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Wellbeing Wonderworker


Renowned for her hilarious story-based talks, Toni Powell is one of the most recognised & enjoyed positive culture and wellbeing speakers in Australia.

She’s recently won two international business awards for thought leadership, is the author of two books and her Goalcast talk has over 15 million views.

In a former life Toni was the founder and director of the uplifting Heart of Gold International Film Festival – an event that had a huge impact on a community, toured Australia through Hoyts, and was so successful that Toni was the subject of a heartwarming episode of ABC’s Australian Story called ‘Let There be Light.’

Toni’s great gift is using stories and comedy to teach simple ways all of us can use to turn our pain, stress, failure and trauma into a fantastic springboard to better things.

It’s amazing to find that you can overcome almost anything with a few simple tools and Toni’s work is chock-a-block full of useful, easy, simple tools that actually work in real life.

Talking Points

A Ferret and the Secret to Happiness

Happiness is the resilience superpower - happy people are tougher, more flexible, kinder and more tolerant no matter what is going on. Toni shares her unlikely and inspiring journey of taking responsibility for her own wellbeing and moving, rather rapidly, from deep despair to joy. She also shares the fascinating science behind the dramatic and long-lasting change she experienced.

If you’d like your people to flourish in every area of their lives then this is the talk to book.

Key takeaways:

- A brand new understanding of how your brain works
- What the key to rapid mindset change is
- Better understanding of themselves and of others
- More care and tolerance to others
- The easiest happiness skill ever

Business Outcomes

- More bonded team
- More positive culture
- Staff retention
- More energetic and engaged team members
- Bottom line increase - raising team happiness by 1% = 12% rise in sales (Oxford Uni)

Perfect for:

- Workplaces where negativity has got a toe-hold
- Teams that are stressed and exhausted
- Staff who are working in challenging environments
- Workplaces who value team harmony
- Anyone at all who wants to be happier.

Increase Intelligence - Unlock Magic

This keynote presents compelling research showing how words shape our brain's cognitive abilities. Full of mind-blowing science this talk provides powerful motivation to change the way we speak to each other and, most importantly, speak to ourselves.

Key Take Aways:

- Changed inner chatter
- More positive language = increased brain power
- Lower stress
- Increased flexibility in thinking
- Improved self-esteem
- Less critical of others

Business Outcomes

- More positive and creative team
- More productive and energised team
- Less complaining, white-anting, gossip and negativity
- More positive workplace

Perfect for:

- Workplaces where there is complaining and negativity
- Companies keen to build more positive culture
- Businesses keen to help their team become more resilient and motivated
- Leaders who are wanting to reach new heights

Two Polar Bears & the Secret Relationship Assassin

Based on the true story of a nasty office conflict between two ABC radio presenters (names are hidden) this eye-opening session delivers life-changing revelations that helps everyone understand what might be the real killer of great relationships.

In the midst of being entertained the audience gains great insight into why many of their relationships are difficult and what they can do right now to change that forever.

Key takeaways:
- A brand new understanding of the real relationship assassin
- How eyesight works and why that matters to relationships
- Better understanding of themselves and of others
- Insight into why their brain prefers them to blame others
- 5 things (about yourself) to wake up to if you want to improve relationships
- 5 ways to do relationships better

Business outcomes:

- More caring and positive culture
- Mental health stability
- Staff Retention improves
- Staff Engagement improves
- Problem-solving, creativity & innovation improvement
- Overall team happiness and resilience improves
- Less time off sick

Perfect for:

- Helping everyone improve ALL their relationships
- Companies keen to gain greater insight why people behave the way they do
- Businesses keen to build a strong and caring team
- Leaders keen to understand themselves and others

The Yellow Car: Drive Away Stress Instantly

Late one night in a quiet suburban street, Toni Powell had a major life epiphany. She observed a young couple engaging in a comical altercation with a little yellow car, leading her to a revelation about her own relationship with stress. In this delightful presentation, Toni shares a fresh perspective on approaching stress. Her simple, down-to-earth approach helps audiences transform stress, fear and anxiety from problems to a source of humour and resilience.

Brilliant for: Tired, stressed, anxious, burned-out, and overwhelmed audiences.

Key Takeaways:
- Instant tool to dramatically reduce daily stress
- Change perspective on challenging situations quickly
- Learn to identify solutions with less effort
- More optimistic outlook
- How to focus on the positives


Toni offers completely customised workshops ranging from 90 min to two days. These can be delivered in the workplace, paired with a keynote at an event or virtually. Toni’s workshops are enjoyable, funny and highly
interactive with all recommended tools being simple and practical.

Topics include:
Toni has the unique ability to connect with people of all levels and combines examples, humour and high energy to convey her message. She gets outstanding feedback. CPA

Toni recently delivered a captivating keynote, THE YELLOW CAR, to our group. She has an exceptional ability to engage her audience from start to finish. Her dynamic and charismatic speaking style drew everyone in; she skilfully intertwined humorous anecdotes with valuable insights.

First National

The women were absolutely enamored by her. Her wit, charm, and ability to inspire left an indelible mark on all of us. We were all deeply moved by her personal anecdote about THE YELLOW CAR, and she equipped us with invaluable strategies to navigate the challenges of stress and anxiety in our everyday business lives.


The best speaker I have heard in over 30 years as State Manager at Allianz. Our team were still talking about Toni’s session years later. It’s powerful content.

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