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Artificial Intelligence, Complex Systems & Cryptography


As the founder of HumAIn Capital, Simone Plante invests in cutting-edge technologies such as AI, Quantum Computing, and frontier technologies.

She is also a Faculty member of Singularity University, where she shares her expertise in Artificial Intelligence with others.

Simone's career in technology began in M&A investment banking at Morgan Stanley. She co-founded three successful start-ups, commercializing technology developed by the Defense Advanced Research Programs Agency (DARPA), part of the United States Department of Defense responsible for developing emerging technologies. She has a proven track record of working with innovative data integration and AI startups, which received funding from prominent companies like Microsoft and Intel and resulted in successful exits.

In addition to her role at HumAIn Capital, Simone is a Venture Partner for Quantonation, the world’s first and largest early stage VC Fund dedicated to Quantum Technologies and deep physics, she is also Venture Partner for Artesian Capital (Artificial Intelligence).

Talking Points

Keynote: The Future of AI: Seizing the Opportunity (Interactive)

Understanding AI and its exponential opportunities can be overwhelming. In this keynote, we’ll review the past, present and future of AI. We’ll learn about the most relevant advances in AI and how they are linked to the exponential growth potential for you.

Target audience: Executives and leaders charged with advancing their organisation by AI. Leaders who want to stretch their knowledge of the future of AI and its impact on humanity

Key Takeaways:
● Understand how AI is being used in practice today in business and direct to customer applications
● Develop a point of view on the exponential path of AI systems
● Insights for the future of AI agents and Augmentation

Workshop: The Future of AI: Seizing the Opportunity (Interactive)

Topic synopsis: Understanding AI and its exponential opportunities can be overwhelming. In this workshop, we’ll review the past, present and future of AI. We’ll learn about the most relevant advances in AI and how they are linked to the exponential growth potential they create for you and your business by looking at current AI agents, models and systems.

Target audience:
Executives and leaders charged with advancing their organisation by AI. Leaders who want to stretch their knowledge of the future of AI and its impact on humanity.

Key Takeaways:
● Understand how AI is being used in practice today in business and direct to customer applications
● Develop a point of view on how to engage with and utilize AI systems and agents for your business
● Insights for the future of AI agents and Augmentation
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