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Futurist Speaker, Speculative Designer, Founder – Protopia Futures


Monika Bielskyte, a seasoned explorer and visionary, offers a unique perspective forged through years of globetrotting and deep research. Her journey has unveiled the intricate dance between social and political ideologies and the course of innovation.

Inclusive Innovation: Monika champions “protopian futurism,” a viewpoint that reimagines the future by embracing marginalized perspectives, from disability and neurodivergence to indigenousness and queerness. Her vision places technology as a culturally informed tool, shaping not only human progress but also planetary well-being.

Foresight Pioneer: Monika’s career began in XR and science fiction, where she confronted bias and techno-solutionism long before they entered the mainstream. Today, her focus lies in leveraging disabled and neurodivergent insights to redesign content, architecture, and technology for inclusivity and sensory comfort.

Agent of Positive Change: Monika doesn’t passively predict the future; she actively engineers it. Her talks provide actionable paths to innovation and transformative outlooks, benefiting organizations and the world at large.

Beyond the Podium: Monika offers futurist consulting and foresight strategy workshops. She collaborates with media giants, guiding them in future-focused projects like Marvel’s Black Panther. Monika also partners with R&D teams to infuse their innovations with cultural depth.

Global Influence: With six continents as her stage, Monika has addressed diverse audiences, from tech conferences to exclusive executive gatherings. Her visually rich keynotes demystify complex topics, from science fiction’s role in shaping priorities to regenerative future cities.

Monika Bielskyte, a beacon of foresight and inclusivity, empowers individuals and organizations to navigate an evolving world with compassion and vision. Her visionary approach enriches the dialogue on technology, culture, and the future, fostering positive global change.

Talking Points

Protopian Futures Design Framework as an Alternative to Techno-Utopianism

Science Fiction Bias in Technological Development & Scientific Research

Future of Inclusive Cities & Regenerative Urbanism

Life-Centric vs Human-Centric Design

Generative AI Tools for Future Readiness

AI Futures & its Ideological Foundations

Futures Literacy in the Age of Disinformation Warfare

Beyond the Metaverse Hype: Future of XR/UX/UI

The Potential of Edutainment (Education+Entertainment)

Disability & Neurodivergence Led Innovation

Monika Bielskyte has a rare capacity to cross correlate and unify design thinking across diverse media forms and platforms. Old "transmedia" paradigms have been faltering and falling away for a number of years now. Monika is an early pioneer of "Deep Media" and is currently demonstrating how to take that progressive strategy for design into experiential forms and formats to come. LucasFilm

Monika recently spoke at a Global Leadership Gathering my company held with our top 300 leaders. She has inspired a sense of pride in knowing that we can innovate and create a future for ourselves rather than looking outside and to the West for inspiration. She was rated as one of our top speakers and many of our 22 country colleagues have already engaged her to invite her to speak more specifically to their local teams. She is a true agent for change, playing a vital role in the world today in order to create a better future for all of us that is more representative of who we actually are and what we really need.

MTN Group

Visionary, innovative and a clear voice. What amazes me most is Monika's world view of technology, its place in our lives and her vision to use emerging tech to bring cultures together. Hers is a truly unique voice, a leader in her generation.

Ascendant Studios

Monika’s energy, experience, vision, creativity, soul and impact made her week of meetings, speeches and panels across the BBC one of the highlights of my time driving innovation there. She challenged, guided, inspired, entertained and educated a huge range of people from different teams. We see the world differently as a result. Our storytelling and world building will have more magik as a result. An immense achievement.

Masterclass Inc
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