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Change, Resilience Health and Wellbeing, MC

When you refuse to change you don't hold onto the past you just lose the future.


Marty Wilson has spent his entire professional life studying resilience, partly because he was a full-time Stand-Up Comic for 8 years in the UK (and nobody knows how to bounce back from adversity like an Aussie Comic performing to the Brits!), but also because he is a relentless entrepreneur who has leapt from one successful career to another – he's a Pharmacist turned Award-Winning Advertising Copywriter turned Stand Up Comic turned Bestselling Author and Speaker.

Current Work:

He has spoken to over 500,000 people since he first leapt up on stage in 1997. In his first 12 months, Marty won Australian Comic of the Year, appeared on The Footy Show, and was invited to the UK to become a full-time Stand-Up. He returned home in 2008 and now helps people and businesses use humour and levity to lead behaviour change in the areas of health and innovation.

Marty structures his programs on the results of over 1,000 interviews he has done with inspirational and successful people for his 11 and counting books in his bestselling What I Wish I Knew series. From footy coach Wayne Bennett to a Buddhist Nun who works with prisoners on death row in L.A., from Comic Anh Do to a mother of eleven children, from a 911 survivor to chef Maggie Beer. This makes his programs incredibly human and instantly relatable to a wide variety of audiences.

Talking Points

AUSTRALIA'S FUNNIEST MC - An Australian Comic of the Year Is the Complete Solution for Your Event

Why Marty is so different to any other MC:
- Marty was a full time stand up in the UK for 8 years, sharing the stage with Michael McIntyre, Jimmy Carr, Jim Jeffries, Jo Brand, Russell Howard, Kitty Flanagan, Anh Do, Adam Hills, Julia Morris and many more.
- When you book an MC, you want to know they have can handle any situation. Marty was a full-time Aussie comedy club MC working in London at the time Australia lost the Ashes and the Rugby World Cup, so he can handle ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING and keep your event moving along.
- Marty has spoken to over 1,000,000 people since he first leapt up on stage in 1997.
- In his first 12 months doing stand up, Marty won the Australian Comic of the Year competition, appeared on The Footy Show, and was invited to the UK to become a full time Stand Up.
- His MC style and energy is contagious and his clients just love him, as one senior executive said: Marty just gives off this amazing approachability that works for scientists and truck drivers. As soon as he opens his mouth you just want to ask him home for a barbie.�
- If you need a relentlessly calm, quick off the mark, fast on his feet, humorous, great to work with MC Marty Wilson is the perfect choice for your event.

STRATEGIC EVOLUTION Move your people beyond resilience into restart, relaunch and recovery

Are your people feeling rudderless and depleted after two years of relentless change? Are your teams completely exhausted and desperately needing a boost? Is your workforce resisting - or even refusing! - the move back into head office?

It's time to move through coping and moping�, and deliberately evolve into something EVEN BETTER. When our lives are sideswiped by injury or illness, some people curl up in a ball and just "get by". But those who recover the best leap into programs to regain strength, learn new abilities and design a bright new future - often far better than their past.

It's the same in business: After two long years we can't keep waiting for "someone else" to wave a magic wand (or vaccination syringe!) and make it all better. We have to take back control, build on the past and create a new way to do business with new skills and a new attitude. It's time to shrug off the cloak of COVID. Forget resilience, it's time for restart, relaunch and rejuvenation. Let's get your business back to business.

FORWARD FOCUS: Stop pining for a return to the old ways. When you refuse to change you don't hold onto the past you just lose the future.

ACCEPT ADVERSITY: Hard times are a part of life, so dive right in and grow the grit needed to "do pain well". If you can't get out of it , then you GOTTA get into it.

OUTLINE THE OUTCOME: A deep commitment to a powerful vision of where you want to get to will keep your whole team willing to knuckle down through the inevitable ups and downs - You wanna reach the stars you gonna get some scars.

LIFELONG LEARNING: Look back on your past and learn from the ways you bounced back from hardship before. You didn't come this far to ONLY come this far.

EXPECT ERRORS: Any time you EVER do ANYTHING new you do it really, really badly for a while. So we need to be okay with really dumb mistakes. Your first one will be your worst one. And that's okay¦

LET GO OF LAST TIME: It's time to forget how we used to do� things and design something bigger and better. Because we've always done it that way is no reason to keep doing ANYTHING¦"

CHANGE WITHOUT FEAR The Science of Being Resilient Through Times of Change, Innovation & Disruption

If your people are resisting a change that knows JUST HAS TO happen, this is the keynote for you.

Key Takeaways & Benefits:
- How to accept constant change as a necessary part of business and life Because We've Always Done It That Way Is No Reason To Keep Doing Anything�
- Be more resilient through the inevitable tough times the key is to Do Pain Well�
- Handle stress while staying productive
- Learn how to better lead people through difficult periods
- When you refuse to change, you don't hold onto the past you just lose the future.�
- Inspire and lead teams with humour and humanity, not fear and control
- Take total responsibility for your own behaviour and results
- Base daily decisions on deeper values and long-term goals
Finance is one sector where being resilient in the face of constant change is an absolute necessity. Regulation, interest rates, disruptive new business models, housing market trends, the influence of new technologies, etc etc - the only thing you can truly count on is that tomorrow won't be like today. That's why I'd recommend Marty Wilson to anyone in banking or finance. He approaches our inbuilt fear of new" in a uniquely personal, practical way and gets your people to start the process of change and even embracing and looking forward to it. On top of that Marty is always open to tailoring his presentation around your objectives, he's incredibly easy to work with and is just a really good guy. I'd recommend his programs to anyone putting a conference together. Mortgage Choice Limited

In today's frantic business landscape where accepting change is the 'price of admission' to having a successful business, your people need to meet Marty Wilson. His tips on leading people through times of change, innovation and disruption with lightness and humanity really hit the mark with my team. Marty has that powerful and persuasive style that marries powerful scientific research with deeply human stories that has your people enjoying every minute of his presentation. I'd recommend Marty as the perfect addition to any corporate event.

Macquarie Bank

Marty is the funniest speaker I've seen in a long time, but he's much more than that. He is both thought-provoking and inspirational, with well-researched content delivered a relatable, human way. If your team needs an energy shot to cope with the relentless pace of business these days, they need a dose of Marty Wilson.

American Express

While Marty Wilson is a seriously funny guy, he is also a truly dynamic and thought provoking speaker. His content is thoroughly researched and built upon sharing through the lives of many, which really sets him apart from all other speakers.


If you are looking for someone who can stimulate discussion, engage, empathize, challenge in an authentic way, and make you laugh “ Marty is the speaker! Marty was outstanding at our Retreat Conference 2018 involving 140 staff members from all areas of teaching and non teaching staff. His ability to connect to audience, as well as connect to hearts in capturing our mission was palpable! In fact one teacher said to me that he would have paid his own money to hear him as he brought such humor, song and music to our ears, but in such a way that it built resilience and trust in the room.

Principal St Columban's College

I think one of Marty's greatest assets is his approachability. Yes, he has deep insights into resilience through time of change, but lots of speakers have great content. Marty's gift is that, by using hilarious and deeply human stories, he can get those concepts across to any audience. We had Marty speak at one of our events, he spoke to a room full mostly of men who work all day up to their elbows in Parts and Accessories, and they loved him. You can tell he'd go over just as well in a room full of hairdressers - he has that knack of connecting with the deeper human side in all of us and that's what sets him apart as a speaker.


The first thing that impressed me about Marty was his flexibility and willingness to accommodate our business needs. Despite the short notice, Marty was able to re-arrange his schedule to fit with our schedule “ a lot of speakers don't do that. Then he took the time to meet with us to understand our business better so that he could create a session that was totally tailored to our specific needs and issues. As a result, Marty was able to illicit greater engagement by the team and we got fantastic feedback on the session. Marty is professional, insightful and adds a deeply human touch by sharing very personal stories which makes his teachings more credible. All this combined with his humorous delivery style makes him an absolute hit on the day.


Over the last 30 years we have had some truly incredible keynote speakers at our annual conference but, as I said on the day, Marty Wilson is the best we've had. He skilfully blends inspirational content, deeply touching stories, and "stand up comic level humour" into an hour that will be talked about for years to come. He was relaxed, easy to deal with, and an absolute hit on the day - perfect for any association looking to engage and motivate its members. The conference evaluations were very positive after such a inspiring start.

Careers Advisers Association

Marty took the stage at a crucial point in our event right after we'd just talked through the logistics of a restructure “ we were merging two teams that didn't know each other very well. So a room full of hesitancy, nervous tension, and even fear. A tough gig. But Marty had our people in the palm of his hand and broke down all those barriers in one hour. With a perfectly weighted combination of hysterically funny stories, psychological studies and moving accounts about getting through tough times in his own family, he broke down all the resistance to change and had the whole room feeling like one big team. Exactly what we needed.

Coty Australia

It takes extraordinary skill to combine detailed scientific research with influential and actionable suggestions for embracing change into an entertaining evening that is casual, yet engaging at all levels. The audience (all scientists and researchers) loved his hilarious presentation and took away some key messages to better cope with the accelerating pace of change in our work and lives.

Therapeutic Goods Administration Australian Government Department of Health

Marty Wilson presented to a room full of exhausted scientists at the end of a very long and intensive day. a tough crowd! They absolutely loved him. Marty's energy was totally infectious and he won the room over immediately. But more than that, Marty had done his homework and really tailored his presentation to suite the audience. His keynote presentation was full of actionable, takeaway tips that the delegates can put into play immediately. Later that evening Marty MC'd our dinner and had the crowd in the palm of his hand there too. I have personally seen Marty present to two very different audiences, he is a high quality speaker who is a pleasure to work with, takes time learn about his audience and is highly focused on ensuring the event is a success. I would definitely use Marty's services again.

Tamworth Regional Council

In today's fast paced world where the only constant is change, every organisation needs some time with Marty Wilson. He has a mountain of deeply thoughtful, thoroughly researched content that will help your people lose their fear of change. While he is totally hilarious, humour is just one of the many tools he uses to teach new ways of thinking and feeling about being out of your comfort zone. Marty has that unique ability to combine meaningful insights with a delivery style that challenges individuals thinking and at the same time have the room in stitches of laughter. A rare gift. I thoroughly recommend Marty to any corporate event where you are looking for fun and well-researched meaning behind what you do for a living.

Westpac Group
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