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A passion for social media.


Meredith's passion for social media began in 2003 as one of TAFE NSW's first teachers to begin to utilise and assess blogs, wikis, podcasting amongst other online technologies to support both students and teachers in distance and eLearning solutions.

Her ability to take the technical and decipher it in real terms for the 'ordinary person' saw her become a TAFE NSW Flexible Learning Leader and eLearning mentor to support teaching staff in integrating technology into the classroom to enhance learning.

She's passionate about ethical and authentic business practices, and weaves these themes through all her work.

Meredith delivers practical, engaging and easy to follow keynotes, breakfast seminars, workshops and mentoring programs, and is committed to bringing her audience the very latest and most relevant content.

In her presentations, Meredith artfully unpacks and links the learnings using images and stories from her experience working within multinational corporates. She is also known for being refreshingly open and honest in sharing lessons, humour and stories from her own life.

Previous experience

Video: She saw her first streaming video in 2005 (before YouTube) and she knew the world was changing and business was going to need to move with the times.

Consultancy: 2009 saw her open her own consultancy, Video.Social.Marketing and having watched the progress of social media as a business tool and communication channel, she began to evolve her service, offering education for the business market as a sought-after and entertaining speaker.

Talking Points

Get Googleicious: Using social media for visibility and leads

Social media surrounds us - our news comes from it, it shows up when we search Google for products, places and services and for many business owners and executives, they are still not clearly seeing the links between social media and how it can positively impact their business. In this presentation, Meredith unravels social media and shares the philosophy, the psychology and the importance of social media to business visibility in the millennium.

The Social Quotient: Does social media investment pay?

A Trough of Disillusionment - many businesses are sitting there right now in relation to social media. They set it up, they did what they were told and now they're wondering if this is all there is too it.There are many ways to measure social media - but how do we do it. Beyond the odd Facebook fan or Linkedin connection that is directly fruitful - how can we create measures that give us real data? In this presentation Meredith shares what she is doing with her clients that is reaping real rewards and leads.

The Social Tumbleweed

When social media can be great! But what about the sites that are set up in good faith and go nowhere. What about the epic fails in social media? There have been plenty of social sites set up that did not fulfil their potential. But what if you are using social media sites that are doing well, but you're social media is sitting in the epic fail� territory. What can you do? Is it retrievable? Or do you just cut your losses and go back to the drawing board start again, or completely forget it? Meredith shares top tips on how you can avoid your social media becoming an avenue for the social tumbleweed.

The Social Quotient: Getting down to the bottom line

Creation of measurable social media objectives and outcomes;
Setting of social media KPIs;
A full audit of all existing social media;
Strategy development for social media activity;
Key accountabilities and responsibilities allocated to staff/stakeholders;
Internal benchmarking of current web traffic and sources; and
A social media plan developed for the next 12 months.

The Social Media Boardroom Blitz: Monitor and measure your social media ROI

One full day and six half days per month for six months
All outcomes developed in the Social Quotient program;
Monthly progress report against set social KPIs;
Assessment of social media strategy and activity and success of the same;
Integration of social activity with other marketing and sales activity; and
Ongoing education and information for business owners around digital and marketing strategy.

Getting Linked in to Opportunities and Leads: Creating LinkedIn profiles that work

Four hour workshop
Building a LinkedIn profile that commands attention;
Creating a LinkedIn profile that talks to your market;
A LinkedIn profile that is loved by Google and gets you found; and
Using LinkedIn so you stand out from the rest.

Business Blogging Success: Creating blogs for online business visibility

Four hour workshop
Find your way to number one on Google through strategic blogging;
Harness the power of keywords to get found by your target audience;
Use your blog to create newsletter content;
Leverage your blogging stories across the internet for greater visibility; and
Create a blogging plan for an easy life!
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