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George Jones

Navigating Tomorrow's Tech Landscape: Simplifying AI, the Metaverse and Emerging Technologies for Business Evolution and Digital Mastery

Master the fundamentals, cultivate a curious mind, and watch the ideas flourish.


Toby George Jones stands at the forefront of emerging technologies, having spent the last 15 years deeply entrenched in tracking their evolution and potential impact across a myriad of industries. His strategic insights into innovation is rooted in practical applications that have defined his unique role in facilitating the understanding and integration of complex tech such as artificial intelligence, the metaverse, and other emerging technologies.

Toby's approach is straightforward yet impactful: demystify, educate, and inspire. He simplifies the complexities of high-tech subjects, making them not just understandable but relatable, helping to bridge the gap between advanced concepts and everyday use. This has made him an invaluable voice for anyone looking to decipher the tech language that shapes our world.

Drawing on personal experiences that highlighted the limitations caused by a lack of digital skills, Toby has committed himself to ensuring that technology is recognised not merely as a set of tools, but as an essential element in embracing the transformative changes of our time. He is passionate about educating others, sharing insights that encourage proactive engagement and experimentation.

As a speaker, Toby sidesteps the hype that often surrounds technology trends, directing attention to the real-world advantages these innovations can provide. His keynotes and workshops are crafted to enlighten business leaders and the wider workforce alike. His approach ensures that audiences are equipped with the practical knowledge needed to embrace the coming waves of technology with a confident curiosity.

Talking Points

The Future is Here: Embracing Emerging Tech

Explore the transformative power of emerging technologies in this enlightening keynote, emphasising adaptability and how to grasp opportunities (growth). This engaging presentation ensures that attendees leave empowered and well-equipped to start navigating the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Who’s it for: Suitable for business leaders, marketing professionals, strategic planners, and the broader workforce.

Key takeaways:
1. Understand how emerging technologies are reshaping industries, and learn to identify new growth opportunities within this landscape.
2. Acquire practical strategies for adapting to and integrating these technologies in your business, enhancing innovation and competitiveness.
3. Gain insights into future tech trends and develop a mindset geared towards continuous learning and agile response in a rapidly changing tech environment.

Metaverse for Beginners

Dive into the metaverse and discover its potential impact on business and social interaction. This accessible and insightful keynote breaks down complex concepts, helping attendees understand the significance of the virtual realm and uncover the unique opportunities it presents.

Who’s it for: Ideal for marketing teams, strategic planners, business executives, and decision-makers.

Key takeaways:
1. Gain a solid foundation in the metaverse, including its history, terminology, and practical use cases.
2. Grasp the significant opportunities the metaverse offers for business and social engagement.
3. Acquire a structured approach to begin exploring and utilizing the metaverse effectively.

AI is Here to Stay

Learn about the real-world applications of Ai that is revolutionizing every industry. This presentation highlights current examples, along with some mind-blowing insights into the coming wave, providing a deeper understanding of Ai's potential and its far-reaching implications for the future. Attendees will leave inspired and informed about the transformative power of artificial intelligence.

Who’s it for: Suitable for business leaders, marketing professionals, strategic planners, and the broader workforce.

Key takeaways:
1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of artificial intelligence, covering its evolution, types, terminology, and practical applications.
2. Explore the vast opportunities presented by AI through demonstrations of current and emerging trends in various industries.
3. Learn about essential AI tools and strategies to begin effectively implementing and benefiting from AI in your field.

AI is Here to Stay (Keynote + Webinar Workshop)

Having enjoyed the keynote attendees are invited to participate in a follow-up webinar workshop. This session will demonstrate practical starting points for embracing some of the most popular emerging AI tools. It will include industry-specific suggestions, sample prompts, potential tasks to experiment with, and safety guidelines.

Who’s it for: Suitable for business leaders, marketing professionals, strategic planners, and the broader workforce.

Key Takeaways:
1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of artificial intelligence, covering its evolution, types, terminology, and practical applications.
2. Explore the vast opportunities presented by AI through demonstrations of current and emerging trends in various industries.
3. Learn about essential AI tools and strategies to begin effectively implementing and benefiting from AI in your field.
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