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Former Vice-President at Nike & Founder of Inspired Companies

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Lisa MacCallum is Founder and Chief Strategist of Inspired Companies and is focused on corporate reputation, purpose driven business performance, complex stakeholder leadership, communications and brand transformation.

A former Vice President at Nike, Lisa worked internationally for two decades, primarily in the USA and Japan. She held global leadership roles for Nike in Corporate Strategy, Apparel, Sales and Retail and also led Nike’s global Access to Sport and community impact work as Managing Director of the Nike Foundation.

Lisa holds several non-executive director roles, including with British Telecom’s Sustainable Business Board Committee in the UK; Bond University, Australia and Adani Transmission, India. Lisa is a Young Global Leader of the Economic Forum, Ambassador for the World Benchmarking Alliance and Commissioner for the Aspen Institute on Information and Democracy.

Talking Points

New Business Paradigm. New Rules.

Most companies are a tweet or YouTube upload away from disaster and chaos. Lisa addresses the new operating paradigm faced by business today and delivers a compelling and inspiring point of view on how to turn it into advantage.

The new C.E.O.s in charge of your business

Consumers, Employees and Outsiders can make or break a business faster than ever before in history. That's why Lisa gives them the most powerful title in the business: The new
C.E.O.s. They're looking for inspiration and authenticity and have the tools, networks, voice and motivation to demand it. Ignore the new C.E.O.s and you'll only fuel their collective will to work against you. Embrace the profound shift in marketplace power and you'll create a company with a resilience, agility, brand distinction and level of competitive advantage that will leave everyone else behind.

How to handle the Make or Break Moments that define your brand

Inspired Profit

Oxymoron or 21st Century Advantage?

It costs a lot to be uninspired today. Employees, customers, regulators, civil society, media and investors are very real and expensive threats when they are not onside and especially when they become a crowd. Inspired Companies have a decidedly different profit-making experience than uninspired ones. With the crowd onside fueling their success, they make very, very good� money. This session covers what it takes to get them onside, how it translates into three big competitive advantages and what that tangibly means for your bottom line.

Business with the world onside

How about that for a change?
The corporate sector has been defined by the worst of business for a very long time. As a new generation of leaders emerges that is pre-wired for a more connected, more collaborative and inspired approach to business, we remain infinitely optimistic that a new legacy for the corporate sector is in sight. This session explores what has changed that makes it the most lucrative time in history for the best of business to emerge.

The Future of Business (that's already here)

To compete today, companies must stand for ideas bigger than profit. A society wide trust crisis has collided with a social media revolution and flung us into a turbulent, chaotic and confusing moment in corporate history. Many of the ways we succeeded in the past don't work anymore and we need answers. Fast. In this session Lisa lays out what's changed and what companies need to do to compete and succeed today.

Inspired Company Advantage

Your business has a mission with many winners. You lead and execute it with passion. You are unapologetic in your refusal to be railroaded by existing systems or corporate norms. You are committed to doing the right thing. All of your profits are derived from your Inspired Mission, not from penalizing customers or other stakeholders. Traditional company outsiders and broader society become as invested in your success as you are. Financial markets react to you - not the other way around. That's a company the world can get behind. A company the world wants to see win.

Using a concrete and tested framework, peppered with bite-size examples from around the world, Lisa will walk you through how to create one.

Resilience. Agility. Distinction. Advantage.

These are the elements of 21st Century competitive advantage. In this session Lisa reveals very practically what it takes to deliver them in a world where market power dynamics have changed profoundly, and the rules are being reset every day. She'll show how the active support of a broad base of stakeholders translates into competitive advantage and superior financial performance.

The Inspired Company Advantage

What does it take to succeed in today’s high-speed, increasingly digital marketplace where stakeholder expectations are higher than ever?

In this transformational leadership session, Lisa will discuss some of the key building blocks for success and how they lead to more resilient, distinctive and competitive organizations.

In a time where traditional answers are no longer working, her practical guidance and clarity of the path forward is uplifting, motivating and clarifying.
Lisa's presentation at our global leadership conference powerfully set the stage for a transformational shift in our business to become a purpose-led business. She had 450 sceptical lawyers to convince “ and she nailed it. Simple, clear and highly insightful, making the takeaway and path forward irresistibly motivating. Pinsent Masons

Lisa spoke to our top 100 leaders and blew our minds. She delivers insight and connects dots in ways that leave you clear, inspired and ready to tackle anything.


I have seen Lisa speak several times, and the impact on the attendees is always the same; they want more and leave with a very real wow factor that stays with you.

Directors Australia

I don't think you can find many talented speakers like Lisa who distinguish themselves by having such a powerful, contemporary message to deliver.


Let's talk, enquire with Nicole now

Nicole Hyland

Senior Consultant - Saxton Speakers

Let's talk, enquire with Nicole now

Nicole Hyland

Senior Consultant - Saxton Speakers

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