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Content Creator, Consultant & Award-Winning TV Producer


Maz Farrelly has spent thirty years at the cutting edge of the crazy world of TV & Movies, so the contacts in her smart phone read like the toilet queue at the Oscars.

She has been to more showbiz parties than Kim Kardashian's Spanx and down more red carpets than a Dyson vacuum. If you can stick a name plate on it and deliver it to huge applause, she's won it – BAFTAs, Logies, ASTRAS, Royal Television Society Awards, UK Comedy Awards, Bronze Rose De Montreux for shows like The X Factor, The Celebrity Apprentice, Dancing With the Stars, Big Brother, The Farmer Wants A Wife, and she helped create Q&A for the ABC.

Her content has been watched more than eight billion times worldwide and one event she produced created so much social traffic, it broke Twitter.

Maz now uses her TV and Film Producing techniques and strategies to help businesses grow and work forces think differently.

Expect great showbiz stories, great celebrity gossip and incredible forever skills.

Talking Points

Un-Bore Your Business Messaging

You may have the best product, team, idea or service on earth, but if your assets don't live up to your product, you're dead in the water. UN-BORE uses TV techniques and strategies so you lose the white noise and deliver your message with the impact of a cement fist in a cashmere glove.


You think like everyone else and the world doesn't need you. Creative thinking fuels enormous ideas, challenges an employee's mindset and opens the door to new business ventures and adventures. The people who do not accept the status quo are the ones that change the world.

Superstar Your Storytelling

It's not what you know. It's not who you know. It's who knows you.

You and your business are only as great as the story you create - create superstar stories so when there's a conversation happening about your industry, they're discussing you.

Rockstar Resilience

I don't know if anyone's noticed, but there's been a pandemic. Like things weren't stressful enough before?!? Rockstar Resilience is a key strategy that arms leaders, key players, stakeholders and teams to tackle stress, this changing world, the market, corporate conflicts and everyday confidence.
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