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The World's #1 Bucket List Expert


As a self-appointed ?Bucket Listologist', Travis Bell has obsessively studied the Bucket List phenomenon and blended the world's best positive psychology principals to create his own unique Bucket List Life Philosophy. He has designed his life around his bucket list, and now he helps Bucket Listers all over the globe create and cross off theirs.

A Bucket List is a tangible reason ?Why': a life plan that has the power to transform every area of your life. It will help to decrease life's distractions and increase your focus on what truly makes you happy. But this is far more than just writing a simple list; this is about the journey you'll experience in the process of achieving your list and about the person you become in the process.

Trav says he has a special super-power! His super-power is to stop people just existing, stop 'ground-hog' days, and stop waiting for 'someday' or 'the perfect timing' to come around. He wakes people up, gets them off life's treadmill and helps them to start living life on purpose.

Before Trav became The Bucket List Guy, he built a chain of personal training studios across Australia. Starting with one client, he and his team went on to do over a million personal training sessions and motivated tens of thousands of clients. This is why Trav is now regarded as one of Australia's foremost personal development speakers and life coaches.

Described as 'infectiously motivating', Trav always brings fresh stories to each seminar and event he does because he's out there practising what he preaches. His 'crazy' Bucket List adventures are hilarious and truly inspirational.

Trav will show how to prevent regret and start living your list before it's too late!

Talking Points

Build Your Bucket List

This is Trav's signature Keynote
In this Keynote you'll learn about:
- Why traditional Bucket Lists are BS!
- The Life Grid™ & how it really wakes people up
- How to create a Reverse Bucket List
- The M.Y.B.U.C.K.E.T.L.I.S.T. Blueprint™
- How these principles are an antidote to mental health

The audience will leave with:
- A completely new way of looking at their life
- An overwhelming sense of purpose & meaning
- A renewed sense of fulfilment & gratitude
- A personalised & actionable Bucket List Life Plan (TM)
Increased engagement through a tangible 'WHY'
- A framework that they can use with their team & family

A possible misconception is that if Trav gets up there & talks about Bucket Lists to a corporate group, everyone will quit afterwards. It’s quite the opposite. It creates even more cohesiveness with team engagement. Not to mention mental health benefits too. Life is way too short!

Action Your Bucket List

This Keynote normally follows Trav’s Build Your Bucket List Keynote.
With that said, Trav can do a combo of the 2 if there's enough time.
- In the 1st one, he’ll give you the framework.
- In the 2nd, he’ll help you take action!

In this keynote, you'll:
- Do a quick recap of the Build Your Bucket List Keynote
- Share the lists you've built
- Reverse engineer your personal Life Plan
- Establish Bucket List Buddies
- Take massive ACTION in the room!

The audience will leave with:
- A sense that anything is truly possible
- A formula for overcoming initial inertia
- An actioned Bucket List that is in motion
- An ecosystem of support & accountability
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