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Your Business Wingwomen Giving Audiences Absolute Clarity, Outrageous Confidence & True Commercial Success


From her first job collecting golf balls to saving enough by age 16 from her after-school job at KFC to fund a trip to New York, Katrina McCarter has always known how to make money.

Now, as an award-winning international speaker, bestselling author and business coach, she wants everyone to know the strategies and secrets she learned from her days running a $140 million team for a Fortune 100 company and building her own successful businesses. More, she wants to share her philosophy that good business equates with happiness and health. You don’t have to smash yourself to smash goals.

Katrina has reached audiences of thousands across the US, Europe and Australia. She’s shared the stage with the likes of Google, Facebook and Audible in New York and Paris. And in business and life, she’s done and can talk to it all.

From top tier corporate boardrooms to small biz and solopreneurship, Katrina knows business and marketing inside out and loves sharing the strategies and secrets learned along the way. She’s a five-time B&T Women in Media Awards finalist, 2021 Top 50 Small Business Leader and was named by Remodista as one of the 100 Women to Watch in Business Disruption. Katrina has run successful businesses and built impactful communities for over a decade. She’s been a hard-nosed sales chief leading $140 million teams for Fortune 100 companies. She’s written bestsellers. She’s raised three children. As a business coach, she’s helped hundreds of clients build businesses, reputations and visibility.

And she’s learned resilience and reinvention are at the heart of results and longevity. In 2021 what success looks like changed for her. She was blindsided by the loss of her marriage, a relative’s sudden death and a child’s mental health problems. Rebuilding her life, she discovered the healing powers of a support network and breaking out of her comfort zone (think an extreme hike on the Larapinta Trail, a lifechanging achievement for a woman who took a king-sized mattress on camping trips).

It all fuelled her philosophy: If you build a better person, you build a better business.

So, Katrina is armed to the teeth with qualifications, experience, expertise and accolades. She’s human. She’s real. She’s authentic. She’s really good at informing, educating and entertaining audiences on business, marketing and dealing with the curve balls life and work throws at you. She inspires teams and gives great value for money on stage. That’s the bottom line.

Delivering her proven strategies which participants can implement immediately, Katrina McCarter has earned a global reputation for being easy to work with, having great interactive delivery style, and working across small business and corporate industries. In the words of Nan McCann, producer of Marketing To Moms in New York, “On the page or on the stage, Katrina always delivers.”

Talking Points

The Secret Language of Consumers: Understanding the triggers behind buyer behaviour

Expertly decoding what all six generation of consumers will respond to in the next decade, Katrina spells out the urgency of a survival plan to future proof your business to stay relevant.

She steps you through truly understanding consumers and their behaviour, characteristics and triggers—how to reach the right people on the right channel at the right time using the right language.

Katrina uses research-based insights and decades of Fortune 100 sales and marketing experience to give you a blueprint for attracting, engaging and building relationships with consumers at every age and stage of life.

- To understand the six generations of consumers in Australia
- To recognise the key behaviours of each generation—Alpha, Gen Z, Millennials, Gen
X, Baby Boomers and Seniors
- To discover they key communication preferences and channels of each generation
so you can reach them where they are
- Ways to adapt your current marketing strategy to attract, engage and build
meaningful relationships with each generation, now and in the future
- To understand your marketing priorities for now and plan for what’s ahead

The War for Relevance: The single biggest opportunity for your business today

With technology and globalisation giving consumers unprecedented access to brand choice, it’s never been easier than it is now for a business to lose relevance. And once lost, you’ll never get it back.

To safeguard survival, every business needs to understand the urgency and significance of staying relevant—and know the rate of change and choice for consumers will only speed up so the risk to business owners and brands is

Global researcher and marketer Katrina tells how to win the war for attention, loyalty and dollars by adapting to stay ahead of consumers’ own evolution.

- Why relevance has become an issue right here, right now
- Why we aren’t talking about this—and the benefits for those who
- The real opportunity for your business to stay relevant and ahead of the curve
- To identify the four mistakes that stop businesses from becoming and staying relevant
- To identify five key strategies to become and stay truly relevant to your customers

No budget? No problem: 2023’s best ways to market with no money

Think that your business needs to spend big on marketing to have a big impact? Think again.

With a long, proven track record in marketing on a shoestring budget—less than $300 a month while setting up her first business—award-winning marketer and corporate digital trainer Katrina does a deep dive into her five top no cost strategies for 2023: Partnerships, Brand Story, Video Marketing, Testimonials and Customer

She’ll share her replicable secrets for growing gangbuster brands and businesses that rely on creativity and innovation rather than a mega marketing spend.

To develop your own Marketing With No Money strategy to attract, convert and retail to your ideal customers
- To understand why partnerships and collaborations are the fastest way to achieve your business objectives
- To learn how your brand story will help you grow and attract more of your ideal customers
- To identify the reasons why video marketing is essential for every brand, no matter who their customer is
- To understand why testimonials are critical to your growth (and how to get them)
- To discover how to create and enhance your own customer experience to activate word of mouth marketing

Workshop: Generational marketing: How to truly understand buying behaviour in all ages

Your success over the coming decade will be determined by your ability to form deep, meaningful connections with different generations of consumers. What will consumers respond to? How does your business connect with what consumers really want? Future proof your business by understanding how to market it to attract, engage and build meaningful relationships with customers no matter their age or stage of life. In this forward-thinking workshop, award-winning marketer Katrina will deep dive into the key characteristics, behaviours, motivations and communication preferences of each of the six generations - Alpha, Gen Z, Gen Y (Millennials), Gen X, Baby Boomers and Seniors. Drawing on research and her own generational expertise, you’ll learn how to reach the right people, on the right channel, at the right time using the right language. You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of how to deeply connect with each generation of consumer and learn how your business might need to adapt its marketing, both now and in the future.

This workshop is suited to small business owners, marketing managers, social media managers, account managers and anyone else who needs to deeply understand the defining behaviours of each of the generations.

This workshop can be tailored to specific industries and run as a half-day or full-day event.

-To understand the six generations of consumers in Australia
- To recognise the key behaviours of each generation—Alpha, Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Baby Boomers and Seniors
- To discover the key communication preferences and channels of each generation so you can reach them where they are
- Ways to adapt your current marketing strategy to attract, engage and build meaningful relationships with each generation, now and in the future
- To understand your marketing priorities for now and plan for what’s ahead

The very serious business of play: Why more fun means more money

The Harvard Business Review and New York Times agree play is being taken seriously these days by global businesses. Its benefits? For starters, increased productivity, improved brain functionality and stimulated creativity.

Author, entrepreneur and award-winning international speaker Katrina tells why it’s time to redefine the concept of play in life and business and explains the fascinating truth behind how being more playful and adventurous leads to greater happiness and commercial success. Yep, time to crack out the Lego, dance in your undies and cruise the ‘hood on your dragstar.

- The science linking play to increased happiness and success in business and life
- How to circle back daily to what made most childhoods fun—spontaneity and creativity
- Why it’s vital for leaders to aim for experiences rather than results if they want great results!
- The top easy ways to get more play into daily life
- How to stop taking yourself so seriously to get even more seriously good at what you do

Workshop: Marketing with no money: Attract, convert and retail to ideal customers on a zero budget.

Think your business needs to spend big to have a big impact? Think again. With a long, proven track record in marketing on a shoestring budget—she attracted 150,000 members to her first business on a tiny marketing spend—award-winning marketer and author Katrina shares 2023’s five top replicable strategies (including partnerships, brand story and a couple of surprises) for growing brand and businesses using
creativity rather than a mega marketing spend.

Knowing how to market with no money is super relevant right now for small businesses. According to 2022’s The BIG Small Business Survey, 61% of small biz owners find marketing overwhelming, all while dealing with significant running cost increases and needing support. Drawing on her marketing experience both as a Fortune 100 team leader and entrepreneur, Katrina demystifies marketing and steps you through using existing resources and focusing on unconventional approaches to differentiate your business from competitors and generate buzz.

This workshop is suited to small business owners, civic teams including councils and marketing managers who need innovative marketing with no money strategies to combat shrinking marketing budgets. Participants will walk away with a blueprint for marketing priorities that can be implemented immediately on a zero budget. The focus is on the practical rather than the lofty theoretical and works across different industries. It can be run as a half or full day event.

- To develop your own Marketing With No Money strategy to attract, convert and retail to your ideal customers
- To understand why partnerships and collaborations are the fastest way to achieve your business objectives
- To learn how your brand story will help you grow and attract more of your ideal customers
- To identify the reasons why video marketing is essential for every brand, no matter who their customer is
- To understand why testimonials are critical to your growth (and how to get them)
- To discover how to create and enhance your own customer experience to activate word of mouth marketing

Workshop: Marketing to mums: What Australian mums really want.

Mums in Australia are responsible for $132 billion in spending every year yet 63% of Mums believe advertisers and brands don’t understand them.

In this hands on workshop, award-winning businesswoman Katrina McCarter will help you develop a strategy to become more profitable. Katrina will introduce you to her unique 8 Pillars of Success framework.

This workshop is designed to ensure that you walk away with a roadmap to success and a clear understanding of next steps. This will all be specific to your business and written in the Marketing to Mums Workbook.

This workshop suits small and medium business owners, Mumpreneurs, Social Media Managers, Marketing Managers, Brand Managers, Consumer Insights teams and women in business.

This workshop can be adapted to any industry, making it perfect for membership-based associations and franchise businesses.

This can be run as a half day or full day event.

- Why mums are the most powerful consumer of them all
- Identify the 9 mistakes to avoid when marketing to mothers
- Learn the key trends impacting mothers’ behaviours by generation
- Understand the 8 pillars you need to have in place to successfully attract, convert and retain mothers and their families to your business
- Develop your marketing to mums strategy

Workshop: The Power of Play: how re-learning to have fun will transform your business

As adults, we’re so busy running businesses, raising kids, staying fit and madly building wealth that we often forget richness in life comes from being happy. From playing like we did as kids. From really getting that life, relationships and mental health are fragile, and that making the most of being alive means stepping out of comfort zones and pushing hard for adventure.

Getting serious about finding and having fun. Because when play is missing, your work and personal lives lack the energy and vulnerability which propel you to success.

This ‘fill up your cup’ half day workshop brings fun back, bigtime. Built around Katrina’s groundbreaking PLAYER framework, it sees participants walk away with a practical plan outlining how they can play more at work and home to manage stress, build team trust, morale and productivity, and enjoy life more. The plan will be customised for them and provide lots of inspiration about ways to introduce more play for themselves and their teams (and perhaps their families!)

Biz is serious business. So is play. If you’ve forgotten how it feels to have fun, PLAY makes life lighter again.

- The science linking play to increased happiness and success in business and life
- To develop your own Play strategy which is an unique as you are using the PLAYER framework to you and your team more happiness and business success
- Why it’s vital for leaders to aim for experiences rather than results if they want great results!
- The top easy ways to get more play into daily life
- How to stop taking yourself so seriously to get even more seriously good at what you do
Katrina ROCKED our stage. In less than 5 minutes she had 350 people in rapturous applause! What more could I ask for? Dent Global

Katrina delivered a highlight presentation to almost 500 delegates helping our audience of optometrists and their teams better understand Gen Y and Gen Z in order to attract, engage and retain these future eyecare customers.


Katrina is a global expert whose passion and prowess is boundless and borderless. Her signature speaking style is smart, clear, logical, and action orientated full of case study examples.

Marketing to Women conference USA

Katrina’s presentation was full of great content and plenty of practical examples. We will definitely be working with her again.

Business Blueprint

It’s been an absolute privilege to work with Katrina who is an expert in her field. Katrina presented at our annual Franchising Conference where she educated, inspired and supported all Franchisees with her 8 Steps program. Katrina’s warm, approachable style makes her relatable and someone I would highly recommend.

Playball Kids Sport Australia

Katrina’s delivery was polished and insightful. In a world where technology is personalising everything around us, it’s important that marketers think about the different segments deeply and clearly.

Ad:tech Sydney
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