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Black belt excellence.

Train the mind and the mind will train the body


Martin Hall's most recent citation was from the World Taekwondo Headquarters in South Korea for being the top ranked' dojang out of 10,000 dojangs worldwide.

He is an 8th Dan Grand Master pioneer of Australian Taekwondo who competed internationally for Australia for 10 years and 20 years coaching Australian athletes. Many would see his coaching highlight as the 2000 Olympics when he produced half the AUS Olympic Team and his student, Lauren Burns won Gold. But bigger than that, to Martin, has been the successful creation 35 years ago and ongoing development of HALL'S TAEKWONDO Fitness with Meaning as a business with five full-time Centres, more than 50 staff and 2,000 students.

It is the Meaning behind the Fitness that has underpinned Martin's massive influence on everyone he teaches, coaches and leads in business. He wants you to improve your team but says you must first add value to yourself before you can improve your team, be it a corporation, small business or your family. A healthy you is a healthy business.

Current Work

Martin passionately heads his instructor and management teams of 5 full-time HALL'S TAEKWONDO Centres innovating and creating taekwondo and fitness programs to attract and retain students of all ages from 4 to 64. The pillars of strength supporting the programs are health, mindset, relationships, performance.

Unlike the gym industry, known for its revolving door, the retention of students has been key to the success of Hall's Taekwondo. It takes a good three years to earn a black belt and there is some magic involved in maintaining students' interest through growth and development physically and mentally. He teaches people how to switch into peak performance in the moment, on demand. Importantly, he has mastered the methods of retention and consequent word of mouth recommendations.

He is invited by the corporate sector to teach the winning habits that have helped thousands of people to lose weight, build self-esteem, improve fitness and energy levels and reach personal and professional goals.

Martin will tailor a presentation to suit you. He does this with star quality energetic entertainment. He wears his traditional dobok, taekwondo uniform and with a modern-day twist combines action and attitude to inspire and motivate his audience towards blackbelt mindset.

Past Experience


From 1975 – Ten years undefeated Australian Featherweight Taekwondo Champion representing Australia Internationally winning two World Championship medals and one Asian Championship medal.

1984- Created Australia's first full-time Taekwondo only' Centre trademarked HALL'S TAEKWONDO Fitness with Meaning.

From 1985 - Twenty years of International & National Taekwondo Coaching for Australia

2000 - Olympic Coach producing 4 of the 8 Taekwondo Olympic Team including Lauren Burns, Gold Medallist

2004 - Athens Olympics, Specialist Coach

From 1998 – Establishment of 4 more successful full-time Centres.

From 1998 – Hall's Taekwondo Systems now creating business staffing, training, expansion, relationships and communications supporting 2000 students.

From 2000 – Corporate Speaking sector as the original martial arts keynote speaker influencing groups with winning habits for the creative collaborations necessary for successful individuals and businesses.

2017 & 2018 –Awards from Kukkiwon, World Taekwondo Headquarters in South Korea acknowledging Hall's Taekwondo as the top ranked dojang out of 10,000 world-wide.

Personal Life: Martin has been married to Jeanette, also a black belt, for 39 years and together, they have created and designed Hall's Taekwondo.

They have three successful children one of whom is Tiffiny Hall who now has her own fitness empire TIFFXOand is one of Chris Hemsworth's hand-picked experts on Centr

Martin's personal passions apart from Taekwondo are family and surfing big waves all year round.

Talking Points

Healthy You Healthy Business

Become a Health Ninja and everyone becomes more productive with more clarity, more understanding and less sabotage.

Winning Habits

...can be created with the right tools

Who's on your team?

It's all about empowerment!

Success leaves Clues

Drawing on the teachings of more than 70,000 taekwondo classes, Martin knows you are only as good as your last class. Think like this in business. You will either pull people towards you or push them away. It all starts with you.

Smash through the Past

Exciting Board Breaking finalé for one or all participants when old fears, habits, standards are with squashed with newfound attitude & strength!
To hear Martin Hall speak was a pivotal moment for me. His words are inspiring and the presentation was energetic and funny with such an important message for us all. I now look at my black belt wrist band every day and weigh up "Will this food cleanse me or clog me?" I also take time out for myself, walking with no excuses... I just do it! I have sat through an awful lot of presentations where the speaker always aims to inspire their audience: I can say on this moment that I was motivated like never before. Thanks for a great end to a great day! Hume City Council

I'd seen Martin four yrs ago and never forgot! Our session was high energy and high impact. My team took away simple and practical messages that support our way of working. Martin Hall lives his theory. His zest for life is infectious, his energy inspiring and his presentation powerful. I was trying to motivate and keep motivated a team of remote sales people, Martin showed them how to draw motivation from within.


240 of our top performers stood and applauded with their successfully broken boards... unbelievable. They had all written their greatest fear on the board and then broken through that fear and way of thinking. It was an amazing atmosphere and all of them were cheering and clapping their boards at the end, an awesome sound and energy in the room. Our people have seen the best... you were fantastic.

EcoSeagate, NZ

Our conference, Reach for the Sky, was a great success and largely due to your presentation which matched perfectly with our team's focus and themes for the rest of the year. It was truly motivating and inspirational! We had another two days of conference and many of the guys were consistently referring to your presentation and particularly the focus, control and follow through themes. Your energy and enthusiasm made a big difference to the rest of the conference.


State Trustees took a risk in inviting Martin Hall into work with our staff, as it was not the type of session that we had been involved in before. We have spoken about health and wellbeing initiatives several times before, but had not gone so far as to take staff well out of their comfort zones in a session like Martin's Winning Habits. The results were nothing short of incredible. I have never seen a group of staff so pumped at the end of his session. They continued talking about it for days and you can see the messages Martin presents being played out in their lives. The broken boards are proudly displayed as well. This is just the program to break employees out of their workplace lethargy.

State Trustees Ltd
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