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Change Coach & Cheerleader


After coming out as sober several years ago, or as Lisa calls it “Sober Serious”, Lisa’s been overwhelmed with support for her alcohol-free lifestyle. Lisa is regularly asked many questions about life “sans alcohol”, and she embraces the interest with a passion that enables her to authentically demonstrate that her rock bottom has made her a rockstar!

As the face of “CHOOSE YOUR SOBER”, a term which she coined to highlight that sobriety is a spectrum, this highly sought-after speaker, sober coach, health & fitness consultant, columnist and founder of SOBEROBICS, Lisa Greenberg loves sharing her real-life stories and happiness hacks of inspiration, connection, and overcoming self-doubt through enhanced self-love, self-belief and self-worth. She’s especially passionate about inspiring, elevating, and empowering women to increase their awareness of their relationship with alcohol and to stop viewing it through the lens of a magic fix-all elixir.

While not terribly enamoured with the term “life coach”, Lisa prefers to call herself a “Love Your Life Coach” as she views her life passion and purpose as providing support and knowledge to bridge the gap between wanting happy and doing happy. Lisa is adamant that happy is a verb rather than a noun, and she “does happy” every day, and encourages everyone to “do happy” daily.

She is the founder, owner and Managing Director of “Lisa G” a bespoke health, fitness and wellness consultancy based in Sydney where she inspires clients to develop resiliency and self-esteem, muscle and movement, health and happiness, fitness and fun, and live as a limitless version of themselves with a sober curious awareness. Lisa has also established a YouTube Channel (100 Days to Happy Healthy and Hot) inspiring hundreds of men and women to find fitness in their homes, thus amplifying her message that muscle and movement are magic, and for everyone!

Lisa holds a Bachelor of Sports Science degree from the University of NSW.

“We all have the inherent power to change and improve ourselves but sometimes it takes belief in someone else, and seeing their story from broken to brilliant, to bring that power to the surface. I’ve lived in the hopeless despair of active addiction, where my self-esteem, self-love and self-worth were non-existent. Where I thought a life without alcohol was not only abhorrent but impossible. Now I live a vital sober life full of clarity, freedom, joy, connection, and fun. I DO HAPPY authentically every day. And I believe that we all have the ability to live this way. In fact, it’s not just an ability, it’s a choice and a privilege, and one that I have phenomenal gratitude and appreciation for every day. If you are suffering, not living an optimal life and think there is no way out and the situation is hopeless don’t despair! You don’t have to go to the depths that I did. The choice of change is available to EVERYONE! If you’re on the wrong path and need to “course correct”, all it takes is a little bit of willingness, honesty and commitment and the life of your dreams will be yours today and forever”.

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