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Founder of 'Heart on my Sleeve' movement & mental health advocate

True healing starts the day you feel understood. When you are real, there are no demons to hide from.


Mitch is a leader in the well-being space with a lifelong mission to ‘change the way the world feels’ by transforming the lives of 1 billion people to be more mentally healthy.

After working at Microsoft for almost 7 years, he left his successful corporate career to devote himself full-time to helping people overcome suffering and reimagine the healing potential of the mind through the power of storytelling, connection, and living with authenticity.

Mitch is a mental health expert – holding a master’s degree in clinical psychology from Columbia University in New York, and he has over 20 years of lived experience with mental ill health including anxiety, depression, and OCD.

Mitch is the creator of “Real Conversations” - a culture change program for high-performing organisations, with over 7,000 people trained in emotionally intelligent communication.

He is an accomplished keynote speaker having delivered talks to tens of thousands of people, including some of the most recognised companies in the world such as Amazon, American Express, KPMG and dozens more.

Mitch is most well known for being the founder of Heart On My Sleeve - a leading global mental health movement that exists to help people drop the brave face and be real about how they feel.

He has been an advisor to the United Nations on the topic of youth mental health and has been named a Man of Impact by GQ. Mitch also runs a popular podcast that has featured guests like Harvard Psychologist Dr Daniel Siegel as well as mindfulness guru Mallika Chopra and has previously won the award of “most inspiring mental health video of the year”.

He is here to talk to us about what it means to be human.

Talking Points

Pretending is Painful: The path to emotional freedom & internal strength

For everyone (focus: supporting self)

The first step to emotional wellbeing is to feel understood. In this keynote, Mitch provides a platform for every person in the room to drop the brave face and realise they are not alone.

This talk is designed to eradicate stigma and
increase awareness & understanding of mental health, resulting in deeper appreciation for the experiences of others that might not be so well understood at present. It provides educational soundbites that can be implemented from the instant someone leaves the room. This talk also inspires action by encouraging people to speak up and make it commonplace to have emotional wellbeing conversations.

Topics and outcomes:
- The 3 ingredients necessary to get out of the “stuck cycle” and reorientate our perspective toward growth (not surviving)
- The 4 truths about mental health that removes the “them vs. us mentality” with a clear north star to aim for in our personal lives
- 10 resilience tools that form the ultimate mental health toolkit that enables ANYONE to improve the strength of their nervous system
- The #1 call-to-action that motivates people to step forward and take charge of their internal world

Care-full Leadership: The core tenants of high performing, modern & inclusive leaders

For People Managers (focus: supporting staff)

Leaders set the cultural tone and are incredibly influential in establishing psychological safety, or placing it under threat. In fact, a manager at work is one of the top three most impactful people in an individual’s life that effects their emotional wellbeing.
In this keynote, Mitch increases leader’s understanding of their role as it relates to employee wellbeing, and drive commitment and accountability to adopting a whole-of-company approach to a more caring culture. Care-full leadership is about understanding how to bring the best out of people, which you can’t do that unless you know how to CONNECT with them.

Topics and outcomes:
- The key mindset that separates good leaders from great leaders that 90% of people managers don’t adopt
- Understanding the difference between a heart-led vs. head-dominated approach to leading teams and the consequences of “leaning out”
- The #1 responsibility of the workplace that mitigates legal liability, meets ethical expectations and ensures economic productivity
- The 4 pillars that embed psychological safety in the workplace including: protection, support, empowerment & role modelling.
- 3 tips for increasing emotional intelligence and team cohesion

Care-full Support: The immutable laws of a helpful conversation

For everyone (focus: supporting peers)

Most people freeze up or freak out in the moments that matter most i.e. when someone says “I’m not ok”. However, we shouldn’t be leaning out of conversations which could change or save lives by understanding a few key fundamentals of human psychology.
In this keynote, Mitch empowers the audience discover the root cause of their inability to help someone properly, and learn exactly what it takes to eliminate that forever. It’s been proven in thousands of scenarios where lifelong supporters went from feeling shame that they’ve let someone down in critical moments, to feeling completely fulfilled and confident that they are communicating therapeutically as an emotional ally.

Topics and outcomes:
- The #1 clinical study that illustrates the hidden secret of connection
- The 3 attachment styles that negatively affect your interpersonal relationships and how to identify them
- The “Golden Ratio of Support” that can 2x your ability guide someone through a difficult time
- The 4 personas of care-less communication that erodes trust and leads to distance instead of strength
- The #1 metric of a therapeutic conversation to avoid falling into the pitfall of rupture
- Top 10 mistakes that 90% of us make when trying to be helpful or supportive, without knowing it can make others feel worse
Such a fantastic session and I could've listened for hours from a leaderships side as well as a personal. Such great advice around being more open, a better listener and just being available for people. American Express

It's authenticity. The story that Mitch tells, and the way he tells it, breaks through. We've been having this conversation about wellness for a long time, inside of Microsoft, and making progress. But there's no question that when we introduced Mitch to the team and saw how he shared his personal story it resonated in a way we hadn't been able to get through in the past.


Mitch's keynote events and workshops are always delivered with great proficiency. Mitch is an extremely knowledgeable and engaging speaker in the mental health space who has the ability to capture the audience, across each level of the organisation, with real passion and authenticity. Each program Mitch has delivered across our organisation is met with positive feedback and we have our people continuing to ask for more.


Honest and raw. Mitch shares his story with such passion & authenticity. A must for all in business. The learnings & insights will stay with you.

MGA Insurance Group
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