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Dr Nora

Global Expert on Innovation, Human-Technology Interaction and Future Workforces


Now is the time for optimism and courage to lead the future of work


Dr Nora Koslowski holds degrees in psychology and management. She began her career as a researcher focusing on human-technology interaction, and gendered careers. She quickly advanced into academic leadership, becoming a head of department before the age of 30, and has since been a consultant, speaker and facilitator to many ASX top100 organisations, helping to equip leaders with a deep sense of purpose and a sense of hope for the part they can play in shaping a digital and AI-augmented future. Her courses on leadership, innovation, digital business and future workforces have impacted thousands of leaders over the last decade, across organisations including Samsung, Suncorp, nbn, and CBA.

Nora was Melbourne Business School's inaugural Chief Learning Innovation Officer and created MBS Online, bringing a legacy organisation into a digital-first future.

Nora is determined to transform education and ensure that the next generation of business leaders are prepared to lead a skills revolution. Her work has been featured widely, including in The Australian Financial Review, BBC, 3AW.

Talking Points

A Chief Innovation Officer's Tale of Leading Innovation

Innovation is desired by every leader and required by every business in order to stay competitive. But it can be incredibly uncomfortable to do things differently, and large organisations struggle with making disruptive innovation real. We protect what we know.

In this keynote, you'll hear some hard-won tales and lessons of leading innovation in the C-suite.

Key takeaways:

- Learn how to create a culture of rapid experimentation and innovation
- Align innovation culture with your organisation’s strategy
- Understand the business rhythms and team cadences required to embed innovation
- Learn how to align ‘hard’ elements of your business (e.g. structure, incentivisation) with an innovation imperative

Rapid Upskilling, at Scale

The workforce of the future will look very different to today. The skills in your workforce, the way people work, how they mobilise to deliver on strategy - all require complete re-thinking in order to thrive in a digital and AI-augmented world.

Key takeaways:

- Learn about the imperative for rapid upskilling and understand the size of the skills gap

- Consider which skills need to be built quickly in your organisation in order to be future -ready

- Understand how to embed new skills in your organisation in a way that fits into the flow of work and life

- Feel comfortable with new, scalable learning methodologies, such as peer-peer learning, and AI adoption frameworks

The Role of AI in Future-Fit Learning

Learning is core to being human. And we all want to thrive and develop. However, the AI world we are in now has significantly transformed everything we know about learning. We need to accelerate our learning and ability to adapt, and we have new tools at our disposal that we can collaborate with in order to grow quickly. This keynote breaks down the role of AI in learning and provides practical tools and insights that you can apply right now.

Key takeaways:

- Learn about the possibilities of AI in learning, from efficiency gains to better quality, personalised learning

- Delve into some available AI tools and apply them to specific learning challenges in your organisation

- Become comfortable evaluating bigger-picture risks and opportunities involved in an AI-augmented world

- Understand how to blend the best of human and technological possibilities

Elevate Women in Order to Solve for your Biggest Skills Gaps

90% of Australian employers are impacted by skills gaps. Birth rates are at a historic low of 1.6 children per woman. And yet, only 62% of working age women participate economically. In this keynote, be inspired to create female friendly organisational environment and skills development that solves for skills shortages.

Key takeaways:

- Learn about the persistent barriers that make it difficult for women to participate in work to their fullest potential

- Be inspired to be part of a wave of people making changes to equality at home and at work, in order to create a workforce which more evenly represents our country
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