and ever-evolving world of emerging technology. She has a sharp focus on amplifying curiosity as the number one skill for leaders and organisations seeking to navigate an unknown world with clarity and forward momentum. I highly recommend booking Dr. Kate as a speaker.

Future Crunch

Kate is an exceptionally genuine person who is generous with her time and expertise. Kate spoke at our recent Connect Expo and was a joy to work with in the lead up and execution of the event. I am happy to say that I will keep Kate top of mind for further opportunities to collaborate and suggest others do the same.

FST Media

Kate is a great speaker who mixes informative and evidence-based research with an engaging and thought-provoking presentation. Her research and understanding of the future of the classroom, and the future of work, makes her a great speaker to hear. She directly influenced the direction of one of my articles.

Quacquarelli Symonds

Kate introduced us to Lego Serious Play brilliantly, focusing us on ourselves with amazing energy and enthusiasm. We each took something personal away from the experience and quickly learnt something new about each of the participants. The group took away various impressions from the experience, describing Lego Serious Play as a mindfulness tool and Johari window. A great approach to running visioning workshops, quickly getting on the same page or gelling as a team.

Department of Finance, Western Australia

We were very fortunate to secure Kate as a Keynote Speaker at the 2019 WA Education Summit that was held at Optus Stadium earlier this year. Her engaging and energetic talk discussed leveraging games as a culture to help prepare for the future of work and education, and what a response it had on our audience! We broke Twitter, yes, we broke Twitter! OK, we trended second nationally with our hashtag #WAES19 while Kate was talking; not bad at all! Twitter aside, the feedback on her talk was incredible. Her message about the Power of Play was thought provoking and powerful, and the delegates embraced it. Thanks again Kate for helping to make our event such a success!

Solutions IT Australia

Experiencing a LEGO Serious Play session with Kate was eye opening to say the least.... With Kate's guidance, we got really curious on the way to best frame the questions I had at that moment. Cue the playlist and set the timer “ a recipe for us overthinkers to channel that energy into feeling the shapes, the colors, and the music. You are brought into the present moment to see the metaphors arise from the scenes you create. Kate's session brought awareness on many levels that are still unfolding to this day. I am so grateful for her guidance and would recommend this for anyone who feels stumped by an issue and wants to explore possible solutions “ you'll be surprised by what you learn.


Kate moderated our Q&A session with acclaimed game designer Navid Khonsari at AIDC 2017. I was thoroughly impressed with Kate's work, especially about the quality of the conversation and rapport between her and Navid. We also had an unprecedented level of positive feedback at this year's event, and Kate played an important part of that.


Entertaining, bold, and clever. Those are just a few of the words you can use to describe Dr Kate. She has more talent and skills at keynote event facilitation featuring Lego than [LEGO Masters hosts] Will Arnett and Hamish Blake combined. As the star attraction of my organization's virtual AGM, Kate kept the audience entertained and intrigued with her presentation and accompanying workshop. A truly memorable and inspiring presenter!

Institute of Internal Auditors' (Toronto Chapter)

We had the pleasure of having Dr Kate as our keynote speaker at our recent Business and Finance Symposium and I can't recommend her highly enough. She held our audience of 200 captivated as she shared her passion for igniting curiosity in both your personal and professional life. This was all capped off with her interactive LEGO session as our guests explored the concept of curiosity and what it means to them. Feedback from our guests was overwhelmingly positive. Thanks for sharing your story and helping to make us all a bit more curious Kate.

RSM Australia

Kate is one of these unique people who questions, inspires and enlightens people around her. When we were planning the WiTWA Tech [+] Conference in 2021, there was no doubt in my mind that she would use her magic to create something amazing... and she did. One of the reasons her segment was one of the most popular at our conference was that she used all the tools in her toolkit to work with us in advance, ensuring that we tailored the experience for our audience.

Women in Tech WA

Loved using LEGO to explain what's happening in my brain. Fantastic... a great blend of research and play. Highly recommended!" A different way of looking at things, wonderful!

Asia Pacific Incentives and Meetings Event

This was by far one of the best team activities we have invested in. A game changer. There is so much we discovered during the session and it definitely brought the team closer together.

Ruah Community Services
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