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Advocating for world-class Customer Experience through marketing automation, personalised content & ethical data capture

Automate where we can, Humanise when we must.


“Automate where we can. Humanise when we must”.

A belief and lived-by mantra from this Digital Native when approaching digital sales and marketing, putting both his consumer and his (customer-centric) professional hat on.

Vinnie Romano is a 16-year veteran of the advertising industry, having worked with some of the world's most-loved brands, in the industry's most iconic creative agencies across both B2C and B2B sectors. He has held senior leadership positions, consulting C-level individuals at the largest organisations across EU & APAC, helping these companies in proving marketing ROI and saving millions in the process.

Current Work:

Some refer to Vinnie as a Virtual CMO that is focused on performance through the lens of a salesman. He refers to himself as a Content Marketing Strategist, a Social Selling Enthusiast and a Demand Generation Evangelist with an all-encompassing view to ensure the Customer Experience is always created with the customer in mind.

Vinnie has worked with Samsung, easyJet, Canon, Dell, Foxtel, Lenovo, Westpac Group, PepsiCo, Kellogg's (to name a few) playing a critical role in these businesses' communications strategies via traditional advertising and digital content marketing strategy and execution.

He is a Certified Partner, Webinar Producer & Host with Adobe, with deep knowledge in the Demand Generation philosophy and is currently a Lecturer in Marketing at Macquarie University. As well as being a Start-up Founder & Mentor with Stone & Chalk, UTS Start-ups and River City Labs, he is also an ex-radio MC and has trained as a Dating Coach.

He's looking forward to hosting or speaking at your next event.

Talking Points

Generate demand for your business, not leads

Lead generation� doesn't require a definition. But it does require some thought. Especially now.

With internet browsers removing 3rd party cookies by end of 2022, CRMs and MAPs globally rolling in GDPR restrictions and Google's aim to make the internet serve the customer with good quality, authentic content for all, gone are the days of buying lead lists and blasting emails or cold calling un-consented prospects�.

Now is the time to be thinking about how your business can be educating and adding value to your audience at scale. Demand Generation is a method that, quite simply, generates demand for your brand by creating awareness of and interest in a company's product/service, with the use of technology at the core. This type of marketing strategy covers every part of the B2B buyer's cycle, from stranger to repeat customer.

You establish this by building relationships with your prospects at a time of their learning and discovery i.e. being ready with answers to their questions at the earliest stages of their thinking possible; sometimes before they even know their questions themselves. And you maintain it by continuing to understand what your customer's needs are and delivering on them throughout every step of their experience with you. It is the holistic view that encompasses lead generation, lead nurturing, customer conversion and customer advocacy.
Being a demand generation consultant, Vinnie was best poised to advise us on what we were doing well and what needed tweaking through a content marketing lens, in order to see greater returns from a commercial perspective. Together, we implemented and oversaw the roll out of new SaaS solutions across APAC, which provided us with the base foundation we could truly grow from as an organisation. This paved the way for new levels of alignment between the sales and marketing teams, providing us with an efficiency of marketing automation and higher levels of productivity across both departments. With this heightened unity, we became part of more conversations, more often with potential buyers. This was done through effective thought-leadership and social selling techniques that leveraged our internal team and their networks, getting us in front of more of our audience at more relevant times. From there, Vinnie helped us tell our story. He helped us identify and drill down into more depth who, where and what kind of people we needed to focus on. By combining our buyer personas with our company and executive leadership team's values, we were enabled to solidify our content pillars, handpick which content topics we felt were relevant for that time and truly provide helpful insights that we knew would resonate, giving us opportunities to have better quality conversations with qualified prospects. Through the combination of this activity, our customer experience was performing at the highest level; for strangers, warm leads and existing customers, helping us retain more business, for longer. Vinnie brought a matter of science to our lead generation activity and enabled Lenovo to increase our revenue substantially over a 3 year period. Lenovo
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