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Ideate. Disrupt. Build Trust. Stamp your character on the market.

Transformative artist, visionary leader, and corporate strategist driving success


A thought-leader well-ahead of the pack, Pete Jeans entertains and educates audiences with stories that pragmatically illustrate how you can develop success in business and your personal career growth.

Author of the ebook The Art of Strategic Marketing War - Pearls of Wardom, available on Amazon now, Pete truly delivers insight and take-aways you can embed in your organisation tomorrow to address persistent strategic challenges.

He's an ideas man, mentor and presenter across more than 30 industry sectors in the APAC region.

Current work:

Pete Jeans calls himself Head of Customer Trust at strategic advisor IDEAgenda. He sets out to tame the intractable business and organisational challenges that persistently challenge us.

Peter has been a Facilitator at the Australian Institute of Management MBA School of Business for some years; and a sessional lecturer at Charles Sturt University School of Business; so he's very well credentialled and is highly experienced in engaging audiences and delivering value. He's currently also heading a high-profile team exploring new opportunities in Australian businesses.

He's a former Director at SMO responsible for more than 29 years of customer success in complex and difficult project leadership across the Asia-Pac region; delivering more than $100M of top and bottom-line growth.

Previous experience:

His best skills are engagement and creating value for his audiences that they can take-away and implement immediately.

He is a storyteller and has entertained audiences for a long time simply by illustrating the essence of best-practice; mixed with a dry sense of humour that people get.

Speaking engagements have been wide and frequent; from industry association MC roles to regional development keynotes to educational webinars to corporate product launches to private forum facilitation to community engagement.

Talking Points

Mental Health & Resilience: How to Tough it out and Build Resilience

This keynote presentation proposes ten key result areas where leaders should focus to ensure healthy business growth and to develop healthy cultures.

Key takeaways
- Are your KPI's relevant and adequate?
- To survive, you must grow
- To grow, you must compete
- To compete, you must be different and better
- Do nothing other than create value and look after your staff
- Be proactive

A passive corporate approach probably results in a slow corporate decline

Leadership: How to innovate and disrupt profitably

Many of Australia's most significant organisations allegedly have formalised innovation activities. Some don't.

Worse still, disruption gets lip service in corporate arenas; largely because few actually understand the power of this concept.

How many outfits are pursuing innovation as a platform for success?

Innovation issues like product development and disruption have little standardisation around best-practices processes, techniques, tools and evaluation.

Key takeaways
- First-to-market with real innovation has the advantage!
- Map your markets first to find serviced and un-served customer/product/service segments
- Map your customer segment's unsatisfied needs
- Allocate adequate development budgets
- Establish teams to search for new value
- Go deep with market segmentation
- Persist and innovate with best-practice innovation processes.

Leadership: How to Find Pearls of Wisdom

Join Pete Jeans' strategic business journey as he shares tricks, traps and techniques for emerging and current leaders to get ahead of the game

Key takeaways
- Survive, grow and compete
- Accelerate your career
- 12 critical success factors
- How to create value every day
- Pearls of wisdom to make and save money

This keynote delivers strategic and operational insight which will power YOU up as well as your team leaders to compete more effectively.

Motivate your team leaders to ACTION tomorrow.

Learn some of the tricks and techniques of professional management practice. Share Pete Jeans' learnings and insights of a successful leadership career.

Leadership: How to get Battle Ready for Tomorrow's Challenges

This BATTLE READY keynote motivates emerging leaders to consider key issues and significant competitive challenges.

Key takeaways
- Commit to compete
- Metrics for performance
- Focus through growth project teams
- Tighten-up your business model
- Ideas and innovation processes

Workplace Culture: How to Slow staff Churn

Staff churn is a very serious issue. Some say the rate of staff turnover exceeds 18% annually. It's the risky underbelly of running a business. We understand it poorly and handle it badly!

Staff churn rates are a strategic issue for any organisation. Costs are potentially huge. Losing key talent can be disastrous in the short term.

Key takeaways
- How to incentivize talent to stay
- Do staff turnover management models have merit?
- Positive culture platforms
- Managing the unjustified concept of entitlement
- Motivating Gen X and Gen Y.

Today, employers have to offer more than competitive rates of pay and benefits. Today, employees expect their employers to be socially responsible and more!

Post COVID & Collaboration: How to be first-to-market

This DISRUPTION presentation defines the journey to engage previously unserved customer segments.

Key takeaways
- Disruption is NOT about new products
- Map your markets first to find un-served segments
- Allocate adequate development budgets
- Establish teams to search for new value
- Go deep with market segmentation
- First-to-market has the advantage!
- Persist and innovate.

How to overcome the frustrations of Art !

Jeansy shares the pathways as an unknown international artists to open the gateways to art collectors
Pete Jeans is an accomplished presenter and marketing leader. As a member of the NSW Council of the Australian Marketing Institute some years back, he occasionally acted as MC for some of our events at the AMI. He has the ability to engage audiences and hold their attention; whilst delivering useful relevant information you can implement tomorrow. I'd recommend him to organisations looking for a marketing expert presenter or facilitator. He has marketing leadership best-practice firmly within his grasp across the conventional and digital marketing landscapes. Storyfirst Films

Pete Jeans is a subject expert in marketing. He facilitates face-to-face delivery of our Marketing for Managers unit at the AIM Business School for MBA students in Sydney. I had the pleasure of seeing him in action at our recent AIM Open Day. Pete's engaging style and clear illustration of key marketing concepts makes it easy for audience members to understand how best-practice marketing can be applied practically in the chase for profitable business growth.

Australian Institute of Management

Pete Jeans is an expert marketer and thinker across key issues for business today. We've known each other for a long time. I've had the pleasure of interviewing him on air recently on key marketing issues. He knows his stuff and presents it so that audiences are engaged and get good value.

Tim Webster - Radio 2CH
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