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Thought leader on the hiring, organising & management of people


Marnie Jones started her career when she was 19. For 10 years she worked as a management consultant helping companies from $200k to $130m turnover get the most out of their businesses. At 23 she was the Head Consultant for a small boutique firm in Sydney where she managed a team of consultants.

Marnie held workshops and seminars for over 1,500 people over this time. She was responsible for more than 150 clients across varying industries such as mining, construction, child care, real estate, accounting, law, non-for-profit, manufacturing, printing and travel.

Her work allowed her to clearly see that building an incredible company that achieves its goals relies on 3 things:

1. Hiring reliable, overachieving employees,

2. Designing and organising the team & its workflow, and

3. Leveraging and retaining the staff through great management.

Marnie observed firsthand the true financial cost people have to business:

- Hundreds of thousands of dollars go to waste with wrong hires; one bad egg eating at the company from the inside.

- On average 30-50% of work done in a business was avoidable if it were better organised.

- The majority of companies operate well below their income capacity due to weak management.


In October 2020, Marnie launched Talent X – her greatest achievement

to date. Talent X is what she dubs a “People Agency,” one dedicated to

building truly productive, happy teams that are measured by their

financial success. Talent X has services across consulting and recruitment.

Best known for the organising of teams and hiring of high performers. Talent X has a 96.7% recommendation rate.

Talent X grew ten-fold in 2021, working with clients in construction, fashion retail, architecture, accounting, law, manufacturing, food service and more. As a standout win they landed multiple high-ticket contracts to the value of up to $250,000 – no small feat for a budding firm.

In January 2022 they moved into a 150sqm office in Ultimo to support our expanding team.

Talking Points

The Talent X Hiring Model

All the hiring tools are needed to attract and hire the best team. This method is used by Talent X
to achieve a success rate in hires. Can be used across almost any industry and in the majority
of roles (excluding incredibly scarce roles requiring headhunting).

- In 2021, only 35% of hires were successful >>> ours is almost double / 1.9x better at a 67% success rate
- In 2021, the average number of applicants to a job ad was 15 >>> ours is over double / 2.2x better at 34 ave applicants
- In 2021, takes an average of 82 days to fill a role >>> ours is almost half / 1.8x better at 44 days to fill

Who this is for: Business owners and leaders who know the true pain of hiring, find the
the whole process hit and miss, and need a methodology that works consistently.

Key Takeaways:
- Employer branding & recruitment marketing in 2022. Get talent to choose you over your competitors. Get up to 3x more applicants to your ads (proven).
- The only interview questions that should be asked (that no one else is asking) are to know who you're hiring before wasting the time and money testing them on the role.
- The top most crucial hiring tool that is severely underutilised and overlooked and has cost my clients millions.

Hiring in 2022 - build your ultimate dream team

Based on our internal hiring model that sees an 89% success rate

This presentation will cover:
- Employer branding & recruitment marketing in 2022
- How to compel great talent to want to work for you How to get up to 3x more applicants to job ads in a drought market
- Bulk screen to maximise efficiencies How to determine a candidates' true value before you hire them
- The personality profile that sees through the social veneer Revolutionary interviewing techniques.

Business Power

One of the most overlooked parts of running a team is getting it organised and efficient. The single biggest cause of being overstaffed is being unorganised. Marnie turns this boring� topic into a money-centric one.
Interestingly, Marnie has had the most overwhelming positive feedback on this topic above all others. Business owners tend to leave mind-blown with solutions for true growth they've never had.

Who this is for: SME + business owners who have growth goals, who may be stuck in certain roles, have a ceiling they cannot grow beyond, or who have built a company based on people, not process.

Key Takeaways:
- The Talent X Business Power Formula
- Team Cost Analysis & the biggest cost to business
- How to be the "McDonalds" of your industry and scale as large as you want or create consistency across your team

Management Upgrade

You can hire the best team in the world, but if they're not managed properly you've wasted every scent and second. Marnie covers the most essential management tools required to keep staff performing as best as they can whilst keeping them loyal and happy. Based on working with hundreds of managers.

Who this is for: Any person who manages another staff member and wishes to make their team un-poachable. For anyone looking to take their skills to the next level so they can strengthen the team whilst building a fun culture.

Key Takeaways:
- The 15 Management Maxims
- The Anti Performance Traits
- Staff Proposals = delegation dream
- Staff retention & longevity
- Hat Handover Procedure
- The Tolerance Scale
- The Mentorship Model
- Macro vs. Micro Managing
Every business in Australia needs what Talent X has. I haven't ever seen anything like it. Marnie is a genius. Rolling Stones Magazine

One of the best speakers I have ever seen. I couldn't recommend Marnie enough. I came out of her conference a better business owner.

Bondi Vet

Marnie is amazing. She is a great communicator, knowledgable and has runs on the board. She is authentic and really knows her stuff.

Dragon Environmental

I would recommend Talent X to any business owner. I have learnt so much from Marnie... One of the best investments I have ever made.

Mecca Coffee

In 2021, Talent X grew my team by 44% and gave me some of the best staff I have ever had. If I didn't listen to Talent X's advice, and instead listened to gut instinct, I wouldn't have some my most dedicated and hardworking staff members.

Bond-Eye Swim

Marnie opened our eyes to better the efficiency of the business and streamline the process. This has played a vital part in the increased revenue, profitability and overall customer satisfaction. Marnie is absolutely amazing at what she does and is the leader of her industry. It was the best decision we made and her support throughout the process has been excellent.

Construction by Design
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