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World-Leading Futurist & Innovation Strategist



Nikki Greenberg is a world-leading futurist and innovation strategist, focused on preparing organizations for a tech-enabled future. She helps leaders reimagine their businesses to align them with the increasingly digitized way that people live, work and communicate today.

She has held leadership positions with Fortune 500’s and most recently served as the Head of Technology Strategy at QIC, an Australian investment manager with a $70 Billion portfolio of assets under management. She is the founder and global ambassador of Women in PropTech and former three-term co-chair of the Technology & Innovation Council for ULI in New York City.

Holding Master degrees in both Architecture and Commerce, Nikki’s approach brings a balance between pushing possibilities, and practicality. Nikki is a highly regarded thought leader, a frequent speaker at leading global conferences, a commentator in the press, and a recipient of numerous international awards.

Talking Points

Be Future Ready: Designing The Organization of Tomorrow, Today

In an era where change is relentless, staying ahead requires more than just adapting; it demands a fundamental shift in how we think and operate. Join world-renowned futurist Nikki Greenberg as she unveils the blueprint for becoming future-ready. This keynote will equip you with strategies to become a future-ready leader who not only survives but thrives in the face of tomorrow's challenges.

Drawing on her experience leading the digital transformation of a $65 billion company, Nikki will show how to align your organization with the way clients and workers live, work, and operate in today’s digital, increasingly AI-driven world. With a combination of inspirational stories of visionaries throughout history and her 5-Step Future Ready Roadmap, Nikki Greenberg will demonstrate both the mindset shift and practical tips you can implement today to create an organization that thrives while your competitors fade.

2050: Creating Cities of the Future

How should we live in the future?

As the pulse of technology quickens, its influence on our urban landscapes and daily interactions grows ever more profound. Today's cities are becoming canvases for innovation, where the brushstrokes of technological advancement are redefining the essence of how we live, work, and connect. In the quest for resilience, economic vitality, and a future-ready society, the integration of technology with a human touch is the cornerstone of successful urban planning.
In her light-hearted yet insightful keynote, world leading futurist Nikki Greenberg, will unfurl the blueprint for cities of the future. With a blend of wit and wisdom, she will navigate through the intricate dance of generational change and the breakthroughs in robotics, AI, and other transformative technologies. Nikki's focus will be on how to weave these advancements into the fabric of urban life, ensuring that the cities we shape today are not only technologically advanced but also warmly human, inclusive, and capable of enriching the lives of the generations that will inherit them.

Audiences will leave equipped with strategies to not just exist in future cities but to thrive in them, fostering spaces where technology serves the community, where innovation sparks joy, and where the future is a place we all look forward to. Join Nikki for a keynote that promises to be as entertaining as it is educational, charting a course for creating places that will stand the test of time
and technology.

Rise of the Cyborg Organisation: Human & AI

In a world where change is the only constant, the rapid acceleration of technology has become a defining force in shaping the future of organisations. As we witness an unparalleled surge in innovations such as robotics, material science, generative AI, and 5G, the race is on for organisations to keep pace and lead the charge in their industries. The difference between trailing the pack and leading the vanguard lies in the ability to embrace and integrate these emerging technologies into the very fabric of company operations and customer offerings.
Join Nikki Greenberg, a world-renowned futurist, in her compelling keynote as she unveils how the tech-enabled organisation is not a concept of the future, but an imperative of the present. With a finger on the pulse of industry-shaping trends and technologies, Nikki will provide invaluable insights into harnessing these forces for transformative growth. She will dissect customer expectations for seamless digital experiences and demystify the journey towards technological empowerment, illustrating that embarking on this path is more accessible than many believe.
In this transformative session, Nikki will illuminate the path for today’s organisations to carve out their legacies for the future, showcasing that the opportunities we seize today will craft an exciting tomorrow for generations to follow. This keynote is a clarion call for leaders, strategists, and innovators ready to take a proactive stance in sculpting their organisation’s destiny in the tech-enabled era.

The Metaverse: Convergence of Physical Space &Cyber Space

The release of advanced mixed-reality headsets by industry giants Meta and Apple in 2023 has ushered in a transformative era for humanity, where the delineation between the physical world and cyberspace begins to blur. In this new age, our interaction with the built environment rapidly evolves, with digital integration becoming the norm rather than the exception. Iconic landmarks like the Sphere in Las Vegas and NEOM’s The Line in Riyadh are testament to the visionaries who dare to reimagine the concept of place, crafting digitally enhanced, future-forward environments that transcend our wildest imaginations.

Nikki Greenberg, a world-leading futurist, and digital master planner, invites you to a journey through the trends and technologies that sculpt our cities' future. Here, Nikki will draw upon her extensive experience leading the digital transformation of a $17 Billion portfolio of assets under management to shed light on the future-forward plans already set in motion, pushing the boundaries of what was once considered possible.

With her inspirational vision, Nikki will paint a vivid picture of future cities infused with the magic of mixed reality. Attendees will be captivated by possibilities that extend into a world where digital and physical realms coalesce, offering a glimpse into a life where our cities are not just places of residence but immersive experiences that enrich, engage, and elevate our human experience.

Gen-Z: The 2030 Opportunity

As the world tilts towards a future where digital natives, Generation Z, stand at the forefront, organizations are poised at an unparalleled opportunity to engage with the most tech-savvy, connected generation yet. In her lively and thought-provoking keynote, Nikki Greenberg, a preeminent futurist, will unravel the digital tapestry of Gen-Z's world. She will offer a compelling look into how emerging technologies are set to define our collective digital future and the pivotal role this generation will play in it.

Nikki will illuminate the pathways to captivate and energise Gen-Z, crafting approaches that resonate deeply with their values and digital fluency. With her unique perspective as a millennial, she will bridge generational gaps by distilling hard-earned lessons and transforming them into strategic foresight. These insights will crystallize into practical, actionable strategies for designing products and marketing initiatives that not only speak to Gen-Z but also amplify their potential as consumers and as part of the future workforce.

This session is a beacon for all those within organisations who are ready to embrace the Gen-Z wave —turning insights into action and preparing to meet the movers and shakers of tomorrow, today.

Join Nikki Greenberg to map out the journey of aligning with Gen-Z, as they are not just the market of the future, but the innovators shaping it.

iCommerce: The 'New eCommerce'

In the burgeoning age of iCommerce, the digital immersive retail experience entwines the fabric of online gaming and social media, captivating the hearts and screens of Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha consumers alike.

As digital marketplaces gain prominence, the traditional retail spaces find themselves in an exhilarating race, competing against not just each other but against the vast expanse of the digital realm.
Nikki Greenberg, a trailblazing futurist, and the mastermind behind the digital transformation of 22 shopping centres brings her high-energy and effervescent spirit to this keynote. She will unveil the forces reshaping the retail landscape and the strategies to forge compelling omnichannel experiences that bridge the physical with the digital, enriching the tactile with the virtual.

Nikki will guide audiences through the maze of 'i-commerce', illustrating how to harness the Metaverse in ways that allow physical and digital spaces to not just coexist but to converse harmoniously. This session is an odyssey designed to spotlight the burgeoning opportunities at the crossroads of tangible aisles and digital avatars, charting out the critical decisions that today's retail visionaries need to make to thrive in the digital-forward future of commerce.

Join Nikki Greenberg for an exploration into the renaissance of retail, where the journey through the sensorial and the virtual becomes one, and the future of shopping is an adventure waiting to unfold.

Sustainability: Pioneering the Future of Urban Living

The concept of sustainable cities has transitioned from a futuristic ideal to an urgent necessity.
As urban populations continue to soar, with projections showing that nearly 70% of the world will live in cities by 2050. Cities, the powerhouses of innovation and economic growth, are now at the forefront of combating climate change and ensuring a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.

In her dynamic and thought-provoking keynote, world-renowned futurist, Nikki Greenberg, will take the audience on an exhilarating journey into the heart of sustainable urban development. Drawing from a rich tapestry of global examples, Nikki will showcase how pioneering cities are harnessing cutting-edge technologies like AI-driven urban planning, renewable energy systems, green architecture, and smart transportation networks to revolutionize urban sustainability.
Nikki will provide insights into trailblazing projects that are setting new standards in urban living – from self-sufficient buildings that generate their own energy to entire neighbourhoods designed around zero-waste principles. She will explore the critical role of community engagement and policy frameworks in shaping these sustainable urban landscapes.

This keynote will not only highlight the incredible innovations reshaping our cities but also offer practical insights into how urban stakeholders, from government officials to real estate developers, can integrate these advancements into their own strategies. Nikki’s presentation aims to inspire attendees with the knowledge and insights needed to contribute to the evolution of sustainable cities, turning today's challenges into tomorrow's opportunities for a more resilient and eco-friendly urban future. This is a must-attend session for anyone invested in the future of our cities and our planet.

Additional Topics

- The Future Traveller: Tailored Experiences

- The Workplace of Tomorrow. Today.
- The Happy Hybrid Workplace
- Rise of the Cyborg Organisation
- The Productive Office

- Future Retail: Embracing Technology to Reshape Shoping Experiences
- iCommerce: The New eCommerce

Gen Z
- The 2030 Opportunity

- What Cities Will Be Like: When AI Takes Over
- 2050: Creating Cities of the Future
- Sustainability: Pioneering the Future of Urban Living

- Home of the Future: Smart, Green & Clean
- Future Agents: Human, Cyborg & AI

- Revolutionising Construction: NextGen Technologies
- Future Construction: Robot & Human

- AR & The Metaverse

Interactive Workshop: Strategy Game, Navigating Disruptive Trends & Technologies

An exhilarating interactive workshop designed to complement Nikki Greenberg's keynotes, the Strategy Games is a vibrant platform for professionals to explore, engage, and excel in the face of external disruptive forces. Whether or not you've had the chance to attend Nikki's keynote, this workshop stands as a powerful opportunity to collaborate with peers to deepen your understanding and application of cutting-edge concepts and disruptive technologies like AI.

More than just a learning experience, this workshop is a strategic playground. It invites participants from diverse generations and specialties to collaboratively delve into the implications of notable emerging trends and technologies. The focus is not just on understanding but on practical application within your organisation. It's a space where theoretical knowledge meets real-world strategy, encouraging a cross-generational and cross-specialization dialogue that fosters deeper understanding and innovative solutions.
Best presentation of the day! TechCrunch

The power of Nikki's message for the Real Estate industry simply cannot be ignored.

JLL New York

Nikki has the perfect blend of charisma, levity, & insight.


What Nikki said resonated throughout the rest of the [executive board] meeting. More than once, our asset/portfolio managers said as Nikki referenced earlier. It was really a perfect fit for us.

AEW Virtual

Nikki was so amazing and [we] are receiving rave reviews from the event attendees.

CREW (San Antonio)

I believe the audience had their eyebrows raised a few times and the leaders starting to think about generation Z more seriously. I hope that we get a chance to have [her] onboard again in another setting, great way for everyone to get up to speed on the trends out there.

CBRE Global Investors 2021 (London)

The perfect blend of charisma, levity and insight!

Global Real Estate, IBM (Washington DC)

The feedback on her session has been amazing. A lot of different people have contacted me to tell me how much they enjoyed it, but also have already been suggesting things we need to start doing as a business (or doing better) because of what she highlighted and discussed.

Frasers (Sydney, Australia)

I'm so thankful that we engaged Nikki Greenberg. It was such a great way to segway to talk about our organization's future vision

Appraisers Foundation (Washington DC)

It was a great one to close out on. Sometimes we are so busy thinking about the problems of today that it's great to be challenged to look ahead.

National Association of Realtors (San Antonio)

Nikki's topic The 2030 Opportunity' enabled us to all think about what's coming next, highlighting mega trends that will shape the future of our industry. [We had] an outstanding turnout and insightful event, thanks so much Nikki!

Opteon (Sydney, Australia)
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