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Dr Paul

Worimi Man, Author, Storyteller & CEO of Callaghan Cultural Consultancy



Dr Paul Callaghan is an Aboriginal man belonging to the land of the Worimi people, now called Port Stephens.

Paul has held several senior executive positions in his career including CEO of New England TAFE where he had responsibility for 1,200 staff, 23,000 students and an annual budget of $65million. He has qualifications in surveying, drafting, commerce, training, executive leadership, company boards and executive coaching. He also has a PhD in Creative Practice. His most important learning however, has been through going bush with Elders.

Paul is also an author. His book, The Dreaming Path became a best seller in Australia in September, 2022 and received the Australian Book Industry Award for ‘Small Publisher’s Adult Book of the Year’ in 2023. It has also been published in France and Germany and will be published in the USA in October 2023.

Talking Points

Authentic Leadership Learning from the World's Oldest Living Culture

Organisations are forever seeking better ways to lead. From an Aboriginal perspective, they all continue to get it wrong. Through this presentation, Paul provides an alternative view on leadership that has been successful for over 60,000 years. Many of the insights he provides are applicable in the contemporary business world.

Key takeaways:
- Western leadership theory is too narrow in its scope
- Aboriginal leadership provides a new way of viewing the leadership role
- The Aboriginal way of leading can change the world in a good way

Two Worlds Together

Target audience: Anyone wanting to know more about Aboriginal culture and how it can create a better place (workplace, home, community, region, country and world)

Western culture has created many things that give us enjoyment every day such as hot showers, coffee, timely transportation and the ability to talk to someone we love on the other side of the world in real-time. At the same time, there are many people who feel like something is missing. Through this presentation, Paul explores key values of the Western world and Aboriginal world and explains how bringing the two worlds together can be a good thing for everybody.

Key takeaways:
- The Western world has much to offer but we often don't see it
- The Aboriginal way of seeing the world can help you better navigate day to day life
- By understanding Aboriginal ways of being, we all have a chance to sit together in unity and fellowship and better appreciate the beautiful land we are blessed to live in

Work Life Balance Making it Real

Despite promises two decades ago that our personal world would be one of increased leisure, most people find high-level stress to be a workplace norm. We all talk about getting balance in our lives but few of us know what to do about it. Through this presentation, Paul provides insights from the Aboriginal world and the Western world on how to make the changes necessary to get your life back.

Key Takeaways:
- Work can be a good thing but we need to set boundaries
- Work Life balance can be achieved but it requires discipline and self-responsibility
- You owe it to yourself to get balance in your life so you can live the best story possible'
Paul was fantastic! He was so professional throughout the process and his keynote was highly engaging. We would definitely have him back. CSL

It doesn't matter who you are or where you've come from, there is something truly universal in the wisdom and life lessons shared by Uncle Paul Callaghan. Whether it's an intimate, interactive session or captivating keynote presentation to a large audience, people hang off every word and are deeply moved by Paul's story, perspective and authenticity.

Gone Bush Adventures

We were so grateful for Paul's time and wonderfully powerful and thought-provoking session. He was so open, genuine and really showed the importance of listening to Aboriginal peoples stories at a local level, being yourself and the concept of true Unity. We are truly grateful and just really wanted that to be passed onto him that we sincerely appreciate his time. A load of us said afterwards we are going right away to purchase his book!

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