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Ferocious Warmth Leadership


Tracey Ezard is known for her Ferocious Warmth' leadership approach and professional collaborative culture work.

Current Work:

Tracey's collaborative framework The Buzz, which creates an environment of learning, trust and innovation, is used in education and organisational systems throughout Australia and the UK. Her Buzz Diagnostic on collaborative cultures has been used by over 500 schools and has had over 10,000 people participate. Tracey has run leadership programs for education and system leaders for over 15 years in all education sectors in Australia and in New Zealand. She also works with education federations in the UK. The Buzz Academy, launched in 2021, is an online portal that assists school leaders skill up their learning leaders in building professional learning cultures.

She has presented in conferences on programs alongside educational global leaders such as Professors John Hattie, Michael Fullan, Carol Dweck and Lynn Sharrat, Maggie Farrar and Pasi Sahlberg. Tracey works extensively with principal and assistant principal networks throughout Australia.

Tracey is the 2022 recipient of the ACELVic Hedley Beare Educator of the Year award, a National Fellow of the Australian Council of Education Leaders (FACEL) and a Certified Speaking Professional. She has a background in teaching and educational leadership in the Victorian state system, business management and HR in fine dining restaurants and project management in the automotive industry as part of the Teacher Release to Industry Program.

As a speaker, author, educator and mentor, Tracey brings to any group she works with a range of models and positions that will spark the new thinking and discussion that needs to continue evolving in a complex and diverse global paradigm.

Tracey is an author of three books. In 2021 Tracey launched her third book Ferocious Warmth - School Leaders Who Inspire and Transform.

Her previous books, Glue - The Stu? that Binds Us Together to do Extraordinary Work is for leaders across all sectors who want to lift beyond convention to create high performing teams, and The Buzz – Creating a Thriving and Collaborative Sta? Learning Culture, designed for education leaders to support schools to bring about transformation in education.

Tracey is Board Chair of the social enterprise, The Corner Store Network, which aims to eradicate food poverty issues both in Timor Leste and in Australia.

Talking Points


Get your people thinking about how they lead and learn together in this environment of constant and fast evolution.

Tracey's Keynotes can focus on:
- Ferocious Warmth Leadership
- Collaborative Learning Cultures
- Culture and Strategy Should Eat Breakfast Together
- Psychological Safety for Learning and High Performance
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