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Prof. Marek

Top 100 Thought Leader in Artificial Intelligence

Be curious, be bold, and master AI.

Marek Kowalkiewicz is currently serving as the Professor and Chair in Digital Economy at QUT Business School. He is responsible for leading QUT's research program to inform and influence a thriving digital economy in Australia. He co-created legislation and strategies for the digital age, including the current Digital Economy Strategy of Queensland.

Prior to joining QUT, Marek worked in Silicon Valley where he led innovation teams for one of the largest enterprise software vendors in the world as a Senior Director at SAP. He also worked in Singapore as Research Manager of the largest SAP Research lab in Asia, where he co-founded SAP's first Machine Learning Lab. In addition, Marek was a Global Research Program Lead for one of SAP's main research programs and a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research Asia.

Marek is passionate about combining academic rigour, design mindset, and business insights to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the digital age. He has fifteen patents, which describe his numerous contributions to enterprise software systems.

His book: "The Economy of Algorithms: AI and the Rise of the Digital Minions" is a global bestseller.

Talking Points

AI and the Rise of the Digital Minions

In the session, Prof. Marek Kowalkiewicz delves into how algorithms, including artificial intelligence, are fundamentally shifting the way we live, work, and think. He introduces this world by sharing several exciting stories and touching upon a variety of topics, from algorithmic trading and DAOs to the role of AI in day-to-day business operations and its implications for society. He discusses the outsized impact algorithms have on our lives, what's coming, and how to prepare for this new world.

The Future of Leadership in the AI Era

This keynote explores the strategic imperatives for leaders who wish to harness the unprecedented capabilities of Al. How can we integrate these systems into decision-making processes?What are the ethical considerations in relying on Al? And crucially, what mindset is required to successfully navigate t he evolving workspace in the AI era?

The Future with Al: We're switching to the next gear - How will you respond?

Insights into rapidly evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence through the metaphor of shifting gears. Drawing upon his extensive experience, Marek will not only explore the technical leaps characterising each 'gearshift' in Al but also highlight the mindsets required for individuals and organisations to succeed in these transformative times. Prepare for an eye-opening journey that evaluates where we are, anticipates where we're going, and challenges us to rethink our approaches to Al.
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